How Do You Interact With Prospects?

Hello Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker, Today’s adventure is becoming comfortable with your leads/ prospects.

It’s building those relationships on an ongoing basis. Talking to people on the phone or talking via a video should be natural, fun, and exciting.


Woman, People, Coffee, Portrait

It should be a bit scary the 1st time then should become easier. Don’t waste time on the ” I can’t do this and focus on the I CAN DO THIS. I GOT THIS.

Here are the scripts from the back office of GLN:

Phone Call Script To Free Members

-Hi is this (Your Prospects Name Here)?
-When they say yes it is, you respond with this — This is (Your Name Here) from the Genesis Lifestyle Network. Is this a good time to talk?
-Pause and continue based on their response
-I’m following up to see if you have any questions.
-Have you had a chance to log in to the member’s area yet?
-Pause and continue based on their response
-If they answer no … Recommend they log in, ask if they have time now
-If they answer yes … First things first, ask if they watch the video in the member’s area! Then ask if they have any questions about the program, did they start the 6 steps to set up their GLN system?
Are they interested in moving forward with GLN, even at the beginner level?

You job here is to direct them to get involved. Get them to join the FB Group and the Telegram Group. From there, they will get all the help they need, regardless of your experience. The GLN Team will work to “convert” your free member to a paid member!

Phone Call Script To Leads 

Hi is this (Your Prospects Name Here)?
-When they say yes it is, you respond with this –This is (Your Name Here) and you recently filled out a form about making money from home. Do you have a few moments to talk?
-Pause and continue based on their response
-I’m following up to see if you have any questions.
-Did you watch the on-demand webinar after you filled out the form?
-If they say no, respond with this — Are you looking for a way to make money from home?
-If they say yes, ask them this — Do you have a few moments right now to watch the on-demand webinar?
-If they say yes, respond with this — I will send you the link via email, what is a good email address?
-When they give you their email, respond with this – Ok, one moment here it comes.
-Pause to send the email which you have ready to send before you call!
-Once you send them the email, verify that they received it
-Once they say they have received it, tell them you can wait while they watch the video or you can call them back. Make sure you set a time to call them back and have them commit to that time.__________________________________________________In reality, a script is just a guide for useful things to ask and say. You will be lead by the person on the other end of the phone. Keep your conversation on track, ask questions to determine if this is a “Hot or Not” prospect.


Adding to your list is your daily goal

Smile For The Birdie

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. It’s time to smile for the birdie.

Making a video is easy, fun and let’s people know who you are.

Let me say this: Don’t over complicate this process. You can do as many as you like if you are not satisfied with the results.

No one will see them until you publish them. Go ahead now and create your 1st video. After you are done I know you will say to yourself, That wasn’t hard at all.


What Does Your Calendar Say?

Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker. We all have a calendar. Do you use your calendar to divide your time between specific activities?

It’s all about working smarter not harder, getting more done in less time. Sometimes time is tight and the pressures can be high.


Black Framed Eyeglasses on White Printer Paper

Real-time management is about having a good activities list. Once you have WRITTEN DOWN your activity’s list, put beside each one how much time you will devote to this activity.

Say your Blog post- 30 to 45 minutes, depending what you are writing about.

How much time to do viral mailers, create a new Lead Capture Page, Send out a broad cast to your team… Get the PICTURE, Does this begin to make sense?

As you begin to start your day, you will see where you can fit other activities into your day and allow others to interrupt you because you are flexible.

PLEASE don’t get to side tracked that you lose all sense of time. You can always contact people back after your activities are done.

Don’t get MARRIED to your computer that all you do is have conversations and nothing gets done. Be able to separate between Business and Family. You need to be able to break away.

Free stock photo of adult, anonymouse, blur


Prioritizing-Delegating-Decision making-Goal setting-Multitasking-Problem solving-Strategic thinking-SCHEDULING.

On a DAILY basis- Do You Have A Specific GOAL you accomplish? Something you are working toward? Something you REALLY want?

Most of us who are starting out can’t delegate others to get certain things done. We have to do it ourselves. Making a decision-YOU MUST make one and go with it. Don’t hemp and haw.

Strategies To Get Things Done In Less Time:

Have a clear focus to start your DAY. Have a dynamic task list. FOCUS on high-value activities. Minimize interruptions. Stop procrastinating Limit multi-tasking. Review your day.


How cool is it if you can send your leads and prospects to a specific place to book a time to meet with you one on one?

You can set up a calendly calendar at

Ad this to your blog and invite prospect to book an appointment!

I hope this was helpful.

You can watch Janet Legere’s YouTube video by clicking here

Keep Up Your Daily Action Plan

Nuts and Bolts Of 10k Blueprint

Woo Hoo-Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Let’s open the door and peek inside. What does it take to earn 10k per month?

MATH TIME: To build your business strong you need at least 1000 subscribers on your list within the first month. All businesses have to go through these numbers, some will join and some will not.

On average, what is your subscribe worth? Most say around $1.00 per month.


Free traffic is a source of getting subscribers but will take a lot of time. You can leverage your time with paid traffic. After you reach your 1000 subscribers, your goal should be to reach 5000 subscribers.

Then the magic number should be 10,000 subscribers. Math: 10,000 X 1.00= $10,000 per month. Don’t stop there. What about 50,000 subscribers, even 100,000 subscribers?

Here is the process to start, 1) Have a plan of ACTION. What does it take to make 10k per month? What is your Niche going to be? Our Niche is Affiliate Marketing.

2) Create a squeeze page. This is an enticing offer that prompts people to leave their name, email, and phone number for say, a free report, free ebook.

Make money online. Business concept with making profit using internet. Laptop computer with money in woman hands. Making money onl. Ine concept. Using a laptop royalty free stock photography

3) This will take them through your sales funnel, so it must look good. The page will have no other link on the page. People will fill out the page and click subscribe or leave the page.

4) Where do you store your emails? This is where your autoresponder is set up. You will have a series of emails set up to deliver to your subscribers daily. Each email is set up with one thing in mind.

Taking your subscribers to paid members. We are here to MAKE MONEY, YES?

At this point, FOLLOW UP IS CRUCIAL. Building your brand. Letting people know who you are and they can trust you. YOU DO THEIR THERE BEST INTEREST AT HEART, RIGHT? Without people, WHAT DO YOU HAVE?

Make money online. From home royalty free stock photo

At this point what is your TRAFFIC PLAN? Paid , solo, viral mailers, co-op, free. Decide what your MONTHLY budget is going to be. After you start getting results, increase your budget for even greater results.

As people subscribe to YOUR list, you can start to promote other offers that bring VALUE to what they are already doing.

My mentor said WASH,RINSE,REPEAT. I know you must have read what I’m writing about before, bur well worth repeating. MASTER the basics and become a LEADER in your Field.

You are well on your way to making 10 k per month. Some will do this easily and others will take some time to build.

DON’T EVER QUIT. You have a starting point and an end goal in mind-YOU CAN REACH IT.

Then set some new goals, even bigger than the 1st ones. FOLKS, there is so much to learn. You have just scratched the surface.

I pray you find this useful. Please comment after reading. Be honest in you comments. This helps us to grow to produce even better content.

You Have Start, GO GO GO


Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker with another adventure on the road. It was ice and snow.

In business and personal life, are you stuck on HALFWAY BLVD? You have come to the intersection which is a T. To the left is dead-end alley and to the right is success 101 express.


CLB, GLN, CTP, TL2IVM are four businesses that can help you move from Halfway Blvd to Success 101 Express.

I have been taught to pick one, give it my all, then in the background point people to additional income opportunities. FOCUS is vital to one business only until you master the basics, and make it a daily habit.

Daily habits become weekly, which turn to monthly, then yearly. Get hold of this concept. It will guide you the rest of your life.

In business, people get stuck on Halfway Blvd for a number of reasons. Afraid of the phone, not enough leads coming in, not investing in your business monthly, shiny syndrome- jumping from one business to another without any focus as to what makes it successful.

Puzzle, Planning, Strategy, Process

Just because you don’t see immediate results, doesn’t mean your business is not going in the right direction. IT TAKES TIME AND PATIENCE.

Being a leader is hard work. Branding yourself as the go-to person can be quite exhausting, but very rewarding. Successful leaders are available.

They spend time coaching, mentoring, teaching. Pointing people to where they need to go.

You must give yourself time to learn. However, it’s VERY IMPORTANT to apply what you have learned as soon as possible.

Last week on my coaching call, I said I was not getting people to respond. I was asked if there was a sense of URGENCY?

I started leaving a simple voice message, “This is Michael, call me it’s urgent”. It works because people called me back wondering what was so urgent. I told them their financial future for 2021.

Conference, Team, Office, Dining Tables

What point in your personal life or business are you stuck at? Remember that in business, we are here to help each other. When one succeeds, it brings value to the community as a whole.

Investing in people in a positive way, helps them to grow. My mentors help me to see when I get off course and guide me back to where I need to be. This is ALWAYS done LOVINGLY with great respect for both of us.

I love it when I hear” does that make sense”? If it does I move on and if I need clarification, it is given.

What leadership skills are you showing? Share what is working with you, for you and for your team.

Get Off Halfway Blvd. Move onto Success 101 Express


Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker is at HOME. Woot Woot.


Mensaje, Family, Lyrics, Quotes, Quotes

My life is NOT up for grabs. It’s not about me ” figuring it all out” and ” getting it all together”. This is about living a life of PEACEFUL surrender to the FATHER who knows how to care for me and longs to do so.

Because of my relationship with God the Father, I am on His mind night and day. He looks for ways to bless me and I find them through my family, church, my job, and my business.

Motivational Quote, Try And Stop Me

I am answering the call to spread the good news. Not only do I share my business with people, but I also have the privilege of sharing Jesus with everyone I come in contact with.

Every day we have so many opportunities to share our lives with people, through this business we call Affiliate Marketing. We can and will make a difference in the lives of thousands.

What do you think about most? How does it effect those around you?

How do you show your love, life and happiness? What makes you different from everyone else?

Have you shared your life story with anyone lately? What do you share with them? My mentor, Janet Legere share’s her book ” GetStuckOnHappy” Her simple approach to life is breathtaking and I enjoy acting on the techniques described in the book.

Notebook, Pencils, Quote, Reminder

It’s ok to talk to yourself. It’s ok to answer yourself. When you ask yourself to repeat the question-MIGHT BE A PROBLEM.

Stamp, Wood, Do Something Great, Saying

I’ve seen many people assume that what they are experiencing in life is simply their ” lot in life.” Don’t buy into that lie. Don’t see yourself as broken, beat down and defeated.

See yourself in pursuit of something greater than who you are, and be willing to pay the price to get where you want to be. Your past has a way of labeling you.

If you allow your past experiences as well as perceived shortcomings to define who you are and how you see your life, you will never see the breakthrough that GOD has for you.

You are what the word says you are and you have what the word says you have. Rise up this day and shout I AM DOING GREAT THINGS.

Board, Listen And Learn, Text, Quote

God gave you two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much. There are those who can and those who can’t. They are both RIGHT.

Don’t hold back any longer. Give it all you have, then go take a nap.

If you have not read this book, please do so. You will be blessed.


Hello Everyone, Michael The Snow Bound Traveling Trucker. Being in the upper northeast states has given me some beautiful pictures. I just don’t like the brine they put on the roads. It gets on everything and it’s nasty to get off. Got off track, sorry. Where was I?



I have gotten this question from a number of people wanting to start their own Marketing business.

First- Is this really something you are going to be committed to for the long haul?

Second- Do you have MONEY to invest in yourself? Business takes MONEY. Then do you have a budget for investing monthly into yourself?

Target Group, Advertising, Buyer

You will spend time building your list, without people, NO BUSINESS.

Every Guru will tell you, you can make millions instantly. Just send us your money and we’ll do it for you. Laughs out LOUD, sorry.

Picking a business to follow should not be hard. Look for the people who have been around for awhile. Look at their program earnestly and determine if you can duplicate it.

Education, Hand, Write, Skills, Can

Here I recommend you look at my resource Page at the TOP OF MY BLOG.

You start with a great funnel. This is your complete set up.

Lead Capture Page, Thank You Page which tells your lead what the business is about and how they can join with you. Let your people know to check their emails (all of them) for the WELCOME email which will be sent.

Tip Of The Day: Many will fill out the form-lead capture page and not remember they did it. Many people surf the internet for hours clicking every page they can, filling out form after form.

You will have to follow up with phone calls if they leave number, text them, and email them. You will know who is interested and who is NOT. People want free.

That’s ok because we can start them off this way, and they can still make money. Let them know the real value of being an UPGRADED MEMBER.

Advertising you business daily is KEY. The more people who see YOU ( YOUR BRAND) the better. There are so many ways to advertise. Viral mailers, solo ads-Udimi, co-op shares, social media…..

Trust me when I say, Building a steady stream of income will take TIME. Please don’t QUIT just because you don’t see instant success. Build strong and steady.


The best of the best have put 2-5 years building a steady multi stream income into place. There are always exception to the rules who blow it out of the water right away.



Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker.


God brought to mind, Am I faithful and Trustworthy? In many areas of my life, it is a resounding YES. Other areas are a work in progress and still, other areas are sad but true, NO.

God is central in my life. Marriage is a STRONG YES, raising children, work in progress. They are your children no matter how old they get.

Been steady paying bills off, saving a little and being able to buy things we need.

For the last year, I can say yes to building my business. It is also a strong work in progress. I try to add value each day somewhere.

I’m having to prioritize my mailings, as being a trucker, I only have small amounts of time, which I am engaged in income-producing activities- Phone calls, texts, and emails, sending broadcasts, promoting our weekly training. Follow up. Advertising.

Pointing people to where we are and how to get to where we are.

When people meet you face to face or online, what do they say about YOU? How do you present your brand, your heart, your wisdom, your mentorship, your coaching?

As a finite people we all have a football field opening for improvement.

I ask people, how can I help you today? I wait to see what adventure awaits for the taking.

We have the greatest system to share, the best leaders to work with, and the most love any group can share.

I know for a fact our LEADERS are Faithful and Trustworthy. They are here, day after day helping others, building their lists, branding themselves, weekly training videos. Sharing the life-giving opportunity.

Today I choose to be one of the Faithful and Trustworthy. I choose to be here day after day, teach what I have learned, mentor those who come behind me.

So now, take your look into the mirror. What does it reflect?

Be The Man Or Women You Are Destined To Be


Up in the snow of Ohio, Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker.


We have all been teased at one time or another. Some teasing is hurtful, while other times it is funny, and others times you are trying to get peoples attention.

What do you do to tease your leads or prospects? What phrases do you use? What incentives are you using to get them to respond?

There is a list of teasers from Headlines, offers, ebooks….

One of my favorites: Have You Been Paid Yet? For a limited time only, Hurry before we take it down, Are struggling to get leads, Would You Make This Deal?

Enter your name and email to receive this FREE report.

Be as creative as possible to achieve your desired results. I found out being as obscure as possible giving a weird Headline is awesome.

Have you seen my purple stripped Elephant sunbathing? People really do respond to this.

I’ll make this as simple as possible… 

Would you give me one weekend of work…
For a lifetime of high-quality traffic?

Look at all the emails you receive and you can create some great winners yourself.

Discover how you can start making extra
money online in no time at all. If your
tired of the scams and other junk online
then you need to see this.

Take the FREE Tour and lock in your position.

Is all about  Real online profits and Success.

If you haven’t seen this system…Then

YOU are in for a treat. Act NOW. Click Here.

Teasing is very much allowed. Everyone uses it from make up, driving a certain car, living in a specific area, what you eat, what you drink. People everywhere are trying to get your attention and we are trying to get theirs.

We are the problem solvers. We have the solutions and the word needs to get out.

Real Life In the Drivers Seat

DOES Your Compensation Measure Up?

Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today I got to see the new compensation plan at one of the businesses I promote. I’M SO EXCITED.

Click Here To See More.


This is going to be a GAME CHANGER. You will make money on every level. How KOOL IS THAT? From Free To VIP.

You will still earn on upgrades of members under you.

free – 10% commissions: Beginner $5 commissions: Pro $10 commissions: Advanced$30 commission: Elite$60 commissions: VIP $120 commissions

beginner – 30% commission: $15 commission: $30 commission: $90 commission: $180 commission: $360 commission

pro – 40% commission : $20 commission: $40 commission: $120 commission: $180 commission: $480 commission

advanced – 50% commission: $25 commission: $50 commission: $150 commission: $300 commission: $600 commission

elite – 60% commission: $30 commission: $60 commission: $180 commission: $360 commission: $720 commission

VIP – 100%b: $50 commission: $100 commission: $300 commission: $600 commission: $1200 commission

Indemnity plan word cloud. Concept on grey background stock images

They will also be adding in bonus money at the end of each month for the top 3 referrers! This is challenge time. Are You Up For It? Will You Be One Of The Top 3?

Giving our members the ability to earn on their first sale to infinity and pay out a whopping 100% commissions on all of our core products.

We want to reward our members and we truly believe our compensation plan can benefit any person with any experience level.

With our free package, you still have the ability to earn a residual commission by referring others to our recommended tool suite that will help you build your business.

You will be able to earn in a variety of ways using Multi Stream Income System ranging from our online internet marketing university all the way to building multiple opportunities that can create a lifestyle that you have only dreamed about!

CREAT Your Free Account NOW and upgrade on the inside and position yourself for life changing $1,200 paydays!