Mentors and Business Coaches

What a day to be alive. WELCOME. My name is Michael Lipsey, better known as Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today is exciting for me as I get the opportunity to focus on MENTORS and BUSINESS COACHES.


Coaching, Training, Mentoring, Business


Definition: a trusted counselor or guide.

We acquired “mentor” from the literature of ancient Greece. In Homer’s epic The Odyssey, Odysseus was away from home fighting and journeying for 20 years. During that time, Telemachus, the son he left as a babe in arms, grew up under the supervision of Mentor, an old and trusted friend. When the goddess Athena decided it was time to complete the education of young Telemachus, she visited him disguised as Mentor and they set out together to learn about his father. Today, we use the word mentor for anyone who is a positive, guiding influence in another (usually younger) person’s life.

Hand, Finger, Touch, Knowledge

What makes a mentor or business coach? Serving as a mentor brings many challenges and rewards, with the best mentors working to shape their mentees into leaders, rather than just good followers. If done well, the long-term impact of mentoring can offer life- and career-changing benefits to both parties.

My Mentors are Janet Legere- Owner of CLB Learning.

Rob Gehring- Owner Of TL2Ivm and Massive Success Funnel.

Both Janet and Rob have given me their personal one on one time. Each has more than 20 years of online marketing experience. They have helped thousands attain a level of success because everyone is different with different needs. Both have a vast video training collection for easy access to training, that you can go through at your own pace. They help with social media, follow-ups, scripts to speak to your prospects.

While building CLB, many questions have arisen that needed attention. Janet was always available to point me in the right direction. Janet does a weekly webinar every Thursday at 12 noon EST. Come join us and see what I see. There is valuable information each week for building your business, plus it recorded so you can go back over it, time after time. Janet has a positive outlook on life. A big smile and a sense of humor. She is an author, helping others to change their mindset to walk on the positive side more and more.

Teacher, Mentor, Coach, Coaching

Rob Gehring is a friend first to me. I began working with Rob years back but drifted away. I saw I was a member of TL2Ivm but forgot what it was. I ventured back to see what it was. Rob has a great system, I upgraded to full access to the system. $500.00 dollar commissions are exciting to see coming in. Rob puts the needs of his team 1st, always pointing to the next level. Rob has a calendar on his page that you can book and one on one weekly coaching call. Rob gives insight and strategies for taking your business to the next level. Rob also has a weekly webinar on Wednesday nights at 8 pm EST. Rob has a 7 step training for you to go through when you join TL2Ivm. This helps you set everything up, step by simple step.

For more great training visit CTP-click track profit. Their approach to marketing is unique. Both Jon Olson and Blain Jones are sincere in helping others by challenging them out of their comfort ZONE. They have valuable insight into crypto, making videos, technical training on codes, HTML, and things to make your site look good and run smoothly.

Don’t sit on the sidelines. Get off that chair or sofa. Let’s build our dream to REALITY. All In, Say I.

Let’s Have Fun

Disney magic vs CLB MAGIC


Disney Land, Castle, Night, Dark

It all starts with a DREAM. That’s how I became, “Michael The Traveling Trucker”. For us lucky enough, who live in the USA, we might get a chance to go to Disney-either in Florida or California. They call it the magic kingdom. We spend money, time and effort to visit, and escape work life for a week. We don’t get paid to use their facilities. It could cost us thousands of dollars to be entertained. Yes, we see amazing things all around us. By the end of the week, we need another week’s vacation, just to rest from all the walking around we do.


Notebook, Workplace, Desk, Iphone

CLB Learning magic is much different. This is online marketing at it’s best. The 1st thing we teach is list building. Why you may ask? Without people to market to, you have no business. Your list is yours and you can use to promote any business you desire. CLB is a training and mentoring program with simple step by step instructions to build your list fast. As you build and people respond- THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS. You start earning commissions. We help you to master the skills needed to grow your business online through our unique CLB Funnel system allowing you to earn while you learn.

Reading, Bookworm, Man, Books, Learning

Right now we have 3 upgrades- monthly at $24.97, annually at $297.00, and lifetime at $497.00. If you act NOW, we have a one time offer of $197.00 lifetime. This is where the magic for me came in. I upgraded for the one-time offer, it made sense for me. You get the complete system as you would for $497.00. Why upgrade? Here are a few of the benefits-CLB blogging platform, quick start guide branded with your links, Ability to email your personal downline, done for you system setup, special bonuses, and much more.

If you want to watch the replay training for today, click here. When you join CLB, you get access to 100+ hours of video training. live training conferences, multiple streams of income, this is your personal downline builder-Yes REAL MAGIC happens when people JOIN THROUGH YOUR LINKS, private telegraph room, where you can ask questions and get answers. Are you starting to see? For a small investment into yourself, you could be reaping thousands per month. Then you can go to Disney, have a great time, while making money everyday you are there. HOW DOES THAT SOUND?

This could be you JUMP FOR JOY moment. We work closely with YOU. We help YOU all along the way. Never alone, always a text, email, or telegraph room away.


Sunset, Beach, Silhouettes, Jump

In my downline builder, I have TL2Ivm. This is a viral mailer, this is where I get my monthly coop share. I use CTP-Click Track Profit. They have a wide range of teaching, crypto, HTML, social media to name a few. We teach you to use all YOUR resources. Everything helps you to build the lifestyle you are dreaming about. COME JOIN US NOW. Get back with the person who invited you and tell them, YES, I’M READY TO GET STARTED.

Build Your Future Today

Here’s a food plug for my special friend Tammy House. Come join her for her awesome food recommendations.


I pulled my rig over to the side of the road. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. I looked out across the wide river. There were houses, ball fields, playgrounds, picnic tables. I could only see these things through my binoculars.

What I really wanted, was to be where the people were. It looked inviting, fun and a great place to rest. My problem was my semi and trailer. I couldn’t take them there, dang it. So how did I get to the other side?


Bench, Bridge, Structure, Metal, Steel

In business, I see people sitting on the sidelines, looking through the binoculars. They want to be with the people but don’t know how to get there.

Let’s be honest, it takes time to build a business. Rome wasn’t built in a day. People want instant riches, the problem with that is, people are not disciplined with instant money. They spent it and then it’s gone forever. Taking time to built your business, you earn a little, then reinvest, and repeat. Before you know it you have built a nice nest egg. You have learned to be a wise Stewart. You have counted the cost and paid the price, over and over to gain your success.

I crossed over to CLB Learning landing site. I knew the people were there. I knew it would be fun, exciting, and downright relaxing at times. Don’t waste another minute READER, COME JOIN US FOR FREE, NOW.

Map, Scroll, Pirate, Treasure, Historic

We have a road map for you to follow. It’s the CLB Done For You System. It’s so easy to follow. The Owner Janet Legere, made it this way for a reason. She had her fill of complicated systems that took a PHD to figure out. Janet loves simple. Something that you could set up within a couple of hours.

So what’s in it for YOU? Step by Step instructions for each step, from Setting Up Your CLB Funnel, Setup Tracking, Setup Udimi Solo Ads- This is an option to bring in more people to CLB, Setup Traffic Coop – I Personally Use This Each Month, Setup Viral Mailers, Review.

Our leader, mentor and life coach Janet, will tell you it’s a numbers game. The more people you put in front of your lead capture page the better. Thousands of people who already use CLB can’t be wrong. It’s been around for over 21 years.

Our friends at CTP-Click Track Profit have a excellent teaching platform. They teach you about using social media, Content Marketing-blogging, YouTube, Livestream and many more.

I BELIEVE IN YOU, READER. I know you think about leaving your 9-5 rat race. I know it will take a sacrifice of your time and money. I know you really want this because I was there not long ago. Being a full-time trucker-27 years, driving thousands of miles per week. I am building a legacy, that you too can build with our help. Imagine, taking that vacation without thinking about money. Getting your child’s braces, paying off your credit cards, food on the table, roof over your head. This is major for some of you. Having a few hundred dollars coming in every month to thousands, every month. TAKE THE TIME TO CHECK US OUT. I don’t think you will be disappointed.

Me and my sweet bride of 35 years

Here is a chance for you food lovers to meet Tammy House. Check out her Facebook page.

Shoot Lower, Sheriff

Stepping out of the saddle with Michael The Traveling Trucker. I heard the bullet whiz by, hitting the ground, I rolled over and over. I knew there was going to be another. Listening intently but nothing came. Then I heard the laughter, with these words. Shoot lower sheriff, I think they’re riding shetlands. In my life, I have missed the mark. I shot too high or too low at first, and the bullet goes somewhere into prairie land, never to be seen again. I had to reach into my saddle bags and see what options were available, as I sat around the campfire wondering how I was going to make it.


William T. “Bloody Bill” Anderson (1838 – 1864) was a notorious Confederate guerrilla leader with whom Jesse James associated for a brief period during the Civil War.

Sometimes I have had the next big thing syndrome. I have spent a lot of money, time, and effort, with no success. Within a short period of time, I got discouraged, looking for something else to try to make money. I finally got real with myself. If I wanted to build a business, I had to pick one, master it, no matter how long it takes. With all the internet businesses out there, I already had one on my computer, that I had forgotten about. I was a free member of CLB. I decided to look at it again. I liked what I saw and contacted Janet Legere, the owner. I upgraded and began my journey. My first task was to build my list which I have been doing for the past seven months. I hit the bullseye with this one. This is a simple to use system, set up with YOU and ME in mind, the greenhorns.


Notebook, Workplace, Desk, Iphone

Janet has created a done for you system. There are videos for you to follow. Once you begin your training, you will have a business up and running, in as little time as an hour. This is known as “duplicatable”, easy for others to follow. One of the best features for me is the blogging platform. Just putting my thoughts and ideas down has given me the confidence to move my business to the next level.
“Our CLB Learning 5 Steps to Online Marketing Success, gives you everything needed to create a powerful, income-producing, online marketing machine.”

I pull these bullets out, stick them in my rifle to hit the target every time. Practice makes perfect. If you really want to succeed, READER, you must pull the guns out and get to shooting.

So what targets do YOU have set up, READER? Let me guide you downrange, set up your targets, give you the ammunition, focus that scope on your rifle so you can see the target clearly. NOW READER, Take the safety off, put your finger on the trigger and pull.

Here at CLB Learning, our focus is YOU READER. We love love, love to see people succeed. My promise to you is availability. I’m your guide along with Janet Legere. If you need to get a message to us, come on down to the telegraph room. Your message goes out fast with the reply back is just as fast. Let’s build your town and see YOU prosper. ARE YOU READY, READER?

“Courage is being scared to death…saddling up anyway.”.


What an adventure awaits those who visit” Michael The Traveling Trucker”. Everything we do from cooking, writing a paper, building a house, to building OUR BUSINESSES, will have ingredients.


Salt, Pepper, Spoons, Spices

On today’s webinar at CLB with Don and Janet Legere, was positive mental attitude. What you think about most will manifest itself in your world. If you focus being mad, guess what, YOU WILL ACT OUT IN A ANGRY MANNER. When you focus on being happy, you will act out in a loving way.


Happy Home Ingredients: 4 cups of love, 2 cups of loyalty, 5 teaspoons of hope, 2 tablespoons of tenderness, 4 quarts of faith.

  1. Take love and loyalty, mix them throughly with Faith. Blend it with tenderness, kindness and understanding. Add friendship and hope, sprinkle abundantly with laughter. Bake it with sunshine. Serve daily with generous helpings.
    1. Notes: Serves more than enough to go around —
  2. Prep and cook times are 24 hours a day, 365 days a year — .

With all this said, what ingredients are available for you to build your business?

FUNNEL-LEAD CAPTURE PAGE- ADVERTISING. You will need to reach out to those who respond to your advertising. You will gain their name, email address, and sometimes phone numbers. These pictures below are just for show purposes.

Here at CLB Learning, we participate in Rog Gehring’s coop at TL2Ivm. As a user myself, I am putting 20-30 people per month into my business. I use Udimi solo ads with great results. Your phone is one of your best resources ingredients. Use it daily. People love to talk, so let them.

Write your plan out on paper, show it to your coach, mentor. Listen to their recommendations, then put your brand spin on it. Use your social media at least once a day. Use your viral mailers to get your word out. I use about 30 different viral mailers daily.


Education, Hand, Write, Skills, Can

At Click Track Profit-207,588 Members Cannot Be Wrong! Their motto has always been: We pride ourselves on putting our members first. Our goal has always been and will always be to provide the best training and services for affiliate marketers.

Get Stuck On Happy by Janet Legere

Put your creative spin on cooking, look for ideas at Tammy House page.


Welcome to another adventure of Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today is Sunday, Nov. 1, 2020. I’m sitting in Tampa Fla. for my pick up on Monday morning, going to Scranton, Pa. for a Tuesday delivery. I didn’t get to go home this weekend, missing out on a family outing to Six Flags. This is my life sometimes as a trucker. I was done on Saturday in Miami, Fla. and got to Tampa, early Sunday morning as I was in no hurry. Got out and walked this morning, taking pictures of what I see and sending them to my family.



Caution, Drive, Driver, Hill, Isolated

I’ve been driving for 27 years. Been to all 48 continental states, Canada, and 7 foreign countries. My favorite color is Purple. Any shade is OK with me. My High School colors were Purple, White, and Gold. My favorite food is sushi. 2nd is Chinese. I love cooking. I do a mean Steak Fajita. I love raw onions, on hamburgers and hotdogs, pinto beans, and cornbread. I have the best cornbread recipe if anyone is interested. My girls love my marinara sauce. I fix a dutch oven full so they can put some in the freezer. Two days to make it.


Avocado, Chopping Board, Cooking, Eggs
Cook It, Then Eat It

I have been online for 5 years, but active for only the last 7 months. This is my passion now. I love blogging and talking to new people. Sharing business concepts with new people and other entrepreneurs is always exciting. Seeing who is doing what. You never know where your next inspiration may come from. Reading is vital to my mental health, walking for physical health, Bible for spiritual health.

Dog, Baby, Animal, Small, Canine, Love

I am a baby and animal magnet. Babies and animals come to me, that they won’t go to others. My favorite drink is unsweet tea. Coffee on occasion, energy drinks daily. I just like the taste. I love movie trivia. Pretty good at most. Favorite shows are The Good Doctor, Murdock Mysteries, Old reruns of My Favorite Martian, I Dream Of Jeannie, most old cartoons.

Being outdoors is always fun for me. Yard work, planting our garden and sitting watching the Hummingbirds feed from our feeder. I mentor two brothers in the faith. One is older than me, he is 65 and the other younger only 45. I speak with them weekly. We encourage each other.

READER, what is your business model? Where does your inspiration come from? If you are looking to start a business or wanting to expand what you have, CLB LEARNING has everything. It’s a complete system. Come check us out NOW. I use Traffic Leads 2 Income Viral Mailer on a daily basis for promoting, CLB, and MSF500. CTP is my training video go to. Putting all these together gives me more than enough for driving traffic to my business. Rob’s coop gets great results.

What Are Your Fun Facts?

Stuck on dinner ideas? Check out Tammy House

Worry Gives You GRAY HAIR!

You bite your nails, Is it going to happen you ask yourself? I have put so much work and time into this thing. It’s been 7 months, why don’t people respond to my funnel? Hello Everyone. Michael the Traveling Trucker’s new adventure is : You Got This, So STOP Worrying. I began looking through my” The Conversion Pros” back office after reading an article about unsubscribers and your email mail list.


Library, Sky, Birds, Mystical, Clouds

I went to look and the results I found made me realize, I need more people on my list. Yep, Light bulb moment. For CLB, I have sent 1942 emails- out of these only 23 opened, 5 emails failed, 27 bounced, 6 email clicks. This is for 132 contacts I have. So looking at this, I asked myself what to do?

I have been making calls for people who leave a number. Most of which says mailbox full- GOODBYE. I have had 2 people reply to any of my texts. 1 email return saying she couldn’t afford the monthly fee. At this point, the gray hair could be popping out all over but I decided to go back over some of the training.

I am going to concentrate on putting my splash page/funnel in front of more people. I got the blog thing going on for now. The coop is great, putting 20-30 new people in front of my funnel. It’s about the people. I will be looking into my 2nd Udimi solo in the near future.

For TL2Ivm– the stats are as follows-

Emails Sent 1,089, Emails Opened 4, Emails Failed 3, Emails Bounced 16, Email Clicks1- Total of 116 contacts. According to TCP I have 314 contacts. this makes me want this business even more. I WILL SUCCEED. I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. I WILL FIGURE IT OUT. SSHHHH, Come a little closer. I have great mentors. I will be picking their brains after this blog post. I will see if I can find out who unsubscribed so I can take them off my contact list. Well, Michael, You have your homework planned out, now let’s get to it.

People, Men, Thinker, Group, Characters

Time for this trucker to get back to the basics. Video training 101, Here I come.

Click Track Profit has a great series of training videos that help any business. Some of the training includes-Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, the Power of 3, Podcasting. They have checking your numbers and tracking you results. My favorite is show up DAILY.

Advice, Answer, Attitude, Background

With any business, no matter what it is without leads you have nothing. Russell Brunson has built a large following, Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Neil Patel, Matthew Woodward, Ann Handley, Rand Fishkin. These people have pinpointed one area and mastered it. They do the basics until it becomes second nature. My two HEROS-Janet Legere and Rob Gehring have built large followings also. Learning a golden nugget from each of these people will help me to blueprint my business for the rest of 2020 and into 2021 and as Buzz Lightyears say’s” To Infinity And Beyond.

Show Up Daily, Do The basics

Chronos Mentality

Mention: 31 Days of Victory by Scott Reece

Another adventure of Michael The Traveling Trucker, say’s “Chronos Mentality “is a reality for most of us. Chronos is measured by clocks, calendars, schedules, and a multitude of appointments. The Greek word “kairos” means the opportune moments. Chronos requires discipline and punctuality. Kairos requires discipline and discernment or spiritual sensitivity, In actuality, we need both. A healthy balance in life allows for a Chronos structure, in which the kairos movements can be fulfilled. Life is not about sitting around waiting for the perfect moment, but listening with a sensitive and obedient ear and having the willingness to respond with a heart that pursues the passions of God at every moment.


Dove, Hand, Trust, God, Pray, Prayer

My world for the last few days has been at the mercy of other people. Being a driver, I deal with different people and their job functions. A word altercation with a security guard has banned me from a location I deliver to. This was 3 weeks ago and disrupted my weekly schedule. Instead of being home on Friday, I got home Saturday afternoon. I normally leave on Monday for my 1st weekly delivery, but this week I finish my load on Monday and leave on Tuesday. This costs me money. I like my schedule, I like my money. I don’t like either of these being altered.

Teamwork, Team, Construction, Building

How many of you have had your life disrupted by outside forces? In my case, it was the 20-year-old security guard who was wrong, by not knowing her job. Even her supervisor came down and saw that I was in the right place with the right PO number. She complained higher up the ladder which escalated way out of control. Now my boss and customer we deliver for are trying to have me reinstated. This takes time. What I learned is sometimes it’s better to say nothing and ask for help higher up at the start.

Consulting, Training, Learn, Finger

Being online marketers, gives us a lot more power in dealing with people. If I don’t like working with someone, I don’t have to. Here are some tips dealing with the trouble makers, whiners and complainers.

Do not react– The best reaction towards a troublemaker is no reaction at all. When they realize that no one is paying attention to them, the trouble-making may stop. However, even if the troublemaker turns more aggressive, you don’t have to react to his actions. Stay calm and don’t give any emotional responses as you will only end up fueling his/ her negative energy.

How to deal with whiners-Whiners are another category of troublemakers. We all whine and complain a little about some things in life. However, if the whining goes beyond a certain limit, it can become unbearable and leave you emotionally drained.

 Be compassionate– Don’t try to be sarcastic or give any solution to their problems; all they need is a little empathy and someone to listen to their woes. Even if they are complaining about things which seem trivial to you, remember that for them it might be a huge problem. You need to be very patient through all this as it may take some time for the whining to stop or even reduce.

Know what not to say-Cheering up whiners does not work at all, so refrain yourself from saying things like Cheer up, Time heals all wounds. Also, don’t ever think of suggesting solutions to his/her problems; the whiner is not asking for a solution.

Here is the best thing you can do. Be polite and wait. In my case, I should have used these techniques, but being a hot-head got me into playing a game their way. Yes, I’m talking to myself. I need to hear this as much as anyone. My wife is always telling me to learn from my mistakes. I will definitely take her up on this. Thank you, sweetie.

Team, Problem, Solution, Analysis

My mentor Janet, deals with people very politely. She is the word decorum. Business with Janet and the CLB Learning team, makes life a whole lot smoother for this kid.

MSF 500 is another learning structure. Rob, my coach has a different approach. He is a straight shooter. Let’s people know the rules upfront. Follow the rules, or out you go. Rob also has integrity, willing to listen, make recommendations and set you on the right path.

Jon Olson and Blain Jones from –Click Track Profit, Are great teachers. Their video section brings all aspects of the business to life. I have been challenged by Blain. He helped me see things from a different view. It was great.

I hope you get a lot from this, as I know, I did writing it. Taking time to really see those around you, will bring you a sense of PEACE. Stay the course, work your business and let’s travel the WORLD.


The Table Is Set from Tammy House, come on by.


Follow the yellow brick road to Michael the Traveling Truckers adventure. Most of the time what we see is surface. People don’t want you to see who they really are. They stand behind the curtain, making noise, hoping no one looks. Being in business can sound scary, but with the right help, it’s amazing. Being real is important when building your brand. We don’t have to show everything about us but BE REAL, HONEST AND SINCERE. When You build your business correctly, it will look like paradise. I love the people I’m in business with. They are fun-loving, creative, life-giving, people who have a zest for life.


The people I meet on a daily basis, see an upbeat, energetic, praise talking, gum chewing, trucker. I try my best to treat people with respect. I have a love for people today. I go out of my way to embrace who people are. I share my business opportunity with everyone. There are so many DIAMONDS in the ruff, I keep an eye out for the one, two or ten, who want to build a fortune. By asking questions, you can see where people are in their online marketing.

123 Let's Go Imaginary Text

I know this sounds off but I ask if they have a laptop computer or desktop? How much would they spend on a done for your system? Do they have a monthly budget? How much time per day, do they want to spend building their business? Can you follow the easy step by step instructions? Have You Ever had a mentor? Ask your prospect if they know how affiliate marketing works? I let them know it’s free to join my business. You will only get so far for free. People who are really looking have money to spend, so don’t feel bad when people tell you they don’t have money. We are in business to make money. If people don’t upgrade, PRODUCT OR SERVICE, no money is made.

Bitcoins and U.s Dollar Bills

I let them know, your 1st step is to sign up for your free account. Confirm your email from an email we send you. I have a free downloadable quick step guide, so I let people know to click the link for that too. I guide them to the downline builder. For most people, these are simple steps to complete. If they should need help, they can contact me anytime. I was taught to encourage people as I am being encouraged. Recommend books to read, solo ads to place for best results, coop sharing for great leads. People helping people to SUCCEED. We have several different options to choose from, so pick the one that fits your finances.

Help Is On The WAY


Greetings and Salutations. Michael The Traveling Trucker. I was reading about being a slave. WOW, was my reaction. I’m still a slave in some areas of my life.


Handcuffs, Prisoners, Woman, Female

Let me ask you, READER, does this still sound like you too? Slaves are people who do what they are told (JOB). They are not free to live life with privileges, to walk in terms of authority or even to express their opinions. They sometimes have cruel masters, and live in fear and bondage. You may not be physically chained to your desks, but what about your mind, will and emotions?

Freedom, Keep, Presentation, Present

Why are you looking to escape this nightmare? I was on this road not long ago. I was looking for a way to free myself from the RAT RACE. Home to work, work to home, home to work, work to home, digging that rut deeper and deeper every day. Always taking the same way to work and home. You get up and go to bed pretty much the same, day in and day out. So, HOW DO I BREAK THE CYCLE? Glad you asked, READER. Having your own business, while not building it all by yourself. For me and maybe for you, the answer is CONTACT LIST BUILDER. This is a complete system. Most of it is done for you. What you do will be the icing on the cake. We have the best support system-Telegraph Room- where you can get all your questions answered. Did I say VIDEOS- yes, FREE training?

Checker, Flag, Race, Checkered Flag

We want you to win. To ease your mind on money, family, vacations, cars, homes, and my personal favorite- BEING DEBT FREE. For me, that means, no mortgage, car payments, credit card payments. I believe most of AMERICA lives on how much the payments are, to see if we can afford it. PICTURE THIS IN YOUR MIND- Waking up when your eyes open, not by ALARM. Walking to your business office in your most comfy clothes. Taking a vacation whenever you want without thinking-PRICE. Really driving the car you want. Helping out family because you can. Helping out neighbors, friends, your church.

Together, Helping​ Each Other, Winning

IMAGINE, working with YOUR team. Everyone helping everyone to succeed. Having a mentor guide you until YOU become a mentor. Reaching outside the box to do things YOU have never done before. I hated the phone calls. It was scary and I really can’t tell you why. People weren’t saying no to me, but to themselves. I just move on to those who want it. It has been retraining my mind, doing training exercises every day. Reading, positive talk to myself. I really have become my best encourager. Now, I love the encouragement from others, but if it’s not there, be YOUR own cheerleader.

Brush, Color, Colorful, Painting, Red

Are you into sports? Fishing? Golfing? Tennis? Spas? Shopping? What is your DREAM? You can paint YOUR own picture. Make it a masterpiece. We have many tools to expand your business. I use these on a daily basis, TL2Ivm, CTP.

Campfire, Stock, Outdoor, Pot, Fireplace

What do you say, we go camping? Rowboat on the lake. Sitting and enjoying nature. Yes, a little quiet time to reflect. Many people expect a lot from us, it’s time for YOU, to take care of YOU. The ARMY has a saying'” Be All You Can Be”.

SO, What Do You Want To Do? I’m a phone call , email or text away. It’s up to YOU. Go ahead and take the 1st step- sign up at Contact List Builder. I’ll be waiting with anticipation to WELCOME YOU.


One of my best friends wants to share the love of food.

Come by and say hello to Tammy House.