Entrepreneur Or Couch Potato?

Kicking off the day with adventure and excitement. Michael The Traveling Trucker needs all of your ATTENTION.

Here is my blessing over you: You are anointed to win-Empowered to prosper-Impossible to curse. I speak life over you, health, bless your finances. You have more than enough.

Lately, I have tried to interact with a lot of people who CLAIM they want a way to make additional income. What I get are the excuse-makers, couch potatoes, broke no money, no interest in what I’m doing, but yet fill out every form for making money.

I spend a lot of time looking for that DIAMOND in the ruff. Are you my DIAMOND?

Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/diamonds/

Diamonds On Dark Surface

This is 2022, FOLKS. I’m an Entrepreneur working online for 24 months sharing my life with all who come my way.

Here is my question: What do you want? Do you really know? I know for a fact we have the best system, the right teachers, mentors, and customer service.

We have something for beginner, medium, and advanced. You can start small and build if a beginner. Put a small investment into your business and yourself or decide to GO ALL IN.

You have been a couch potato long enough. It’s TIME. All you lack is a little bit of training, which we offer. Why doesn’t $2000.00 get your attention?

1 sale per month $2000.00 = $12,000.00 for the year. What would that do for your household budget?

2 sales per month$2000.00= $24,000.00 for the year.

Now use your imagination and go as high as you like.

I’m inviting you to be part of the best team ever. 9000 people strong and counting. Each of those has made a sale. Why not YOU?

Here is my best resource for you.

If you contact me personally, I have several other programs I can share. I love helping people see their dreams come true.

The world we live in is moving very fast. I’m here to settle your nerves down, speak peace over your life and HELP you become all you can and want to be.


Poker, Cards, Casino, Gambling, Game

Today is your best day. Things are looking up for you. Take advantage of all our resources.

Life Is The Greatest Adventure-Join Me.

Want More Results Online?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with tips on getting more results online.

Marketing is a profession that if done correctly, can make you some serious
amounts of money.

Today I would like to focus on several areas I think are vital for better engagement.


Team, Teamwork, Together, Strategy

HEADLINES: You can have the best content, the best news for doing things, and the best news for making money, but if people don’t open your email or read your blog, you don’t have them. This should be a PRIORITY for your blogs and emails.

Keeping your emails short and sweet is very important when you are email

You want to make sure you get your point across as quickly as you can without leaving out any important details about the product you are promoting or the message you are trying to get across.

It is very important that you make sure that the marketing experience is as
convenient as possible for the customer because this will surely lead to
more sales.

Here are a few Headlines that caught my attention:

Learn how to make money online as an affiliate, Claim Your Free Traffic Package Worth 5 To 20 Every Day, Get Paid To Log In Every Day!, New System Pays you multiple times Per day on autopilot!, $1,000 IN MAILBOX CASH , 2k with New system.

Are you starting to let those juices flow?

Bulletin Board, Stickies, Post-It, Note


It’s so important to put content out DAILY on social media! You never know who is watching. As the saying goes” SOMEONE IS ALWAYS WATCHING”. If you are just showing up once a month on Twitter or other social media, people will not remember you or engage with you.

I believe that you need to be in front of people 24/7/365. Are you making videos on Youtube and sharing them? Post. Every. Single Day! No Exception!

Now for the BIG ONE: DRIVE THEM TO A CAPTURE FORM. Your goal is to make sure you are funneling potential customers and leads into your list. You should be adding to your list daily. Communicating with your people helps in the process all the way around.

Here is what I call the 10,000- hour rule. You must stay consistent. It takes 10,000 hours of consistent ‘practice’ to master your chosen niche. Most people won’t even invest 100 hours into their business. You have it beat already. Don’t ever give up.

I will grow my subscriber list by 50 new people. I will add 50% to my monthly income. I will learn 1 new thing per day. I will share my life with people daily.

My resources are here for you to use.

Engagement Is The KEY

Do You Want To MOVE Forward?

Michael The Traveling Trucker wonders how far you are willing to go to SUCCEED? Will you make the welcome video? Will you show up daily and put in the work for money-making activities? Spend money on tools for growing your business? If you are unsure about any of these activities, ASK ME. That’s why I’m here.

Do you have a calendar for keeping appointments? Will you consider getting a mentor? Will you buy your 1st solo ad? Will you pay for your people to advance to level 1?

Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/people%20helping%20people/

All of life should be thinking about others. This is what life is meant to be. Helping, teaching, mentoring, and LOVING those around us.

So what do you do when plagued by a persistent problem, one that goes on and on? View it as a rich opportunity. Think about it as a tutor by your side guiding you through the maze.

The learning possibilities are only limited by your willingness to be teachable. You Are Teachable, Right?

This is the toughest solution of all: IN FAITH, BE THANKFUL YOU HAVE PROBLEMS. Once you become grateful for your problem, it loses it’s power to drag you down.

Exercises to Help You Find Clarity: clear your mind. I have found this not so easy without practice. Sometimes our thoughts won’t quiet down.

Set your timer for 10 minutes. Close your eyes and wait. When your mind begins to flood your conscience, write everything down- yes everything.

Friends, Trust, Friendship, Together

ASK FOR GUIDANCE & BE OPEN TO RECEIVING. Your connection between your soul and spirit, you should write down any ideas, insights, thoughts, or revelations that come up during this spiritual process.

Ask yourself the following questions to help define you: What are the experiences, activities, relationships, etc that bring out the best in me?

What new habits can I create to empower me to be my best? Brush up on your business skills. MAKE DECISIONS WITH CONFIDENCE. You can be at your best when you help others solve their problems, make plans, and bring joy to those around you in simple ways.

Migration, Integration, Migrants, Merge

Can you help people through writing, setting up a web page, creating a solo ad message, help them set up the system for making money? There are so many little things that help people daily, pick one and help them.

I have 2 great mentors. Today I invite you to become my protege. Let me teach you valuable life lessons with love and understanding. I have lots of life lessons to teach being on this earth for more than 60 years.

Let’s do this together. What do you say? Great Resources.

Walking and Teaching People Is The Spice Of LIFE.


Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with LET’S PLAY A GAME, READY?

Are you an OPTIMISTS OR A PESSIMISTS? Do you really know the difference in your thinking and speech? Most of us think we are a certain way in our thinking but what does your speech say?

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/inspirational%20quotes/

What type of attitude do you have toward the things that happen to you in daily life?

Optimists are people who look for positive outcomes, while pessimists seem to expect the worst to happen. Researchers have found longer life and increased immune system functions for OPTIMISTS.. Food for thought-Happy words and thinking get the body moving in the right direction for health.

Pessimists are not doing so well. They had a much higher death rate, I don’t want this do you? Had more physical and emotional health problems, more pain, less able to take part in social activities, and less energy.

Just from these 2 simple definitions have you decided which you are?

Would you like to become a full-time OPTIMIST? To become a full-time OPTIMIST is to monitor one’s own thinking. This takes every bit of effort to accomplish. YOU CAN DO IT.

Try this simple test. Keep a small ziplock baggie in your pocket, every time you speak or think negatively put a quarter or any other coin in the baggie. At the end of the day count up the coins. Anything over 8 coins should tell you something. I’m going all out to change the way I think and talk.

Here’s the problem, most people don’t really think about their thoughts or characterize them as negative or pessimistic, which means that the damaging effects of thinking are left uncontrolled.

Are you ready for the BIGGEST BRAIN EXERCISE? When a bad mood strikes, stop and think about what just went through your head. This takes practice. Are you up for taking your thoughts captive for the positive?

When you recognize the negative statement, treat them as if coming from someone else who is trying to make your life miserable. Think about the damage the statement is doing to you.

Argue with those thoughts. Challenge each negative statement and replace it with a more positive statement. Thinking about your thoughts in the last few hours, how many of them were negative thoughts?

Everything we think or say affects us positively or negatively. WE MUST change our thinking in our personal life and businesses.

Example: Your boss comes in at 4:45 knowing you leave at 5 and tells you to stay over for an hour because he has a project that he needs you to finish. What is your immediate thought? Positive or Negative? Be honest with yourself.

Life is full of situations that come at us throughout the day. We MUST be aware of how we think and speak. I know we can change this pattern. You Up For It?

L E T ‘ S D O T H I S R I G H T N O W !!!!!!!!

For more resources click here.

I look forward to everyone’s results on Jan.1, 2022. Let’s be open and honest when you take the challenge.

Speak Positively and Watch Out For Negative Speech.


May your day be filled with JOY and HAPPINESS. Greetings for Michael The Traveling Trucker.

So what is your skill level and are you willing to improve your skill level?


Think about this statement: Everyone starts at the beginner level. You move on from there. I hear people say they have no skills. I get that, I was there once. I have set myself up to learn one new skill per day.

So where do we begin? Do you use a laptop, phone, or tablet? This will determine what skill level you will start at.

Your phone only gets you so far. Not all businesses are designed for phone access. I’m part of the Wow app group. Most of this is phone use which works well to earn money and make contacts. I can help anyone who is interested in how Wowapp works.

Tablet gives you almost as much as a laptop. The difference is typing and using a mouse. A tablet is good for people on the go. Whip it out, use it and get on with life.

The Laptop is where I do the bulk of my business. From advertising to my viral mailers and traffic exchanges to writing this blog. I can buy solo ads, Facebook chat, create new landing pages.

I must let you know whatever your skill level, GLN-Genesis Lifestyle Network has the #1 training for any marketer from beginner to mastery level. Click the above link and get all the details.

Mastering the ability to learn will get you in the game and keep you there. Daily activities, yes doing the same thing over and over until you master it should be your goal.

Knowing how to actively grow and develop a skill is a skill in itself, and if you understand how the principles of learning work, it will be easier to learn any new skill in the future.

This is a must-Take action. Don’t let a day go by where you just sit by and do nothing. One small action can produce BIG results.

Breaking down a skill. Every skill has several sub-skills. To improve faster it is useful to find the sub-skills that are most important and focus on improving them.

Always look for ways to improve. Think about the next statement for a minute. If you don’t search for what will make you better, you will never find it. Just some good food for thought.

View a challenge as a great opportunity to learn. The real goal isn’t to practice, it’s progress. The progress you can measure. Keep track of your progress. Write it down and study it.

Find the optimal time of day to practice. Everyone has a time that works best for them. Use it to your advantage. Create a learning environment that facilitates practice.

A good learning environment requires that you have full focus on the learning, so remove all distractions.

My number one skill that I really had to spend time on was: Paying attention. You want to be focused on the small corrections you can make to perform better.

Try to focus on the details that can make you improve at the skill you are learning. Paying attention is more than just listening, but putting into action what was being taught.

How we learn skills can take a lifetime to fully master. Do it daily and see the biggest growth in your life and the life of your business.

Learn Something New Each Day


This was quick, simple, and to the point. How do you introduce yourself? With me it”s………

Hi, my name is _________________. It’s that easy. You stick out your hand while talking to your new prospect. You begin your conversation by asking something about the person.

I personally ask about their dreams. How long they have worked at a job, how long they have been pursuing their dream, their family, or anything that seems relevant.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/quotes/

Still, Items, Things, Book, Notebook

I have fun, telling jokes, making dance moves to music I hear, complimenting them on something like their glasses, shoes, car. You get the point, RIGHT?

When people share they are interested in making money, that light bulb goes off for me and I ask if I can send them my link to what I’m doing. I have several different marketing businesses that I can share.

It’s all about the PEOPLE. Make them feel they are the most important person in the world which they are.

White, Brick, Wall, Quote, Bike, Bicycle

Never mind, I’m famous in my mind already. LOL

Sharing is caring to me. I care enough to want the best for the people I come into contact with. I hope you do the same.

I would love for you to click here to see what all the excitement is about.

You have a phone on you most of the time, ask for their contact info, put it in your phone. You can call or text them. Just touch base to see how they are doing. Ask if they had a chance to click your link.

Text, Words, Message, Type, Decoration

It’s how we learn to communicate with people. I personally have never met a stranger. I love people today. I love talking, sharing ideas, living life with my new friends. Build your list and cultivate it wisely and you will see great things HAPPEN.

To Have A Friend, Be A Friend


Hello One and ALL. Michael The Traveling Trucker with the HOT NEWS.

No person since the beginning of time till now has had the same FINGERPRINT. How many BILLIONS of people and no two the same?

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/fingerprint/

The SNOWFLAKE has the same characteristics as no two are the same. Year after year the snow falls around the world and no two are the same.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/snowflake/

This brings me to YOU-reader. Look in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Some say yes, others no. No matter what, THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU. There has never been one before you were born and there will never be another you after you die.

This brings me to share business ideas with you. No two are the same. They have some of the same characteristics but not the same. The reason for this is simple- YOU and I are different and we see and act on information differently. I love this. I’m me and you are you. What we share is the value of the information in our brains.

I love blogging and you love advertising. I love the phone calls and you love to text. We both get great results. Different is good and beneficial to all who engage with others.

Do you see the differences in these faces? They are all BEAUTIFULLY DIFFERENT

We must embrace the differences and become the best we can be. I love when Janet and Rob share information with me. I hear what they say and learn from the teachings. I put MY spin on it and make it MINE. Make sense?

If you’re marketing to small businesses you’ve run a story with a title that is something like “Top Tips for the End of the Financial Year”. Whatever business you are in, you have a catchy title, “6 tips for writing the best content, and getting results”, right?

What I see is the art of contact with people. You get information from what people need and find the solution. We write books, do webinars, have Youtube channels, create lead capture pages, write blogs, have the best phone session.

You have all this information at your fingertips, now WHAT? How do you make it UNIQUE?

I put my spin on it from Michael The Traveling Trucker. I’m the only one. Yep, and I bet you have something that makes you unique, right?

Rob Gehring has TrafficLeads2Income viral mailer and a host of other things that are unique to ROB.

Janet Legere has ContactList Builder and a book How to Get Stuck On Happy. Both of these are unique to JANET.

Jared Meyers has Genesis Lifestyle Network which is unique to Jared.

Are you seeing a pattern? Here are some profiles to consider:

Inquirers: They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning.

Communicators: They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.

Open-minded: They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories. Accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring: Personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Empathy, compassion, and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. 

Risk-takers: They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.

Reflective: They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience.

Be Unique To Yourself And In Yourself


Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with following the process from lead to core member.

What does it actually take? Glad you asked.

Mention: https://mashable.com/article/where-to-find-royalty-free-images

I’m part of TL2Ivm –Traffic Leads 2 Income viral mailer coop with Rob Gehring- MY MENTOR. I buy leads through a package he has which sends me around 30- 40 leads per month for my 1 share in the coop. This cost is $50.00 per month. For me, my budget is 100 dollars a month for now. My increase is coming.

All of my coop leads promote Genesis Lifestyle Network. This is my high ticket sale item. Owner Jared Meyers does a fantastic job keeping everything up to date for us.

I’m part of THE CONVERSION PROS Which is a monthly cost of 50.00. It gives you a complete system to create lead capture pages, keeps track of your leads, and a host of other tools.

I have TCP on my phone. When a new lead form coop or my advertising from viral mailers, solo ads, and other Facebook groups, it gives me an alert. I can then call, text, or email my lead.

This is the lifeline to my Affiliate Marketing business.

Now my journey begins. I first leave a quick text saying,” Hi (their name), This is Michael Lipsey from the Genesis Lifestyle Network and I received your request for more information on our work from home program. When can we schedule a 5- minute talk”? Yes Folks it’s that easy. Welcome them to GLN. Tell them they are in the right place at the right time on your 1st call. Plant the seed, makes sense, right?

They text me back with a set time or when they are available and I call right then. If I don’t get a response that day, I contact them every day for 5-7 days. Be polite each time. You don’t want to scare them away. If no response MOVE ON. WORK WITH SOMEONE WHO WANTS WHAT YOU OFFER.


You should have a quick list of questions. Have you gotten your welcome email? Did you watch the video that explains who and what Genesis Lifestyle Network is? Did you sign up for the 7-day free trial?

Be calm and relaxed. Build a friendship. Set their minds at ease. Remember what it was like when you were deciding to get started.

I talked with one of my leads for several weeks, answering questions and guiding him with things to do. ( watch presentation video, read entire business plan). He became a core member at the beginner level.

I always encourage him/ them to start after the 7- day free trial period. Get the most out of the 7 days. You could earn your 1st commission. You would have zero out-of-pocket expenses.

At the end of your trial period, your system will be turned off until you become a core member. Let them know they can get started for as little as 50 dollars. I tell them the prices for all 6 of the packages. Some come in at beginner level some at Mastery level. Either way, folks you earn a commission. That’s exciting.

Build your list daily. The more the merrier. It’s all a numbers game. Go through as many as necessary to get your core member signed up.

If you are NOT part of this system, WHY NOT? It has everything you need. JUST FOLLOW THE SYSTEM STEP BY STEP.

JOIN ME NOW. I will introduce you to all our leaders. Sound good?

Build a friendship 1st


Well, you finally made it. Congratulations. Michael The Traveling Trucker wishes you the very best.

With all that planning you did to get here, NOW WHAT? Make sure that you become a great boss ( THIS IS YOU) that YOU are leading the pack and making everyone around you better on a daily basis.

What are your plans for moving ahead with yourself and your TEAM?

Mention: https://pixabay.com/vectors/

Here are my tips, FOOD FOR THOUGHT.

Think positive

Understand the power of positive psychology, look at every situation as a learning opportunity. As a leader, you must always set the pace for your team. The easiest way to build this trait is to do positive self-talk each morning.

Be honest & transparent

Great LEADERS possess the leadership skills to appropriately tell people the truth, whether it’s good or bad. PLEASE, this is so important. ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH. People respect honesty.

Communicate Effectively

So many problems in an organization are the result of a lack of communication. Help those on your team to understand what they need to do. Be as specific as possible. A great leader knows when to talk, but more importantly when to NOT talk. Quiet gives you time to think and process the information correctly.

Know how to inspire TEAM

The fact of the matter is that great leaders know how to inspire. Sometimes, they don’t even know it. You lead your TEAM by example. Cool clear thinking with the appropriate action.

Align your Team

Keep the entire team focused, and aligned towards one long-term goal. What is your long-term goal? Helping your team to grow and earn money on a regular basis. Building your list and helping your TEAM to build their lists. Setting clear, realistic, actionable goals for your team is one of the most important parts of your job.

Be a mentor

If you’d like to be a great boss a major part of your skillset will have to be a mentor. I love this part. I have 2 of the best mentors ever. Their skills are the most valuable to this TRUCKER. They offer recommendations that have worked for them. They have way more experience than I do about what brings in great results and what doesn’t.

A compassionate boss is someone who truly cares about his/her TEAM. You have a listening ear and can relate personally. You help in times of trouble with compassion and gentleness.

Being a leader should be FUN, Energetic, Laughable, Peaceful, Guidance Counselor, Mentor, Devils Advocate when needed. Be yourself. Learn something new every day.


Being A Boss Or Learder Is Important Treat It With CARE


Today, I, Michael The Traveling Trucker speak blessings over you, READER. You have been looking for a long time for positive words to live by.

Come sit with me and let’s explore the words of the UNIVERSE. Time is the same for everyone. 24/7/365. The difference is how you USE IT. DON’T BE A TIME KILLER, BE A TIME MANAGER.

Mention: https://www.profitableventure.com/entrepreneurial-quotes/

Reposting @justc4urself: #internetmarketing# ...

“A business idea is just another idea. But an idea backed by strong feasibility, a thorough business plan, and a smart team is no longer an idea. It’s now a solid business opportunity worth pursuing.” – Ajaero Tony Martins

Have you looked into the mirror today and told yourself, you are well-loved? YOU ARE. Have you said to yourself today, I can accomplish this task with speed and efficiency? YOU CAN and WILL.

Business Lesson 101: Start with a notebook and pen. Write down your thoughts no matter how big or small. Write what you see each morning, afternoon, and evening. This is the starting point of greatness.

Think about this next statement:

The Purpose of A Business

The purpose of a business is to offer value (through products and/or services) to customers, who pay for the value with cash or equivalents.

How do you offer your product or service? DO NOT EVER SELL PEOPLE. Research what they need and become the go-to person for solving that issue. When you help people, they are more apt to buy from you.

Value is always that which is perceived by the customer. Ideally, it should evolve, change, and multiply over time.

Talking to oneself is important. If you don’t speak positively to yourself, you are missing a valuable resource. You know what you are capable of, I see what you can and will become with a little training.

 “The most important word in the world of money is cash flow. The second most important word is leverage.” – Rich Dad.

Pick one thing to FOCUS on until you master it. When I quit drinking, all I focused on for 2 years was not drinking until it became a habit. Now I don’t think about drinking.

Same with smoking. I focused on NOT smoking until it became a habit. Now I don’t think about smoking.


I share my business with everyone looking to SUCCEED. You may not know anything about business but you can learn. It’s not that hard. Be TEACHABLE.

Click Here NOW.

I think about how to help people. I speak intelligently and passionately about LIFE. How to make yours better. I don’t have all the answers. I can research with you to find the best solution.

My Mentor Janet Legere wrote a book: Get Stuck On Happy. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book. Order your copy today.

“Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people.” – Mary Kay Ash.

Try this today: Leave someone better off than you found them. Show them the best LOVE you have to offer holding nothing back.