What To Do With 2023

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker greeting you in 2023.

How did you end 2022? What goals did you conquer and overcome?

If has been hard for a lot of people. People are still recovering from Covid.

More and more people don’t want to work. Stores are closing, resturants are short staffed. Have you seen this in your part of the county?

People love to make excuses for why things are so bad. Then there is a group of online marketers who are making a full time living from the internet.

My buddy Jared did a 60k month. My Business Mentor is helping beginners make their 1st 1k online.

Do you want something diferent for 2023? Are you willing to follow a few simple instructions?

Our group of coaches and mentors are here to help you every step of the way.

Reach out to me by Clicking Here. I am waiting for you. Go ahead and click the link.

If It’s To Be It’s Up To Me.

The Right To Be You

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker says” Be You”.

I had this conversation with my oldest daughter, Tori. She said she loved my Michael The Traveling Trucker and gave me some tips about Tik Tok. I have watched her videos and loved them, so I asked for her advise.

Mention: https://upjourney.com/quotes-about-being-yourself

That’s right, There is only one of YOU. I know, you say, I don’t like me or why would people choose to talk to me.

We all have had this talk with ourselves. If you don’t like something about yourself, take 30 days and change it.

You were born as a unique person, there is no other person in this world
who is exactly like you. This is also true when it comes to your personality.
It is unique for a reason.

That is why it is so important to always be yourself.

Tell me one thing you like about yourself? I’ll go 1st. I have NEVER met a stranger. I talk to anyone anytime about any topic we choose.

I believe in you. You are here for a reason, so let’s explore the why.

Are you a care giver, love animals, good listener, organized, artistic, good at writing, natural leader? Whatever it is, use it. That’s why you have it.

Do you know who you really are? Ever since you were young, you have been conditioned to be one way or another. It may be weird just to spend a day being your spontaneous self, but sometimes it is the only way that you can learn how to be yourself.

Do you look at everything as a glass half full or a glass half empty? It can be easy to be negative about yourself. When it comes to being happy, it is vital that you learn how to be yourself and to be more positive.

Mistakes in your life do not always need to be seen negatively. Think about what went wrong, learn from it, and move on. This one right here is one of the MOST IMPORTANT steps—-LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES AND DON’T REPEAT THEM.

If you need help ASK. People love to be needed. Most of the people I have met are ALWAYS willing to help when asked. I need help all the time and I ask. It helps me grow when taught what I’m missing.

We all need help from time to time and we all can help someone else from time to time.

Best statement ever: A Blessing Is Not A blessing Until You Give It Away.

Bless Others By Being YOURSELF

Looking for A Good Business Education?

Professor Michael The Traveling Trucker With plenty of questions for you.

What do you look for in Business Education? Price, Mentorship, video training, one on one coaching? Duplication, easy to follow, access to your mentor?

Are you just a dreamer and not an action taker or are you serious about owning a business that will thrive?

How much time do you have to invest in your business? Do you have an investment to secure your Business Education? Do you have a budget per month to keep you going?

If you go to University in-state you are looking at $9,349 per year, out of state is $27,023 per year.

Biggest question EVER: Why do you think you can have a Business Education for free? I’ll let that sink in a minute.

There are so many ways out there that claim you can make money easy online and get out of your 9-5 .

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but,thats not the case considering 94% of people fail to make a single cent online. Don’t be one of them. Listen and follow sound advise.

I do High Ticket Affiliate Marketing. I don’t have to create anything. I promote other peoples programs for now. I’m still in the training and learning stage.

I researched several companies and found what is a good fit for my time and money. My journey has taught me, Building my list, phone conversations, follow up and follow up again and again.

You see, the thing is there is way more to starting an online business than posting on Facebook or doing vidoes on Tiktok.

You need to put in the groundwork and learn the fundamentals.

Here is my INVITATION to you. Click Here.

If you are looking for exceptional training, here is your chance. Act now by clicking the above link.

I look forward to working with you.

Training Is Vital Don’t Skimp

Are You Creating Your World?

Good morning everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with a BIG SHOUT OUT.

My mentor and business partner Rob Gehring has relaunched the Traffic leads2Incomeviralmailer to the New TrafficLeads2IncomeCashMailer.

Let me tell you why this is exciting- You Get Paid To click and Read Your Cash Mail Inbox. I like getting paid daily to read my inbox messages.

Inside the back office area, you will find all sorts of improvements. New Banners, email messages and a Splash Page.

You need to check out the Downline Builder. This is where you set up your links to other programs which gives you multible streams of income.

Please don’t forget some of the best coop leads anywhere.

Since the launch on 6/1/2022 we have had 100’s of new members join.

Why not see for yourself and Come Join Us.

TL2ICM rocks

I’m Placing The KEYS In Your Hands

Take a deep breath. Smell the smells of spring. Hello Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker with Kingdom news.

Mention: Pastor Chris Vaughn Grace Summit Church

This is such a great time of year. The trees are blooming. The grass is growing. Life is fresh and new.

Winter has passed and the sweet days of spring are upon us. Spring always brings new life. It seems business is springing to life also. Lots of new and exciting changes are coming.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/combine%20harvester/

As I drive across the country, I pass so many working farms. Lots of hugh pasture lands waiting to be harvested several times a year for hay.

I love to see the harvesting machines cutting the grass, then rolloing it. You see rolls of rolled grass all across the fields, waiting for the tractors to come and load them onto trailers.

When I see the fields, Genesis 8:22 says, ” While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”

God’s Kingdom systems on this earth are here, working, and always in operation. For us to access them, we have to know about them. Focus our attention on them.

The most important part of all is having the KEYS to the kingdom to unlock the power.

As you look across the fields, you see the barns where the tractors and harvesters are housed. Those powerful machines are just sitting there and waiting, until the owner of the field puts the key into the ignition, starts the engine. Then the harvesting can take place.

It’s way to easy for us to take our eyes off the sitution and get distracted. Please remember that everything requires a key to operate properly.

In business there are keys you must have for the operation to run at all and run smoothly. BUILD YOUR LIST. Have a sales funnel in place. Talk to people daily.

Become a problem solver. The Go to person.

Think to yourself, want do people need? How can you supply their needs?

Not everyone wants the keys and the ride. Some are just tires kickers.

The KEY to the above statements is not just seeing the words but doing what is being shared with you. You Must Take ACTION. Are you ready to be an action taker?

We have a mentorship program, digital products and services. Lots of educational videos.

Whatever situation you find yourself in , We Have The Keys.

I want to personally place these keys in your hand. Then walk you step by step until you reach your GOAL.

Here is the best part for me. Click Here.

Keys To The Kingdom

Have You Heard Of Lkigai

This is a Japanese word.

Hello Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker with breath taking tips on LIFE.

Lkigai means- What we like. What we are good at. What the world needs. What can we get paid for. Now that’s exciting.

Are You Learning To Paint The Right Picture That People See And Understand What Message Your Conveying.

Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/art/

Free Shallow Focus Photography of Paintbrush Stock Photo

Everything we do in life SHOULD draw us closer to our GOALS and DREAMS.

Do you have a VISION worth pursuing? Without a clear vision your purpose may be obscured. Have you written down your goals, dreams and vision?

Let me tell you you a story.I like Being a full time driving trucker, driving across the country.My time is VERY limited. I have had to make time to pursue my goals, dreams and vision. I have met many interesting people. Many have taught awesome life lessons which I have applied to mine and my families life.

Sharing is a KEY role. How many people have helped you over the years? How many have you helped back?

Mug, Motivation, Dream, Dreams, Coffee

I have learned VISION keeps you passionate. Keeps you Motivated. Gives you Direction. Most people I know have a 9-5 job. They have a short drive to work, short drive home. They have 4-to 5 hours each day to perform tasks which could make them a good amount of money.

I drive 11 hours most days. I leave on Sunday, drive back on Thursday for a Friday delivery. Then I have 36- 40 hours at home before I drive back out.

Why am I telling you all this, We all have a certain amount of time. Let’s NOT make excuses as to Why we don’t have enough money.

All I can do is advise you to a few things I have learned. I have great mentors who have taught me what I now teach.

Build Your List. Build A tribe Of Followers. Be The Person Who Helps People Solve Their Problems. Have Value For Your People. High Ticket Items Sell The Best. Be Teachable. Find and Work With A Mentor.

Click My Latest Resource

Help People

Have You Ever Thought This?

“It’s impossible for me to close High Paying Clients.” I’m an introvert( which I am NOT), I’m not good at selling.

“Selling is not my strength”. “I freeze when I talk to people”.

Welcome to a fine day with Michael The Travelng Trucker.

I sit here laughing to myself for I have said and answered all these statements.

Mention: https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/first-time-home-buyer.html

When I honestly answered these statements, what was my real holding back moment. It was my BELIEF system. I didn’t really think I could do this. Boy was I WRONG. I’m so glad I had people who believed in me before my belief system came through.

I’m going to save you thousands of hours of struggling. STEP 1- Build your belief system. Read this next statement several times. ” If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t, you are right on both counts.” DO OR DO NOT- THERE IS NO TRY.

First-Time Home Buyer FAQ | Georgia Department of Community Affairs

You NEED to go ahead and believe the positive side.

You MUST build your beliefs each day. You can DO IT.

Your belief system is what is holding most people back, ME INCLUDED.

Do you remember when you started driving? How about starting your 1st job? Having your 1st child, whether giving birth or proud papa?

How about buying your 1st home, buying your 1st car? If we are honest our belief system was low, we overcame and life began to get better.

It’s NO different here with High Paying Clients. After your 1st encounter, you will look back and see it was not that scary.

Let me say this here and now-I believe in you. I will always believe in you. I will believe for you until you believe in yourself.

My mentors still believe in me even when I have the disbelief cries. We all have it. Move on.

Just because things seem to fail, money spent, people tells us one thing then do something else. I get it. I TRUST the people I do business with. They are true leaders, entrepreneurs, teachers and go getters.

Quick Tips for First-Time Buyers in London

I’m asking you to trust me even though trust has not yet been earned. Let me guide you, show you the value of what we as a group are doing. 9,997 people world wide so far and getting bigger daily.

There is more to life than MONEY. Money is a tool to make your life better. Do you have joy in your spirit? Song on your lips? True happiness come from within, so start today by saying,” Today is a great day and I will enjoy it.”

I want to offer you a opportunity. Click Here to join us.


Do You Know Exactly HOW?

Right from the start, Greetings and salutations. Michael The Traveling Trucker with Great news for all.

Today is your day. Yes, I said” TODAY IS YOUR DAY”. Do you believe it? It’s ok if you don’t. We all have to start from where we are.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/mentor/

Software Development, Guest Post

Belief is over 90% of the hurdle to jump over. My belief was very small to start. With each success it grew. Now I’m about 95% in my belief. I’m not quite there yet.

Fun Facts: Now, according to The Millionaire Next Door, the percentage of first generation millionaires is 80%. When it comes to millionaires, it’s now a case of “who’s next?”
Your neighbor? Your colleague? Your sister or brother? The kid
who works at the local grocery store?

It could be ANYBODY… and it
could be You!

Trainer, Coach, Tutor, Business, Mentor

So where do you start and who do you start with? I’m glad you asked.

I discovered the digital world of online business. It has a vast aray of knowledge from people all around the world. They have step by step instructional videos, PDF files to download, hands on training and mentorship programs.

I hear a question coming up, Who Do I trust? This is where you need to build a relationship. It’s YOUR time and money. Don’t just throw it away. Do some investigating. It’s OK to talk to people. Find out what their business and personal life are all about.

If people don’t share this with you, is this someone you want to work with, give your money to?

I found a MENTOR. I was shocked to learn that I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel and create something out of this world to become a millionaire.

THAT’S the secret. Sounds so easy, RIGHT?

Coaching, Training, Mentoring, Business

It can be. 1st, You must be willing to invest in yourself and your business. Folks, this means TIME and MONEY. Please don’t think for one minute you can achieve this by doing nothing or FREE. Let’s be honest- That isn’t going to happen.

2nd- Find a MENTOR who is willing to hold your hand for awhile, but then push you out of the nest when you are ready. There are countless scams out there so do your RESEARCH.

I believe I put in the amount of time that fits me and my circumstances. We are all different with different needs.

So the 6 million dollar question, where do I start? My Best Resource Click Here.

The digital age and the online business model has made it easier than ever to access all the information you need!

Come meet me. Come ask your questions. If I don’t have the answer, together we will get it. I have 2 of the best Mentors in the online world. They are available and willing to point us in the right dirction with the best plan of action.

Let’s Build This Together

How To Become A Story Teller?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker Storyteller Extraordinaire.

Why should you tell your story, and how do you get people to relate to your story?

Mention :https://pixabay.com/images/search/husband%20and%20wife/

Bride, Groom, Wedding

I’m a full time trucker. I drive more than 2000 miles per week. I leave on sunday and come back on friday. I get 36 hours at home. In that time, I have laundry, cooking, yard work and some wife time.

Come closer, my best memory is the silly emoji’s I send and receive from my wife. We tell stories and add to them them by all of our Emoji’s. She will send one and I respond with another. It always follows the 1st emoji to the last. It will last us most of the day.

Birds, Love, Couple, Owl, Romance

Somewhere in that time frame I put in some internet time. I promote several businesses. This has been a slow process but very gratifying.

So how do I get you to tell your story? What trips your trigger? Who are you and what is your hearts desire?

Couple, Love, Marriage, Elderly

I have to force myself most days. Time is short and seems to be getting shorter.

Do you have any social media accounts? Do you like to write, read, and talk to others? Do you like to share what you have with others?

What is your favorite memory? Is it family, friends, vacation? Is it your favorite trip somewhere?

You should ALWAYS invest in yourself. You are well worth the effort.

I want to help those that want it. I’m available to talk, mentor and guide anyone.

Michael Lipsey

For My Best Help Click Here.

Tell Your Story. We Need To Hear it.

You Are What The World Needs

Hello Guys and Gals, Michael The Traveling Truckers is encouraging you to see what you have the world needs.

Mention: https://www.istockphoto.com/search/2/image?phrase=over+achiever

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Have you ever asked people what dominates their thoughts? Ok, ask yourself the same question. What dominates your thoughts? Is it positive thoughts or negative thoughts?

Are you the person who sees the problem or sees the possibilities that lie right around the corner?

A fruitful life is not the result of chance. It’s the result of right choices. If bad things try to dominate your day, move your thinking to positive things.

Think about this statement: You’ll always be more convinced by what you’ve discovered than by what others have found.

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Please don’t believe something just because someone else does. Find out for yourself. Do the research, get the facts, then make your decision.

Another great statement: If you start on a positive, end with a positive. Greater opportunity and momentum is the rewards of past accomplishments being turned into new ventures.


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In the race for excellence, there is NO finish line. It’s a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.

One action is more valuable than a thousand good intentions. A smile is mightier than a grin. Smile, it adds value to your face.

When others throw bricks at you, turn them into stepping stones. ALL great ideas create conflict, battle, and wars. In other words, your destiny cretaes challenges and criticism. STAY the course and be all you were meant to be.

What good is aim, if you don’t know when to pull the trigger? If you take too long in deciding what to do with your life, you’ll find you’ve lived it.

All this is to get those juices flowing to create a lifestyle you have dreamed about. I invite you to click here for all my resources. WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? It is at your fingertips so please, please, please USE IT.

You have learned the training, watched the webinars, and ask the questions. Now is you time to SUCCEED.

As You Think So You Become