Are You A Blender?

Hit the switch and let er rip. Greetings Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker asking if you are a blender?


So what do I mean by that, glad you asked. Do you mix up advertising, find new ways to reach people, do different tasks to see which get the best results? Are you tracking your results?

Do you train yourself daily, weekly, monthly to improve to become the best you can be? Are you reading motivational books or listening to videos that excite your spirit.

Are you getting with your mentor on a weekly basis to evaluate your progress?

Are you a daily action taker for promoting your business? Are you guiding your new people on what to do?

Please REMEMBER, everything you learn, pass it along to your people. Bounce ideas off your sponsor and then share them with your team. That means staying in contact with people daily.

WE are a people business. We help people solve problems and get them on the right track to explode their business.

Here is the BIG QUESTION: Are You All In? Are you making the most of the program you are in? By upgrading to the highest level, you will receive the biggest commissions. You understand that, RIGHT?

For those that want to dip their toe into the water slowly Click On The Banner below.

For those looking to truly explode your business, I have that covered too.

Click Resources NOW. Cash In Your Pocket.

Hope This was helpful in your thinking. Hopefully, you will glean something good from this and use it.

It’s Your Business So Use Everything.


What Do You Get?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker contemplating the BIG question-What do you get from all of YOUR hard work?

I have been watching, learning, taking daily action, and talking to people. If you want to have any kind of reward, it will be through people.


Three People Sitting Beside Table

I was reading my Bible today- Ecclesiastes 3: 9-13. GOD has given us all things. Without God( whether you believe it or not) I believe my God has been watching over me. He gives me strength each day to work hard.

What do we get from all the hard work? I believe we receive joy, peace, anointing and we should enjoy the fruits of our labor for these are gifts from GOD. God has made everything beautiful for its own time. Look around and ENJOY.

Rewards come in many different packages disguised in many small and large heartfelt enjoyments. I love watching the sunrise. See my wife smile when she sees me. Sharing life and knowledge with a friend. I can’t lie- I love money rewards. It helps me share what I have with others.

Man Assisting Person with Walker

Rewards in business do take time. If you spend just 30 minutes a day, with a plan of action, you will form habits that will reward you. In business- lots of people look to the money and miss the people.

Building your list, sharing your knowledge, and taking those relationships to the next level is the name of the game. When people know you, trust your judgment, and truly like you, they will BUY from you.” Money Reward”.

Money is a TOOL. Use money and LOVE people. People bring more value than money. All ideas were a thought, drawn-out, and put into action. It is people sharing with people. Then the rewards come forth.

Yes, you can buy lots of things with money. Some have a false sense of money by using the CREDIT CARD. Freedom comes from being debt-free.

Having enough put aside that if anything happens you can survive knowing you have enough. Not paycheck to paycheck.

Most of America and the world live paycheck to paycheck. I want to help you change that. Click on my resources at the top of this blog. My prayer is you respond kindly and really and seriously think about the recommendations I am sharing.

Migration, Integration, Migrants, Merge

I have a proven system that is going strong and the leadership behind the system is the best in the internet world. Owner Jared Meyers is a leader, mentor, and great business owner. Willing to help, guide and direct you to set everything up.

Jared wants you to succeed and will do everything on his end to make that happen. Your next step is you MUST take ACTION.

Time to Take ACTION NOW. Go ahead and click the link.

Time To Get Your Reward


Why Do PEOPLE Respond?

I have asked myself this question for years. Michael The Traveling Trucker, here with a really good question.

People respond for different reasons. I’ll share a few.

People are just curious and want to see what others have. Looking for a way to increase their weekly pay with a side hustle. Some are addicted to filling out forms( I use to do this ). Some have an entrepreneurial spirit and are looking to build a full-time income.

Some love to just kick the tires without ever really wanting to buy the car, LOL.


Whatever people are looking for, you MUST have their best interest in mind. You must have a plan to contact them back. I recommend calling on the phone 1st. You will have a better sense of who they are and how to best help them.

Texting is next. I personally have had good success in this area, which leads to the phone call.

Email is 3rd. I have mixed feelings about this one. Some success but not great, just saying from my personal efforts.

Have you heard of BRANDING YOURSELF? Personal branding is the practice of creating a brand around a person rather than a business entity. It’s positioning themselves as an expert within an industry. 

Personal branding is important because it helps give a person more credibility.

By putting yourself out in front of people, they will get to know you. My mentors Janet and Rob are masters at getting themselves in front of the people.

They are action takers and I follow them by doing the same. I pray your name becomes ( as they say) a household name. People know, like, and trust you.

Branding is a combination of videos, blogging, content marketing, email marketing, solo ads, viral mailers, and traffic exchanges.

When you have a daily list to accomplish and faithfully do these tasks to the best of your ability, I believe in my heart you will see results. It’s called mastering the basics. Doing the same thing over and over until it becomes natural.

Trust is very important when it comes to love, money, and other parts of our daily lives that may be put at risk. Trusting means accepting and taking on risks.

As we experience relationships, we come to realize that in a relationship, two people never fully know one another or can expect that the other person will do exactly what we want to have done. This is particularly true if we ourselves are not certain what we want and need or how to ask for it.

This takes considerable practice. Don’t clam up and stop sharing. Take your time and communicate to the best of your ability what you think and need.

I love my wife. I have had to work long and hard to communicate with her what’s on my mind. If you know me, I get really excited, loud, and have a jumble of words come spilling out, sometimes making it difficult to follow.

Slow down, ask the other person to be patient and I believe you will have a great conversation. Slow and steady.

For the best resources CLICK HERE.


Have You Heard The News?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker received the best news ever.

When you see over 21 people come into your network in a few days that’s saying your plan of action is working. Most of us are not scholars, gifted with memory recall, highly Educated, and able to make any project come outright.


Library, Books, Knowledge, Historical

So what sets us apart from the crowd? For me, it starts with leadership. Men and women who have had to desire to earn a full-time income from the comfort of their home.

They have a plan of action, a calendar, and a daily work ethic to get daily tasks done. They do the same thing over and over until they have mastered the basics.

Even I have quit some projects too early and missed the benefits of a successful business. PLEASE DON’T FOLLOW ME IN THIS. Stay the course. Do what the leaders do and all will work out for the best at the end of the day.

COMMITMENT is key. You have to ask yourself, Do I have what it takes to build a successful business? At the moment most of us would say NO. We can and will train you to get the results you are looking for, BUT you must show up every day.

Business, Office, Training, Problem

You MUST follow directions. Be teachable. Take daily action on tasks.

Can you send an email? Use a viral mailer to get your message out? Talk to people through social networking? Can you make a phone call?

Now here is the test. Can you Click here? Do you want access to the best training like -7 Figure Mastery, High Ticket Client Secrets, Tik Tok Marketing Made Easy, 10K Blueprint, Instagram marketing Secrets, Start A Coaching Business?

Success, Stairs, Board, Drawing

Each of these has been professionally done with easy video training. There are weeks upon weeks of training at your fingertips. Are you READY?

Reading Is The Magic Key

Other great resources Click Here

Entrepreneur Or Couch Potato?

Kicking off the day with adventure and excitement. Michael The Traveling Trucker needs all of your ATTENTION.

Here is my blessing over you: You are anointed to win-Empowered to prosper-Impossible to curse. I speak life over you, health, bless your finances. You have more than enough.

Lately, I have tried to interact with a lot of people who CLAIM they want a way to make additional income. What I get are the excuse-makers, couch potatoes, broke no money, no interest in what I’m doing, but yet fill out every form for making money.

I spend a lot of time looking for that DIAMOND in the ruff. Are you my DIAMOND?


Diamonds On Dark Surface

This is 2022, FOLKS. I’m an Entrepreneur working online for 24 months sharing my life with all who come my way.

Here is my question: What do you want? Do you really know? I know for a fact we have the best system, the right teachers, mentors, and customer service.

We have something for beginner, medium, and advanced. You can start small and build if a beginner. Put a small investment into your business and yourself or decide to GO ALL IN.

You have been a couch potato long enough. It’s TIME. All you lack is a little bit of training, which we offer. Why doesn’t $2000.00 get your attention?

1 sale per month $2000.00 = $12,000.00 for the year. What would that do for your household budget?

2 sales per month$2000.00= $24,000.00 for the year.

Now use your imagination and go as high as you like.

I’m inviting you to be part of the best team ever. 9000 people strong and counting. Each of those has made a sale. Why not YOU?

Here is my best resource for you.

If you contact me personally, I have several other programs I can share. I love helping people see their dreams come true.

The world we live in is moving very fast. I’m here to settle your nerves down, speak peace over your life and HELP you become all you can and want to be.


Poker, Cards, Casino, Gambling, Game

Today is your best day. Things are looking up for you. Take advantage of all our resources.

Life Is The Greatest Adventure-Join Me.

Why Don’t People Have Abundance And Overflow?

Good morning from Toughkenamon, Pa., the mushroom capital. Michael The Traveling Trucker with my next adventure.

I’m looking for those who really want to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. The HUNGRY people.

The question is: WHY don’t people have abundance and overflow?


Ask, Sign, Design, Creative, Information

In my experience, “You have not because you ask not”. For some, after you ask you don’t listen and follow directions. I know because sometimes I’m one of these people, but I’m learning to change this habit.

I’m going to make a bible reference to Matthew 13:12-” To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have abundance and knowledge. But those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away”.

Let me make this point very clear- those who have abundance and overflow have been listening and taking action. Day in and day out. EVERYDAY.

I have noticed that people are looking for a way to increase their finances. Their 1st mistake ( me included) is they look at the price tag, get scared and never look at the system.

They don’t understand the principles of business. You must invest. Invest in yourself and your business.

Let’s start simple, OK? Look at the system while talking to me or your sponsor. Let us guide you by answering your question while looking at the system.

This will require talking to us on the phone while looking at the internet. It is not difficult, FOLKS. Texting is ok if you stay in contact. Don’t put people off.

Why do we trust people we have never spent time with when it comes to our FINANCES? Yes, the gurus. They have the hype. They have the flash. What is the system and does it really produce income?

I have fallen for the next shiny, next biggest thing multiple times. My loss.

It wasn’t until I decided to stay with one system and master it, that things began to happen. I began to listen to my sponsors, follow their examples, and my future and my finances began to increase.

I DON’T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. I do have a few of the answers and I’m willing to share. Let’s learn together. You Up For It?

Today choose to make the WISE decision. Look at the system 1st. Contact us. Keep all your options open. Take a day or two and study the system, then get back to us.

If what you see is not for you just say so. We work with so many people and understand it’s not for everyone. Be honest, OK?

It’s All About You. Let Us GUIDE YOU.

How To Use Personalized Service For High Ticket Sales?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker is on vacation but coming to share my love of HIGH TICKET SALES. What are high ticket sales and why should you personalize your service?

They’re referring to the sales of products and services at a higher price point. We think it’s somewhere around the $500 to $5000 per sale mark. 


Bazaar, Booth, Bracelets, Candles

 Business owners need to be customer-focused and have an eye for opportunities to sell something highly valuable to the right market. 

People don’t become successful at high ticket sales for no reason. Finding the right products is all about choosing a profitable niche, recognizing what’s trending, and then setting up systems that allow you to serve customers well at scale.

Online courses are #1 in the niche of education. Did I say that’s our niche? What are some of the benefits?

Internet, Social Media, Network, Blog

Attract Premium Customers

When you’re selling products or services with premium pricing, you’re going to attract premium customers. Premium customers tend to expect more from the businesses they buy from. 

Gain Brand Recognition in a Luxury Space 

Receive More Revenue With Fewer Customers 

There are tons of benefits to focusing on high-ticket items but below you’ll find 3 of the biggest: profit, authority, and cost-effectiveness.   

More Profit Per Sale. For example a $600 exclusive online course with a $150 profit margin. With high-ticket items, you’re dealing with fewer customers, fewer products, and fewer logistical headaches.

And when you can automate your leads with a done-for-you sales funnel things can become even easier. Let me stop you right here. Folks everything you are looking for is here at GLN. Click here for the resource details.

What does it mean to be More Targeted With Your Marketing? Sell to those who are more willing to spend a higher percentage of their hard-earned cash on your product (“The Enthusiasts”).

Cheerful young ethnic woman taking notes while doing homework using laptop

The higher the investment, the more energy it will take to sell a customer on it. You nurture your leads. You answer their questions, you show them how you’ve helped others just like them, and you get them more and more comfortable with the idea of following through with the sale. 

The sales funnels are your ticket. You filter more people into the top, run them through the process of seeing your offer. You talk to your prospects over and over helping them understand the done-for-you system.

Videos can go a long way towards helping prospects feel more comfortable with taking the plunge, especially since they have the added benefit of connecting with a real human person. Just make sure they don’t come off as scripted. 

Please understand how to qualify your prospects. You do this by asking hard questions. Asking about an investment, budget, time you will spend daily in promoting your business.

There’s a lot of working in building a successful business but worth the time and effort. Be Blunt About YOUR Pricing. YOU ARE WORTH IT AN SO IS YOUR SYSTEM.

Don’t hide your price tag. Don’t sneak it in on some hidden corner of your website. And certainly don’t wait for the sales call to drop the price bomb. 

Instead, wear your price tag loud and proud. And be blunt about it. 

Spend Extra Time On Overcoming Objections.

Concentrated young African American male student in formal clothes and eyeglasses reading notes in planner and typing on laptop while doing assignment in modern workspace

When it comes to high-ticket funnels, you have got to put in the extra effort to address your prospects’ concerns. Offering free case studies is a great way to do that. 

When It’s Time To Close, Get A Human On The Phone. When it comes to high-ticket items, however, people want to talk to people. The point of a sales funnel is to automate your sales process. But when it comes to high-ticket products and services, you simply have to get on the phone with your leads if you want them to buy. 

Try video chatting with your prospects. Don’t be bashful now.  The value of seeing a human face is HUGE when it comes to sales.

I hope these are helpful in your process of HIGH TICKET SALES.


Team Build That Actually Works?”

Well, it’s 2022 and Michael The Traveling Trucker welcomes you to the 1st day of the new year.


Clock, Party, Champagne Glasses

Have you read or heard this before:

When you follow the steps below, you WILL make money.
I can promise you that…
I am going to show you how to create a huge monthly
income using $0 to get started!

Yep, me too. Now for the real truth. My promise to you.

Photographer, Party, New Year, People

Today I offer a brief glimpse into our NEW system for the New Year. We offer value every marketer and person of interest can get a hold
of. This #1 done-for-you -system is 90% finished for you.
All you do is add your finishing touches and promote.

If you seriously want to succeed in marketing online.
No more trial and error.
I’ll show you all the best marketing platforms,
what to write, where to advertise when to post. All for less
than 60 minutes per day
Just follow the instructions to get set up.

Click here for instructions.

Let’s be real for a minute,OK? Business takes 3 things, Money, Time and Consistent Effort. Life is not FREE and never has been. Stop thinging you will become successful and rich with ZERO investment. IT AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN.

I’m looking to invest my time in helping people who are willing to invest in themsleves, but not not sure where to start. If you will follow our step by step instructions, YOU WILL SEE THE RESULTS You Are Looking For.


Contact Michael



Want More Results Online?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with tips on getting more results online.

Marketing is a profession that if done correctly, can make you some serious
amounts of money.

Today I would like to focus on several areas I think are vital for better engagement.


Team, Teamwork, Together, Strategy

HEADLINES: You can have the best content, the best news for doing things, and the best news for making money, but if people don’t open your email or read your blog, you don’t have them. This should be a PRIORITY for your blogs and emails.

Keeping your emails short and sweet is very important when you are email

You want to make sure you get your point across as quickly as you can without leaving out any important details about the product you are promoting or the message you are trying to get across.

It is very important that you make sure that the marketing experience is as
convenient as possible for the customer because this will surely lead to
more sales.

Here are a few Headlines that caught my attention:

Learn how to make money online as an affiliate, Claim Your Free Traffic Package Worth 5 To 20 Every Day, Get Paid To Log In Every Day!, New System Pays you multiple times Per day on autopilot!, $1,000 IN MAILBOX CASH , 2k with New system.

Are you starting to let those juices flow?

Bulletin Board, Stickies, Post-It, Note


It’s so important to put content out DAILY on social media! You never know who is watching. As the saying goes” SOMEONE IS ALWAYS WATCHING”. If you are just showing up once a month on Twitter or other social media, people will not remember you or engage with you.

I believe that you need to be in front of people 24/7/365. Are you making videos on Youtube and sharing them? Post. Every. Single Day! No Exception!

Now for the BIG ONE: DRIVE THEM TO A CAPTURE FORM. Your goal is to make sure you are funneling potential customers and leads into your list. You should be adding to your list daily. Communicating with your people helps in the process all the way around.

Here is what I call the 10,000- hour rule. You must stay consistent. It takes 10,000 hours of consistent ‘practice’ to master your chosen niche. Most people won’t even invest 100 hours into their business. You have it beat already. Don’t ever give up.

I will grow my subscriber list by 50 new people. I will add 50% to my monthly income. I will learn 1 new thing per day. I will share my life with people daily.

My resources are here for you to use.

Engagement Is The KEY


Merry Christmas Eve from Michael The Traveling Trucker.

Today’s focus is why should you choose High Paying Clients and where do you find them?


Woman, Book, You Read, Library

First off what is a High Paying Client? It is someone who is willing to pay you double, triple, or even 50 times what your average customer would pay you for the same time and effort.

They understand the value of what you offer. What would you rather have, 100 low ticket clients or 1 high paying client for the same effort? Which is more efficient for you in the long run? Which will produce more time and freedom?

Do you understand what it takes to close a High-End Client? First, it’s your belief system. Do you believe you really can do it? I know from experience, what believing in yourself means. I hear this all the time, selling is not my strength, I’m an introverted person, I could never get a high-paying client.

DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY. Did you get that? Beliefs have to power to create or to destroy. It’s up to you. When you want more out of life, you have to make your beliefs match your circumstances.

Pain Brushes Inside Clear Plastic Cups

Like these cups and brushes,there are different approaches and skills needed. Here are some.

How to position yourself as an expert. How to identify the right client and qualify them. How to get the client’s interest and present the opportunity. How to handle different sales objections. Closing skills. Each of these is important in handling your business. You must master each of these over time or you will have NO BUSINESS.

Find your comfort level. No one really wants to come across as a used car salesman. You want to sell in ways that make you feel comfortable with what you’re doing.

Here is my best resource. Use it and benefit from years of experience.

Get strategic about prospecting. Strategic prospecting is a cross between prospecting and lead qualification. We’re defining prospecting as the process of adding possible targets to your sales funnel, and lead qualification as assessing these possible customers for suitability. 

Please be aware of this fact: 50% of your prospects are not a good fit for what you’re selling. so learn to focus on the 50% that is a good fit.

Supercharge your communication skills. Storytelling skills, make it more likely that your emails will be opened, your articles will be read, and your overall communication will be seen as authentic and trustworthy. 

Framed Photo Lot

What stories do the above paintings express?

Remember that people relate to stories. They relate to what is going on in your life which overlaps into their life. Communication isn’t a one-way street. When it’s the clients turn to speak, let them communicate their beliefs which will prepare you to know how to respond to objections.

Become a master negotiator

Not every account is closed-won the minute you make an offer. A good salesperson knows how to effectively negotiate and find terms both you and the prospect are happy with. Before you enter negotiations, you need to answer all questions and overcome all objections.

High Ticket Clients Are The Only Way To Go