Are You Listening To The Symphony?

Great day everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with thoughts for the soul. I turned off the radio, CB, TV and sat listening to the sounds of the Universe whispering to me. Have you ever done this?

Just listening, not moving, taking in the love of the UNIVERSE?


What a beautiful symphony playing just for you and me. When we learn to sit quietly for a while, our thoughts become focused on what the Universe is telling us to do.

I love this statement,” Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose”.

I really strive to be like-minded with those around me in life and business. For years I hung around negative people and I was negative. Today I choose to be around positive people. Being in tune with those around you can keep you grounded and focused.

Do you like HARMONY? There is something beautiful when you place yourself in that atmosphere. The sounds of life are at peace. Your spirit is resting and getting energized.

With life being hectic, how do you enter into your business with HARMONY? For me, it’s a choice. There is good in all of us and I choose to look for the good. The sounds of life will surprise you so look and listen for them.

This is an awesome statement. Please read it aloud and let it resonate in your spirit.

Positive thinking is not always easy and takes a lot of practice for most people. That is because if the mind has already been trained to think negatively, it needs to be retrained to think in a positive direction, which can be a long, arduous process. On the bright side, retraining the brain is possible and immensely beneficial.

Did you know there are health benefits to being POSITIVE? I never thought about this until about 5 years ago. I bet you didn’t know this either, right?

Positive thinking Encourages Stronger Relationships. Positive Thinking Brings Strength To The Body. Positive Thinking Creates Soundness Of Mind. Positive Thinking Helps Increase Self-Confidence. Positive Thinking Improves The Outer Appearance.

On a daily basis, try writing down positive comments in a journal. Participate in enjoyable things on a daily basis, like talking to friends, listening to your favorite music, writing from the heart to yourself or a loved one.

Think of a peaceful place – whether real or imagined – and mentally visit this place when feeling uneasy. I ask you NOW, to visit this place so often that it becomes automatic when feeling stress.

How may I serve you today, READER? What do you need that can make your life simple and enjoyable?

As a dad with grown children, I look at their lives and see the influence from my wife and myself. Yes I understand that I spoke both positive and negative to them. Which is the most dominate? Only time will tell.

Love is the ANSWER. Hug them. Sing to them,( even if it embarasses them), kiss them, make them a meal, send a card, draw hearts on paper and put it in their pocket.

How do you show this same love in business? Send them a training video, get them on a one on one call to encourage, help them make a landing page, send them a book you wrote( Get Stuck On Happy by Janet Legere) which is what my mentor did for me. Best book ever.

Business is BUILDING A STRONG DAILY RELATIONSHIP. Get to know people. See what makes them excited, smile, tell a joke, share a good time from their past.

People need to know you care, so show THEM.

I pray you use some of the suggestions I wrote about. This is my love for you.

Be Helpful At All TIMES

Are You Promoting Properly?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. I have some great things to share, sit back and keep your pen and pencil handy.

As I build my business, learning the in’s and out’s has taken some time to figure out. I love having more than one mentor who is willing to point me in the right direction.


How do you talk to prospects? There are several skills involved beyond your ability to speak to someone else. Great prospect conversations require some research, confidence, and focus on building a relationship. Don’t get caught up in making assumptions, hitting all your points, and selling to the prospect.

Know that Prospecting is Not Selling. Prospecting is about locating, connecting, and then building a relationship with potential prospects, who in time will naturally move into your sales funnel. 

Be friendly, confident and share time with your prospect getting to know them and how what you have will improve their lives.

Are you offering bonuses and deals? This is a value for those looking at your business. People join when they know you are here for them and getting a good deal.

For most affiliate businesses it is crucial that they are able to pull maximum leads towards their website.

Finding consistent leads for your business can be the difference between growing a successful business… and crashing and burning. Sales lead generation techniques are critically important to keep your business afloat.

I love our coop shares for 50.00 per share for any business you are promoting. This is consistent month after month.

How to Email Leads to Gain Interaction? The first part of gaining interaction with your email leads is to make it personal. Saying something personal in the message to them about their dog, cat, where they live, etc. People don’t normally care to respond to something sent in mass so DON’T DO IT.

Use Posture When You Email Leads. Use something like this:

Hey There, I see that you are seeking financial Freedom in 2021 in Washington DC. I love Washington, took my kids there once and we had a blast, actually watched the fireworks in front of the Whitehouse on the 4th of July. Anyway, listen I am working with and always looking for sharp people to share our project we have going on with and I would love to chat with you. This is something that might not be a fit for you or it could possibly be a great fit, won’t know until we chat. Is there a time we can hop on the phone for 5 minutes to discuss?

Pretty cool, huh? Use what fits your personality. An email response that would lead to a phone conversation. 

Follow these rules about emails. Don’t send an unsolicited link. Boost your attractiveness by being postured. Seek interaction, not a signup. Be personal, they should be unable to tell if it is a mass email.

How do your Social media campaigns look? Are you using specific keywords and topics? This helps you optimize your social media campaign to attract more customers to your website. 

I use certain words to tell my story, being a trucker. I use travel, making money, and family time. Use what you know from your personal experiences.

Content Marketing is something you get from your Blogs, infographics, and eBooks. Find ways in which you can share content on your website. What is your content focused on?

I use everything I have learned over the last 18 months. Talking is fun, exciting, and very rewarding.

Here is my personal invitation for you to see what we have. Click Here.

Promote what You Know


Hello Everyone. Blessings to you and your family in every area of your life.

Michael The Traveling Trucker speaks words of life over you.


I’m going to talk about my faith, so please meditate on this for a while, then speak your thoughts.

We are to put our words into action. Joshua 1:8 ” Study this book of instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Speak words of life out loud to the UNIVERSE. Do this day after day.

Prosperity has gotten a negative view in the church and world. Many people believe prosperity has a lot to do with big houses, big cars, and big bank accounts.


Now let’s study the word SALVATION: It means wholeness, complete, nothing loss, and whole. So these two words in the BIBLE mean the same identical thing.


The question is who wants their household to have good success and prosperity?

The answer is everybody. If you want to have a successful family, a successful business, to be a successful employee, and to have success and prosperity in every area of your life, you have to base your life on the word of GOD.

I know there are people who the world says are successful without believing in God. If we were to study them, how happy are they? Is there peace, joy, and happiness in their lives? Some yes, some no. It really depends on the person.

I have met people who are respectful, happy, enjoy helping others and do not believe in GOD.

It is everyone’s right to choose how you live your life. I respect this deeply. Even though I would want everyone to believe in God, I don’t force anyone. I talk to everyone as a friend.

When there’s a limited number of minutes available in a life, each one of them is worth more than if they were endless. In other words, time becomes a valuable “commodity.” USE IT WISELY.

It forces us to act. Knowing we can’t postpone things forever motivates us to actually get them done at some point. Every procrastinator knows the importance of deadlines and of feeling the pressure of that coming due date.

Since we’re all on the Ultimate Deadline, DEATH forces us all into taking action as soon as possible.

It makes us appreciate time

The moment we realize how valuable each minute is, we begin to appreciate rather than take them for granted. So not only is every second, minute, and hour worth more, but it counts for more as well. It’s because we know time is limited and that we can even worry we might be wasting it.

Focus on the positive.

To find long-term happiness, you need to retrain your brain from a negative mindset to a positive mindset. Try these things: Spend one to two minutes looking for positives in your life. Do this three times a day for 45 days, and your brain will start doing it automatically.

I am going to start doing this myself for the next 45 days. I challenge you to join me.

Live in the moment.

Our thoughts and feelings often revolve around the past or the future. Reality is what you are experiencing in this very moment; what you are going through right now. Sometimes we want to escape that reality. But when we stay in the present, we are fully engaged in our lives.



I am studying great men and women of success. Hello Everyone, This is your tried and true friend, Michael The Traveling Trucker once again at your service.

What makes a man or woman successful is the question to ponder.

Do you long to be one of them? Great news, it’s simple and yes you can be a success.


In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, wrote from his experience, his numerous experiences, and the experiences of America’s most successful.

This is NOT A THEORY of how to think and grow rich. This book is NOT written to entertain. You can’t digest the contents properly in a week or month.

It is a textbook on individual achievement. It is the experiences of hundreds of Americas most successful men.

Here was my light bulb moment, it’s not just about making money, it’s about a better way to live a rich life.

Here is my challenge READER, read this book. Those who do will get the most out of it by putting into practice the Master Mind principle described in the book.

After you read this book, you will be in the presence of great men like Charles Schwab, John D. Rockefeller, F.W. Woolworth, Woodrow Wilson, WM. Howard Taft, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, Wilbur Wright, Theodore Roosevelt to name a few.

Is your desire so great, so deep that you stake your entire future on a single turn to get what you desire? It is your THOUGHTS that count. When you intensify your desire over a period of time, that which you seek will appear.

You must remain active during this process, ready until you get what you are seeking. Today I want you to ADOPT A DIFINITE PURPOSE and stand by it until it becomes an all- consuming obcession.

Sometimes opportunity comes in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. This is why so many fail to recognize opportunity.

My mentor Janet, tells a personal story where she and her husband Don where leaders in a business one day with full-time income and the next day the business had closed it’s doors, and found themselves with zero income.

She could had said, “Oh well I failed “. Janet and Don DIDN’T let their thoughts rule them in defeat. Their desire was greater , so onward they went to even greater heights. Their mentoring style has helped thousands over the years to attain success.

One of the most common causes of failure is quitting when overtaken by temporary defeat. DON’T EVER QUIT. We have all been guilty of this at one time or another in our lives.


Study, put into practice what you study and study some more. Keep the cycle going.

Here is my invatation for you to join me. Come study GLN. Gleen the best information on the internet from our Done-For-You-System

Success Is One Thought Put Into ACTION


I’m a successful affiliate marketer. I bring joy to those around me. I share sound business practices, upbeat positive reinforcement coaching.

Today I offer you my life-changing words, I believe in you. Come join me in GLN. I trust the system and I use it wisely every day. So can you

Good Wednesday to all, Michael The Traveling Trucker talking to myself, but you can listen. You might pick up a golden nugget of positive.

If you are reading this, don’t forget today’s webinar at NOON EST for core member training with Janet Legere. Her talk today is Positive Mental Attitude. Be here for this awesome training.

Training webinars will take place every Wednesday at 12 pm Eastern. All webinars will be recorded and placed in your online university in the beginner products under webinar recordings ****

The next training webinar will begin on 06/02/2021 @ 12 PM EST


Why is being positive and speaking positively to yourself so important? We are our own wrecking ball of self-destruction. We are hard on ourselves when we make mistakes.

Today’s exercise is all about being kind to yourself. You are the best you so talk it up. Treat yourself with respect. I’m a winner. I’m getting everything I need to be done today. Today I focus on just one thing and that’s speaking positively to myself.

Self-Talk Can Be Tricky

Thoughts are the most powerful manifesting tool we have. They created your reality, and they can change it too–all you need is a little reminder to keep them flowing in the right direction!

Habit Of Positive Self-Talk: Be Aware Of “Self-Thought.”It’s easy to get caught up in your thoughts and start worrying about everything that could potentially go wrong. 

I found that one of the most mundane ways to start a day is with a few minutes of sitting in silence and not thinking. I know it’s hard, but give it a shot until you master it. Your Goal should be around 12 minutes.

Watch Your Language: Your words are powerful. Take a minute to think before speaking negatively. You might be surprised by the effects of what you say on those who hear them!

Keep it Real: When it comes to manifesting and the law of attraction, it’s important to be kinder and gentler with yourself. Rather than denying that the mistake happened, try looking at what you could have done differently in order to avoid repeating this same error again.

Enlist a Friend: Your closest friends and loved ones can give you a good idea of how effective your mindset is in achieving what you desire most.

Ask them to rate, on a scale one- to -ten (one being negative and ten being positive), the attitude or speech patterns about life from any given time period. The answer might surprise you!

Be A Friend

Be more positive to others and you will be a better person for yourself.

My Final Thoughts On Positive Self-Talk

There are so many benefits to positive self-talk. Learning how to speak positively and encouraging words can help you achieve your manifesting goals in major ways, making it worth the effort!

What you say does make a difference in your life and the life of those around you.

Today I Choose To Speak Positive


I find myself, Michael The Traveling Trucker among thinkers, teachers, speakers, givers, lovers of some of the world’s greatest influencers.


Library, Heaven, Birds, Mystical, Clouds

Through books, we have a host of information that is being lost. Technology is useful but books still hold the greatest treasures of wisdom.

Here are some heroes of mine. John Bunyan, Fanny Crosby, Jim Elliot, Billy Graham, David Livingstone, Martin Luther, D.L. Moody, Samual Morris, John Newton, Charles Spurgeon, Corrie ten Boom, and Sojourner Truth.

These are men and women who touched a world lost without hope. They brought the love of GOD when the world needed a message. These people have written books that have lasted for 100’s of years.

The written word has the power to change minds and hearts. Deep within us lies the heart of a mighty warrior. Our message is still as strong as writers of years gone by.

What is your story, READER? What message are you sharing with the world?

“If I could tell you only one thing, it would be to figure out why you do what you do.”

People, Communication, Headset


People are drawn to your deeply-held motivation in a powerful way. Understanding and communicating your why will help you achieve your goals.

We all have a story that has made us who we are—a story that has shaped who we want to be in the world and how we want to impact it.

Here are some basic things that will help you put your thoughts down on paper:

TIME: It could be minutes or could be much longer than that. You will know when you find your WHY. Meditate on these things SLOWLY.

Buddies: Whether it’s your business partner, spouse, friend, or coach, you’ll need people to bounce your ideas off of and talk things through with. Identify people who will challenge you.

An open mind: You can’t decide what the outcome is going to be before you even start. Your outcome is determined by time, people, and hard work.

Marketing, Advertising, Propaganda

In my life “I do what I do so people can live full lives instead of just existing!”Michael The Traveling Trucker is more than being a trucker. My message is one of encouragement. Helping people from all walks of life, seize life to the fullest, instead of just getting by day by day.

Write Your Life Story for Yourself. Writing the stories from your life, you help yourself form a clearer understanding of who you are and how you got to where you are.

Write to Leave a Legacy. Your written life story can give family a book about who you are and where you came from.

People, Multiracial, Diverse, Hands

I have always been a traveler. Sometimes I think myself as a vagabon. I share my story of being a drug addict and alcoholic. My story of overcoming both by the power of GOD and a wife who dearly loves me.

Raising a family while being on the road. Seeing my daughter grow into beautiful women. Sharing good and bad times with my sweet bride.

Sharing my blogs with the world, building my business with great mentors and coaches. People I have talked to on the phone getting involved with my business.

All these things are one big story that has been in the telling for coming up on 62 years. Sharing GLN is a part of the big picture. I invite you to join me and begin telling us YOUR story.



I’m an arrow, pointing people in the right direction. This is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Let me say for the start, all the info here is in your BackOffice.

Next Steps - chalkboard with arrows and text. Next Steps - chalkboard with arrows - female hand with chalk writing text stock photos

When you call your lead, start off by asking if you are speaking with(person name)—-This is (Your Name Here) and you recently filled out a form about making money from home. Do you have a few moments to talk?

Our main task here at GLN is to get people involved. Point them to the 7-minute video. Then ask if they are part of the Facebook and Telegraph rooms.

From there, they will get all the help they need, regardless of your experience. The GLN Team will work to “convert” your free member to a paid member!

KEEP PEOPLE MOVING FORWARD. Help keep them from going to the left or right away from their goal.

Arrows sign. A sign with three arrows on it stock photography

You should have your BackOffice script at hand. Everything will be at your fingertips. This makes you look professional.

Ask questions. Wait for their response.

I’m following up to see if you have any questions. Have you had a chance to log in to the member’s area yet?

If they answer no … Recommend they login, ask if they have time now.

If they answer yes … First things first, ask if they watch the video in the member’s area! Then ask if they have any questions about the program, did they start the 6 steps to setup their GLN system?
Are they interested in moving forward with GLN, even at the beginner level?

Man, Woman, Question Mark, Problems

Here are other questions to ask.

Did you watch the on-demand webinar after you filled out the form?

Wait for a response. Slow and steady.

Are you looking for a way to make money from home? WAIT.

If they say yes, ask them this — Do you have a few moments right now to watch the on-demand webinar?

If they say yes, respond with this — I will send you the link via email, what is a good email address?

When they give you their email, respond with this – Ok, one moment here it comes.

Pause to send the email which you have ready to send before you call!

Once you send them the email, verify that they received it
Once they say they have received it, tell them you can wait while they watch the video or you can call them back. Make sure you set a time to call them back and have them commit to that time.

Even more questions to ask. Do you have any experience with online programs like this one?

Do you have a budget for an online business? A monthly advertising budget?

The answer to these two questions will tell you volumes about your lead and whether or not you want to continue asking questions

I hope this was helpful. This is my gold nugget. I keep it with me when talking to my prospects and leads.



Somewhere over the rainbow, You will find Michael The Traveling Trucker. Look closely and you will see dreams. Lots of them. They are for you to pick and choose, and they DO COME TRUE. COME GRAB YOURS TODAY.


Swimmer, Swim, Road, Street, Surreal

As a kid, you had BIG DREAMS. You had your life all planned out. You knew what you wanted. Wrote down how to get there and how long it would take you.

As an adult, where are those kids DREAM? What happened? Life happened, right? You grew up and put those kid dreams away. You began to listen to others tell you what your life should be.

What job you should have, whom to marry, where to live, Blah, Blah, Blah. AM I RIGHT?

Open my door, to the world of endless dreams. Pick one you like and let’s build it together. DON’T you wait another minute.

Man, Board, Drawing, Muscles, Strong

I offer you the chance to Our system, If it’s not for you, I have others to show until you find the right one.

Affiliate Marketing is a wonderful world of dreams coming true. Before you are Janet, Rob, Jared, Don, and a host of others, who have followed their dreams to success.

This small group of people is leading the way and are willing to help your dreams come true with their leadership, mentoring, and coaching styles.

What I teach, I have learned from each of these people. They have freely talked to me, guided me, pointed me in the right direction. I had to do the work. I’m glad I’m here.

Fantasy, Castle, Cloud, Sky, Tower

As the saying goes” There’s no place like HOME. There’s no place like HOME”. Click Click Click.

Before you is LIFE or DEATH. CHOOSE LIFE. Choose life on your terms. Don’t settle for 2nd best. You are you and will be nothing but you, so be the #1 best of yourself that you can be, makes sense, RIGHT?

So did this help you start dreaming again? Are you looking back to what you really want? Before you, there are two paths. One follows the crowd, the other, you make your own path leading the way at your own pace.

Come join the best group of people on the planet. I look forward to meeting you and working with you.



Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker sharing my joy with you. I really reach out to you with my heart in my hand. Can you whistle? What tune would you share with us?

Positive experiences happen to us every day, yet we don’t always take full advantage of them. 


Family, Newborn, Baby, Child, Infant

We actually have three times more positive experiences than negative. What keeps us from fully capitalizing on all the good in our lives, making us a slave to the bad?

Making daily lists of the things you feel grateful for, the positive experiences in our lives—improves our psychological and physical health and well-being.

Verbally expressing the gratitude we feel to people close to us helps increase and sustain our well-being above and beyond simply feeling or writing down gratitude.

Children, River, Bathing, Bathe, Boys

Today I share with you, my wife and I went to a friend’s house for dinner and game night. My sister was there for the 1st time and watching her laugh and have fun was joyful to me.

We listened to music while playing games. We got to sing along.

Do you have a fun time with friends? Do you share how grateful you are? What joy is bubbling up inside you needs to be let out?

The BIBLE in Hebrews 13: 16 says, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God”.

Concert, Confetti, Party, Event, Club

We all need to be involved with more people when we are learning something new. This draws us closer together, brings harmony, and a sense of peace. Sharing ideas, thoughts , and love makes the UNIVERSE explode with JOY.

Today I share my business passion with you DEAR READER, GLN is where I spend most of my time with teaching and guiding others. Together we are building a strong future not only for ourselves but friends and family.

My Sweet Bride of 35 years


Good Morning CLASS. I’m your teacher Michael The Traveling Trucker. Get out the slates and chalk and let’s get to it. Sounds funny, doesn’t it. This is old school, NOW ON TO TODAY’S SCHOOLING.


Classroom, School, Education, Learning

The internet has changed the way we learn. Everything is right at our fingertips at the speed of light.


What does all this mean when looking to start your online business? YOU NEED THE EDUCATION to make everything run smoothly.

Here’s my call to action for you READER. No Finer education than GLN. Click The GLN button NOW.

Virtuous Response: The internet is the finest medium for communicating and interacting with your target audience in no time.

Cost-Effective: When compared to traditional marketing techniques, digital marketing platforms are less expensive. 

Laptop, Woman, Education, Study, Young

High Conversion Rates: Because of their proximity to people, e-mail and SMS are essential components of Digital Marketing.

Measurable: Digital Marketing monitoring tools let you track and quantify the effectiveness of your online marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing Is Changing The Way We Do Business. Here are some benefits of your marketing efforts.

Far-Reaching Brand Awareness: Whether your website or social media platform is for brand awareness, enrollment, or audience expansion, online marketing will help spread your BRANDING more extensively.

Wisdom, Books, Education, Knowledge

Affordable than Traditional Marketing: Digital marketing still outshines traditional marketing because of costs. Some still use flyers, radio ads, billboards, TV and newspaper ads.

Personalized Marketing Approach: YOU can take advantage of digital marketing’s data-driven strategy to personalize each advertising campaign.

Higher Conversion Rates: To precisely target their audience without spiking up their ad spend. Whether your objective is for brand awareness or enrollment, a strategic call-to-action button will allow an easy opportunity for people to sign up.

Trackable and Modifiable: The upper hand of digital marketing is that every marketing campaign is trackable and modifiable. The internet is saturated with different tools. Hits Connect is the best WINNER.

Education is KEY in your online SUCCESS.