Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Crank the engine over, time to shift into high gear put the pedal to the metal, get those wheels turning.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/marketing/

Social, Social Media, Communication

What exactly is the 10K BLUEPRINT? 1st it is a belief that you can make $10,000 per month after 90 days. 2nd, taking daily action is VITAL. We all hold strong beliefs in different things.

I have found out through my own beliefs, that many of us have a lack of vision when it comes to MONEY.

Here is my QUESTION: Do YOU believe you can make $10,000 per month after 90 days? STOP FOR A FEW SECONDS AND THINK ABOUT THIS QUESTION.

Have you ever heard the statement: Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees?

These negative thoughts have to be REPLACED with, I CAN and WILL make $10,000 dollars after ninety days. I have all the resources at MY disposal.

Business, Tree, Growth, Success, Team

What thoughts are going through your mind right now after you ask yourself that question? PLEASE remember that YOU are NOT your beliefs. Your past is your past. You CAN CHANGE your thought process.

What you feed your mind daily, begins to change your beliefs. Books, motivation videos, webinar training.

Who are you LISTENING to? I have a challenge for you, ARE YOU UP FOR IT?

Write down your limiting beliefs. Take ONLY the 1st one and begin working on changing that belief. DO ONLY ONE AT A TIME. Make sense? Look at your list and pick one that relates to money, like “I have failed at internet marketing before and never made any money”.

Begin by saying: I will make money from the internet. Money comes easily to me. Money is ATTRACTED to ME. Leave yourself “POST IT NOTES EVERYWHERE. Put them where you see them numerous times per day.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/make%20money/

Money, Dollars, Success, Business

Whenever a negative thought comes into your mind, counter it with a positive thought. People love to complain. This is the BIGGEST NEGATIVE BOMB. Stay away from the negative nellies.

To avoid people’s negativity- keep your plans close to your heart and DON’T tell them what your plans are. Show them by EXAMPLE.

If you don’t tell people they CAN’T try to crush your dreams. People DON’T want you to get ahead of them or leave them behind. They want you to stay in the NEGATIVE PIT. RUN, RUN, RUN AWAY.

Job, Job Offer, Workplace, Job Search

The REAL question on your mind is: SO HOW DO I MAKE $10,000 per MONTH?

What steps do I take? I’m glad I have you thinking about this question. This is really your 1st step to positive mind change.

Stay tuned for round 2 blogging on what your actual steps are. If you are impatient click here to get faster results.



Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. I like role models. I have sought out a few to follow because I truly like what they stand for.

Remember that role models can be positive or negative.

Mention: https://www.rootsofaction.com/role-model/

5 Qualities of Role Models

 Visibility plays an important part in making someone a role model. People who are honest in dealing with others. They always uplift people. They are helpful in instructing others.

5 Qualities of Positive Role ModelsPassion and Ability to Inspire, Clear Set of Values, Commitment to Community, Selflessness, and Acceptance of Others, Ability to Overcome Obstacles.

When- did you notice I said, WHEN you create your own success, you will become a role model. Be willing to stand strong on your beliefs, gently guide others, setting the standard for your brand of excellence.

Mention: https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/role-model

I believe we have gotten away from good role model examples, they are still there if you are willing to research them.

Most of us don’t come equipped with a clear set of ethical standards on our own. We receive lessons from others, to a certain extent, but it’s more likely that we acquire our moral sense through vicarious processes.

Mentors are a second source of learning to be ethical leaders. When they take us under their wing, those who guide us in the workplace, or even those who work side-by-side as co-workers with us show us, again through vicarious learning, that we ourselves need to be honest and fair in our dealings with others.

When you play fair, communicate directly, and in general demonstrate that you hold high standards, other people actually do look up to you. 

If for no other reason than to be liked and respected, taking the moral high ground may be the one that ultimately benefits you as well as those who look up to you as their inspiration. 

Be the best you can be daily. Talk to yourself in the mirror, tell yourself great things each day, before you tell anyone else anything. Set the standard HIGH, people will respect you for the stand you take.

Be The Role Model You Respect


Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with a message I’m way to familiar with: LONELINESS.

Being on the road, I don’t get to talk to too many people. My family is sometimes 500 to a 1000 miles away. They are at work, so no phone calls.

I do have one trucker friend I call and we talk while driving. He has turned out to be a GOD send.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/friends/

Children, Siblings, Brother, Sister

The hurt of feeling alone isn’t new to our day. Indeed, the pain of isolation echoes off the pages of the ancient book of Ecclesiastes. The book captures the sorrows of those who seem to lack any meaningful relationships.

You can acquire great wealth and yet experience no value from it because there’s no one to share it with. There is TRUE BEAUTY in companionship.

Friends help you accomplish more than you could achieve on your own.

People, Friends, Group, Hands, Signs

LET ME SAY THIS: Your LIST of people is way more than money. Building friendships is a value that will last a lifetime. PEOPLE MATTER in life and business. ALWAYS place the highest value on PEOPLE.

Friends can provide protection in difficult situations, partners bring comfort, companions help in times of need.

People, Friends, Together, Happy, Child

To have a friend, you must be a friend. To have love, you must give love. People want and need to be around others who value them for who they are, not what they can do for you.

loneliness is a significant struggle-God created us to offer and receive the BENEFITS of friendship and community. If you’re feeling alone, My prayer for you is God would help you form meaningful connections with others.

Our businesses give us the platform to touch the lives of so many people. We can tough their hearts, minds and finances.

What are you willing to do TODAY to build those relationships? Start with a text, maybe a phone call, an invite to share in our weekly webinars.

WE MUST get out of our small cornered in world, knocking down the walls that keep us from giving and receiving GREAT loving value. I have learned so much from others taking the time to touch my life.

Pinky Swear, Friends, Pinky Promise

In return, I have had the pleasure of touching lives back. It brings love to my spirit, soul, and body. REACH OUT AND TOUCH SOMEONE TODAY.

Share Life, It’s So Much FUN


Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker with another adventure on the road. It was ice and snow.

In business and personal life, are you stuck on HALFWAY BLVD? You have come to the intersection which is a T. To the left is dead-end alley and to the right is success 101 express.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/working%20together/

CLB, GLN, CTP, TL2IVM are four businesses that can help you move from Halfway Blvd to Success 101 Express.

I have been taught to pick one, give it my all, then in the background point people to additional income opportunities. FOCUS is vital to one business only until you master the basics, and make it a daily habit.

Daily habits become weekly, which turn to monthly, then yearly. Get hold of this concept. It will guide you the rest of your life.

In business, people get stuck on Halfway Blvd for a number of reasons. Afraid of the phone, not enough leads coming in, not investing in your business monthly, shiny syndrome- jumping from one business to another without any focus as to what makes it successful.

Puzzle, Planning, Strategy, Process

Just because you don’t see immediate results, doesn’t mean your business is not going in the right direction. IT TAKES TIME AND PATIENCE.

Being a leader is hard work. Branding yourself as the go-to person can be quite exhausting, but very rewarding. Successful leaders are available.

They spend time coaching, mentoring, teaching. Pointing people to where they need to go.

You must give yourself time to learn. However, it’s VERY IMPORTANT to apply what you have learned as soon as possible.

Last week on my coaching call, I said I was not getting people to respond. I was asked if there was a sense of URGENCY?

I started leaving a simple voice message, “This is Michael, call me it’s urgent”. It works because people called me back wondering what was so urgent. I told them their financial future for 2021.

Conference, Team, Office, Dining Tables

What point in your personal life or business are you stuck at? Remember that in business, we are here to help each other. When one succeeds, it brings value to the community as a whole.

Investing in people in a positive way, helps them to grow. My mentors help me to see when I get off course and guide me back to where I need to be. This is ALWAYS done LOVINGLY with great respect for both of us.

I love it when I hear” does that make sense”? If it does I move on and if I need clarification, it is given.

What leadership skills are you showing? Share what is working with you, for you and for your team.

Get Off Halfway Blvd. Move onto Success 101 Express


Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker is at HOME. Woot Woot.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/quotes/

Mensaje, Family, Lyrics, Quotes, Quotes

My life is NOT up for grabs. It’s not about me ” figuring it all out” and ” getting it all together”. This is about living a life of PEACEFUL surrender to the FATHER who knows how to care for me and longs to do so.

Because of my relationship with God the Father, I am on His mind night and day. He looks for ways to bless me and I find them through my family, church, my job, and my business.

Motivational Quote, Try And Stop Me

I am answering the call to spread the good news. Not only do I share my business with people, but I also have the privilege of sharing Jesus with everyone I come in contact with.

Every day we have so many opportunities to share our lives with people, through this business we call Affiliate Marketing. We can and will make a difference in the lives of thousands.

What do you think about most? How does it effect those around you?

How do you show your love, life and happiness? What makes you different from everyone else?

Have you shared your life story with anyone lately? What do you share with them? My mentor, Janet Legere share’s her book ” GetStuckOnHappy” Her simple approach to life is breathtaking and I enjoy acting on the techniques described in the book.

Notebook, Pencils, Quote, Reminder

It’s ok to talk to yourself. It’s ok to answer yourself. When you ask yourself to repeat the question-MIGHT BE A PROBLEM.

Stamp, Wood, Do Something Great, Saying

I’ve seen many people assume that what they are experiencing in life is simply their ” lot in life.” Don’t buy into that lie. Don’t see yourself as broken, beat down and defeated.

See yourself in pursuit of something greater than who you are, and be willing to pay the price to get where you want to be. Your past has a way of labeling you.

If you allow your past experiences as well as perceived shortcomings to define who you are and how you see your life, you will never see the breakthrough that GOD has for you.

You are what the word says you are and you have what the word says you have. Rise up this day and shout I AM DOING GREAT THINGS.

Board, Listen And Learn, Text, Quote

God gave you two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much. There are those who can and those who can’t. They are both RIGHT.

Don’t hold back any longer. Give it all you have, then go take a nap.

If you have not read this book, please do so. You will be blessed.

How To Promote Your Business?

Good Sunday, Michael The Traveling Trucker here. Today I got to read some wonderful information on how to promote your business on Facebook.

A BIG shout out to Mike Dodd. Thank you Sir.


Never promote your business 1st, PROMOTE YOURSELF. Give a little background of who you are. Remember a nice picture of yourself goes a long way. If you can do a video, this would be even better. People love watching videos.

I would like to share some of the highlights. With all the groups out there, you should focus on High Ticket Affiliate Marketing. People love to make money and High Tickets Items do sell.

People who are newbies to Affiliate Marketing Always need help. HELP them.

You have a very large number of MLM groups.

Do a search on Affiliate Marketing. You will be surprised at how many groups there are. Join a few of these groups. Interact with these people.

Facebook has an activity wall where people ask questions like: How do I?, What Do I?, and Where Do I? These are signs people need your help with fixing their problem.

When people post a question, Send them a private message. Simply reply to their question. Tell them to check their inbox. You have sent them the answer or a way to get the answer they are looking for per private message.

This is warm lead marketing Folks. This tells them, they have a way to get the answers they are looking for.

People will reach out to you, when they do, share the answer with them, and invite them to join your business.

Don’t be afraid to let people know you don’t have all the answers, but invite them to join your business to get all the answers from the leaders. This helps people to know, like, and trust you.

Finding leads should not be a hard task. Ask people to join your team. Remember if you don’t ask, people will never join you. Leads quite often turn into sales.

There are so many many on Facebook that could and should use your help. BE A PROBLEM SOLVER. People need what you have, SO SHARE WHAT YOU HAVE.


How Much Does It Cost?

Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker with a thought provoking question.

How much does it cost? As Business owners, we hear this question a lot. The next is: How much have you earned?


You main goal is to BUILD YOUR LIST. Without people you don’t have a business.

When we as entrepreneurs thought about starting our businesses, the question did come up as to the cost. I didn’t hesitate about the amount because it was low compared to some.

My really big investment was over 40,000.00 to which I lost do to the FCC shutting down this business I was involved with.

It takes an investment into yourself, your brand, to make a difference in the business world you are creating.

The cost of doing business depends on a wide variety of factors, including the cost inputs of goods and services.

Analyze what costs your business needs to incur to get started and operate for a given period of time.

Training, Businessman, Suit, Manager

I have learned you NEVER ask how much someone makes. It doesn’t matter because, I might make more with the same information as they have. My success only depends on the amount of work I put into my business.

I am a leader, who teaches, instructs and guides people to where they need to go, not necessarily where they think they need or want to go. As a leader, I was taught what to say, how to say it, what is working and what is not.

A prime example was my mentor tweaked her lead capture page because she was not getting the results she was hoping for. Now it is kicking butt.

Skills, Can, Startup, Start Up

So why do so many people look at what we are doing and run for the hills? Some will, some won’t, so what, work with the ones who want to build a dynasty. There are so many looking, so be the best problem solver ever.

What makes us different from what others are doing? We have the #1 done for you system. Leaders who are ALWAYS willing to work with you. We have a downline building system, that gives you multiple streams of income.

Accountant, Accounting, Adviser, Advisor

So go ahead and calculate the cost. What is your LIFE/ BUSINESS worth? Is it worth your time? Your money?

How much do you invest going to work every day? Gas for the car, maintenance, clothes, food, your peace of mind sitting in traffic?

How much money do you make? What type of vacation can you go on? It depends on how much money you can spend from what you can save.

Here are the FACTS: You can start for $50.00 or for the best deal $1200.00. This gives you everything. You can buy Co op shares for 50.00 a month. You can look into solo ads which are about $40.00 and up.

I bless you in the name of JESUS. You deserve to be successful. You deserve the best LIFE has to offer.

You are ANOINTED to win,

Empowered to PROSPER,

Impossible to curse.


Go to MY resource NOW. It’s at the top of my blog page.

Are You Rude By Pushing?

Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker is live and riding the roads. As a trucker, people who tailgate, we call pushers. They are rude, crude and socially unacceptable people.

Mention: https://startupnation.com/grow-your-business/pull-dont-push-sales-marketing-in-the-new-economy/

As kids we’re all taught that pushing is rude, Yet for years salespeople have been trained to “push” for the sale…

Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/goals/

Goal Setting, Goal, Dart, Target

Let’s face it, while everyone likes to buy, nobody likes to be sold—especially something we didn’t really want or need in the first place. 

Do you want people to buy from you again and again? You MUST provide real value. In this new economy, that means being genuine, putting yourself out there, and offering meaty information that helps them solve their problems or achieve their goals.

What is your GOAL as an Affiliate Marketer? What Say You, My Lord?

Keep providing tons of value. You then create lifelong customers and raving fans who not only buy from you again and again but refer others as well—without you ever having to “push” for the sale. What’s not to like about that?!?

I believe, as I lead people through my writing, phone conversations, text messages and emails, People will respond to recommendations to buy programs, E-books , hard bound books or anything that will solve their problems.

As the saying goes” know, like, and trust”. Be your brand, who you are, not what your business is selling. Be the Go To expert, a real problem solver.

Have you made a video of who you are? What your brand stands for ? Videos are another easy way to offer valuable info and create a personal connection with prospects.

ONLINE FORUMS is a great resource. Surf social networking sites that your target market frequents and look for a Q&A forum. Find questions related to your area of expertise and jump in with helpful answers.

Keep pulling prospects in with even more of your wonderful wisdom via useful articles, worksheets, quizzes, etc.

Be sure to offer a free report, audio, or video download in exchange for their email address so you can stay in touch and keep helping them achieve their goals until they’re ready to buy.

People will be thrilled with all the powerful information and advice you provide they’ll want more. And they’ll already know, like, and trust you so they won’t hesitate to make a purchase.

Just be sure you always include your web address (URL) in everything you do, so people know where to go to learn more. Before you know it, eager clients and customers will be coming to you.

I hope this was helpful. I Now ask for you to review my resource page at the top of this blog. Go NOW and see why I’m thrilled to share a piece of me with you.

You got it-It’s called being a LEADER.

Bring VALUE To Your People

Do You Self Help?

Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker. I have needed this for quite some time. SPEAKING POSITIVE TO MYSELF.

From what I gather so far from building my business, it doesn’t always go as planned. CAN YOU RELATED?

I have been on a small pity party. I call it the waaaa waaa’s. 1-800-waa-waaa.

Now I’m back stronger and ready to tell the UNIVERSE just what I want and how I’m going to get it, Thank you very much.


I am an overcomer. I am a money magnet. I am a people magnet.

I have to thank Darla Key. She told me to dust myself off, start speaking positively. I will succeed in my business, I will talk to the right people, I will earn those commissions, I will live life on my terms.

I say THANK YOU to you READER. You have inspired me to do more than I thought possible. I write with you in mind.

Loving you from deep within is always on my mind. To share a piece of me is exciting and the best expression of love I can show.

“Make each day your masterpiece.” – John Wooden

“Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open.” – John Barrymore

“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.” – Jim Rohn

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln 

positive quotes am thankful all who said because them that doing myself albert einstein wisdom lake nature solitude tree waterfall mountain

Let us rise up and tell the Universe, all is ours. Nothing is to big for us.

Speak only positive to YOURSELF

P.S. Please go to the top of this blog, check out my resource page. Go NOW.


Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker is back after a week of non stop driving. I barely had time to sleep.

Before I start, Thank You Janet Legere for the video you recorded. This is where my writing for this post came from. You will have more information in your arsenal to use, so go watch the video. Click here for video.

I’m asking this question, why follow up with your leads? Any guesses, anyone?

You are looking for the action takers, people who fill out your lead capture page, then watch the video you created on your thank you page. Ready to get their free account NOW.


Close-up Photo Of Red Neon Light Signage

They are hungry for more of life and see your business as a way of getting them where they want to be.

You are building your tribe and people will begin to listen to what you are saying. Question? Are you sending an email right away when your lead comes in?

Do you let them know that a text or call is coming next, so you can get to know them? Don’t forget you include your personal information. This is IMPORTANT: Ask Them To reply, Just say,” Please let me know you got this so we can connect.”

Always end you message/email with a question or give them a task which lets you know they got your message. PLEASE don’t assume people will know what to do.

You must lead them through the task.

When you are on a call or chat, what do you do? I’ll wait. Did you ask questions? Did you ask lots and lots of questions? This is how you get to know the people you want in your business.

At some point in your conversation, you have to determine if you want to continue with this person. We all know there are time wasters, want it for free, no budget type people. This is well and good, just direct them to the CLB for learning and move on.

Have a list of questions to ask, but PLEASE don’t make it sound like an interview. Just let it flow as you get to know them and find their pain point. This is how you find out, how to help them.

Follow up on your Cold Emails : Why & How I Smartreach

Business is for paid members. People who invest in themselves will build a strong foundation for others to follow. Yes, IT TAKES MONEY.

When you are on the call, your JOB is to find out if they are serious. Ask them, “After you signed up, did you watch the video?” If they said no, ask if they can go watch it now. Can they sign up for the free account NOW?

You will see who is ready now, willing to take action NOW and who you will have to guide and direct. Send them your link and tell them to go watch it now if possible. If they said yes, they watched the video, ask if they set up their free account.

Make it as simple as possible for you and them. It’s only the beginning, so don’t make it a marathon. Easy peasy, nice and easy.

As you learn, pass along what you learn ASAP. It really makes you look professional and a leader.

Now go thank Janet on your own. Let her know how much you are learning and how much she is loved and appreciated. I tell you from my heart she is a great value to me and I cherish her as my mentor.

Follow Up Is The Key To Take Your Business Where You Want It To Be.