Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with the BIG question.
Is Your EGO in the way? Are you what we call too big fer your britches?
Warren Buffet said,” My business partner and I have never had an argument”. We both respect our strengths and weaknesses. We all have something someone else doesn’t have, why not let them take the lead if need be.
I loved the 3 things he shared
When is the last time you acknowledged that a peer, spouse, friend, or even a competitor makes you a better person? Another person’s strength doesn’t take anything away from you. In fact, you can use their example to improve.
When you compliment people on their work, you’ll be amazed at how forthcoming they are with tips to help you improve.
Step outside your comfort zone and actively seek out those whose experiences and strengths are different than your own.
Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/inspirational/
![Inspirational Quotes On A Planner](https://images.pexels.com/photos/636243/pexels-photo-636243.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500)
Things you NEED to hear from ME.
I’m proud of you. I’m sorry. I forgive you. I’m listening. You’ve got what it takes.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/lightning%20storm/
![Lightning, Storm, Arizona, Monsoon](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/01/23/20/43/lightning-1158027__340.jpg)
When is the last time you and a grandbaby, daughter or son, or spouse laid on the floor watching the dazzling display of a lightning storm while looking out through the sliding door? Do you see how small you really are in the UNIVERSE scheme of things?
There is so much power waiting to be harvested. People have power. Animals have power. The UNIVERSE is power. Are you calling out to it? It’s waiting for your COMMAND.
Do you want to view real POWER? Click Here.
When you influence a child, you influence a life.
When you influence a parent, you influence a family.
When you influence a president, you influence a corporation.
When you influence a pastor, you influence a church.
When you influence a leader, you influence all who look to him or her for leadership.
For every person, I talk to you have my undivided attention. I will walk you through your whole setup from start to finish. ARE YOU READY?