Your biggest fight is the 6 inches between your ears, until you settle it, it will kick your butt.

Seat belt on, motivation CD’s on. Best books picked out to read once we stop. Michael The Traveling Trucker offering coaching, mentoring and motivation.

What is keeping you from SUCCESS? Is it fear of what others might think? Have you failed numerous times? No money, no time, no resources?


All of these YOU can overcome, trust me, I know how it feels. Most of the online world has felt this way, so your not alone.

What type of online marketing are you interested in? Affiliate, selling digital products, consumer goods and services? Whatever it is, do you homework. Do a search and see what is working for others. Find a mentor and ask the hundred and one questions.

“IT’S NOT ABOUT THE SIZE OF YOUR DOUBT, BUT THE SIZE OF YOUR FAITH.” Ultimately, doubt is always present when faith is required. There is no need to fear doubt—not our own or the doubt of those we love. For even when we doubt the truth, it still remains true.

“YOUR DOUBT DOES NOT DISQUALIFY YOU.” When you struggle with doubt, it can make you feel like a fraud. It’s easy to believe that having doubts disqualifies you but it DOES NOT. Fight the good fight until you win. Get out your paper and pen- Yep it’s note taking time.

Search your doubt to find its root. There is usually something that is at the core of your doubt, and most other doubts stem from it. If you can identify that core problem, it will help narrow your searching. Is it people in your past saying, you can’t do it?

Be honest with yourself about the nature of TRUTH. Truth doesn’t depend on what you like or on what makes most sense to you personally. Truth is something you have to commit to seeking outside of yourself. 

How to Stop Overthinking and Overcome Self-Doubt. By changing the way we think (or whatever it is we’re trying to do), we can change our emotional response to the action. No one is really paying too close attention to you. That may seem harsh, but it’s actually liberating. 

Most people think about themselves way more than others. The reality is that other people are so absorbed with their own struggles, fears, failures, successes, and what they’re going through, that they rarely take too much time out of their day to consider what you’re up to. 


Let the buzz of thoughts in your head out onto the page.

When we overthink, our heads can get so clouded with buzzing thoughts that we can’t really evaluate each idea clearly and realistically. 

A great way to reduce overthinking is to journal your thoughts. Write down everything you’re thinking without holding back. Just get it all down on paper so it’s out of your head. You can then evaluate what is there and see what the best course of action is.

Embrace Your Self-Doubt

One of the best things we can do to overcome our self-doubt is actually embrace it. Make the decision to embrace your discomfort and embarrassment. Ask yourself “what’s the worst that could happen if I fail?”You will have to figure out another way to do it.

I have a great recommendation about business for you to look at. Click Here.


You Asked For It

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. I have been asked for the easiest program to make money.

Your request is my command. I want you to start out for free, then let me and my team help you every step of the way.

It’s about team work, simple programs and lots of LOVE. I pray when you read this, you will trust me enough to follow 7 steps. It should take you less than 1 hour.

From The Creator Of Trafficleads2income Comes The Best Online Earning Plan Yet…The TL2I Cash Mailer! Your Journey to Online Earning Begins Here…

Join now and be a part of a system that allows you to earn from your promotional efforts, plus tap into the network known as Massive Success for a complete Tip of the Funnel Marketing System.

With the TL2I Cash Mailer you can visit another member’s webpage via the email in your Internal Mail Inbox inside TL2ICM, plus access our 7 Step List and Income Building System right from your TL2ICM backoffice!

Tl2ICashMailer is FREE. Seewhat you get below or UPGRADE after joining to get even more!!!

  • Mail to All Non-Downline Members every 72 hrs.
  • 25% Ad Credit Referral Bonus (Of your Downline Activity) 
  • 10% Commissions On Referral Purchases.
  • 1000 Bonus Credits Per Month.
  • Use credits for Mail (1), Banners (10), and Text Ads (15).
  • Save up to 5 Email Templates.
  • Mail to Downline using credits.

This is the tip of the iceburg. Our downline builder is packed with additional ways to make money. PLEASE don’t think or say I can’t afford to do this. It’s FREE.

Come join me and my team NOW. Click the Link Above NOW.

I can’t wait to work with you.

It’s All About YOU. Let Me Help

Nurse, Scapel

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. I see you need surgery right away. Nurse prep the patient.


What is the difference between a procedure and a surgery? The key difference between a procedure and surgery is that surgery is more invasive and requires an incision (cutting into your finances), cutting into the skin, to access body tissue, organs, or other internal parts. Procedures are general medical interventions that generally do not require an incision and are less invasive.

When your finances are sick, do you need surgery or a proceedure?

Most of us have had sick finances. We have to look at making them well. Some die, never to recover. Some are restored back to health and are thriving.

Like physical health, there may be some things that are just simply outside of your control. This is why it’s important to do what you can to improve and maintain financial health.

Seeking advise from those that can help is scary. What will they tell us to do? How long will it take?

Financial health is a term used to describe the state of one’s personal monetary affairs. There are many dimensions to financial health, including the amount of savings you have, how much you’re putting away for retirement, and how much of your income you are spending on fixed or non-discretionary expenses.

Good financial health means having good financial habits. Every month you might track your spending in a budget spreadsheet. By knowing exactly how much money you spend, you can more accurately plan to increase your income or cut back on unnecessary expenses if needed. 

Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Make a plan to continue your healthy mindset. Set goals or milestones for yourself. Take the time to “check-in” with yourself. Last but not least, believe in yourself.

A healthy mindset involves finding ways to grow from your thoughts instead of letting them control your life. We should focus on cultivating a healthy mindset. I say that because you can have a healthy mindset even if you feel negative sometimes.

Your prescription is ready for pick up. Take one dose per day until completely well. After the prescription is gone, you will have to excerise your finances daily. Make them stronger, be able to flex those muscles.

As friend, please listen to the Doctor. Do whatever is recommended to do. You are here to become financially healthy, RIGHT? A month from now, 6 weeks, 24 weeks or 12 months from now, you will look in the mirror and see a totally different person. Truly healthy and wealthy. Able to run, climb and lift anything in your way.

Being Sick Is never Fun. Let’s Seek Health And Life

Clear And Precise Thinking

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker.


Today let’s talk about what it takes daily to advance your dreams and goals.

Yes, I know you have seen this list before. Looking at it and doing it daily is the KEY.

  1. Write down your dreams and goals.
  2. Build your list. You should be adding people daily.
  3. Stay in contact to build- know, like and trust.
  4. What business are you building? This is important. This is what builds your wealth and lifestyle.
  5. Promote to your list.

Do you believe you can run a successful business? Do you have a mentor or coach?

Are you booking time with your mentor to check your progress?

To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Starting a business requires analytical thinking, determined organization, and detailed record-keeping.

You’ll almost certainly end up working harder for yourself than you would for someone else, so prepare to make sacrifices in your personal life when establishing your business.

Providing good service to your customers is crucial to gaining their loyalty and retaining their business. Make sure not only that the business is ready for launch, but you are as well.

Get Organized-To achieve business success you need to be organized. It will help you complete tasks and stay on top of things to be done.

Keep Detailed Records-By doing so, you’ll know where the business stands financially and what potential challenges you could be facing.

Understand the Risks and Rewards-This knowledge will allow you to take the kinds of calculated risks that can generate tremendous rewards.

Learning more about what I do, CLICK HERE

I would love the opportunity to talk with you and help guide you.

Michael Lipsey



Today Choose LIFE

Learning Is Power When Used

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Ttrucker. The statement above was taught to me when I was young.

Learning is power when used daily. Our mind is an incredible piece of our anatomy. A super computer. What the mind can conceive it can achieve.


I hope you take this teaching and use it to move you forward.

Anything you want. Your physical body, your intellectual pursuits, your financial situation, your career, your business, your mate, house you live in, all come into your live after your servo-mechanism gets the image and experiences the feeling you have about them.

What is Servo-Mechanism? A powerful mechanism producing motion or forces at a higher level of energy than the input level. Once your servo-mechanism has the input and is fueled by emotion, watch out. By Law Of Attraction it’s being brought into your life,

Take time each day to picture what you want in life. Are you still with me?

Life is pictures. Your eyes see things and you brain tells you a story. What story are you telling yourself? Do you see yourself making a $100, 500,1000, 10k per month or more? Do you see yourself on a vacation of the month club?

Write down what you want. Tell yourself you will have them. See yourself having them. It is a daily excercise.

Are you willing to commit to 90 days of truth telling excercises that will move you forward?

Live Life Now On your Terms

Health Is More Than The Body

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker.

In my life’s journey,( 63 years) I have found out that the body is only a part of the healing and health we crave.


Your mind in the MOST POWERFUL tool you possess. Do people see you and say” Here Comes The Dreamer”. If you want to have a God size dream, you need to get around other dreamers.

DREAMERS inspire dreams in other people.

With anything from what you eat, what you read, what you listen to (other people) unfolding your dream starts with desire. You also need passion.

Your faith can move your mountain, fear can create one. Everyday you should speak out your dream and desire. Put it out into the atmosphere.

Desire plus passion equals POWER. You have the Power. Use it wisely everyday. Yes you may have set backs, reflect on them and keep moving forward.

You have to determine the resource of your dream. Take inventory to see the gifts and talents that you already possess. Do it honestly. Don’t say I have gifts and talents you wish you had.

For more info on what I’m doing CLICK HERE

Dreams Dream Big Dreams

The Right To Be You

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker says” Be You”.

I had this conversation with my oldest daughter, Tori. She said she loved my Michael The Traveling Trucker and gave me some tips about Tik Tok. I have watched her videos and loved them, so I asked for her advise.


That’s right, There is only one of YOU. I know, you say, I don’t like me or why would people choose to talk to me.

We all have had this talk with ourselves. If you don’t like something about yourself, take 30 days and change it.

You were born as a unique person, there is no other person in this world
who is exactly like you. This is also true when it comes to your personality.
It is unique for a reason.

That is why it is so important to always be yourself.

Tell me one thing you like about yourself? I’ll go 1st. I have NEVER met a stranger. I talk to anyone anytime about any topic we choose.

I believe in you. You are here for a reason, so let’s explore the why.

Are you a care giver, love animals, good listener, organized, artistic, good at writing, natural leader? Whatever it is, use it. That’s why you have it.

Do you know who you really are? Ever since you were young, you have been conditioned to be one way or another. It may be weird just to spend a day being your spontaneous self, but sometimes it is the only way that you can learn how to be yourself.

Do you look at everything as a glass half full or a glass half empty? It can be easy to be negative about yourself. When it comes to being happy, it is vital that you learn how to be yourself and to be more positive.

Mistakes in your life do not always need to be seen negatively. Think about what went wrong, learn from it, and move on. This one right here is one of the MOST IMPORTANT steps—-LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES AND DON’T REPEAT THEM.

If you need help ASK. People love to be needed. Most of the people I have met are ALWAYS willing to help when asked. I need help all the time and I ask. It helps me grow when taught what I’m missing.

We all need help from time to time and we all can help someone else from time to time.

Best statement ever: A Blessing Is Not A blessing Until You Give It Away.

Bless Others By Being YOURSELF

How to Train Your Brain?

Sounds simple doesn’t it? Michael The Traveling Trucker has reason to think outside the box. Training is essential to any business, personal or faimly if we are to move forward and not remain in the rut of ho hum life.

So what are some of the benefits?


Buddhist, Temple, Pagoda, Prayer, Monk

The Importance of Thinking Fast

Before we learn how it’s important, we need to learn why it’s important. Thinking fast provides a wide variety of benefits.

When people are asked to think fast, they are happier, more creative, energetic, and self-confident. Does that begin to sound like you? That’s right, it is becoming you as we speak.

Faster thinking will also keep your brain mentally sharp.

Do you know that it’s possible to become smarter—at any age? That’s right. Are You READY?

How Do You Think Faster?

The next question is how does one increase speed? That answer is:

Make faster minor decisions. Now eating is important, but deciding between beef, turkey or salad is inconsequential. Deciding quickly what to eat can help you with thinking faster.

Portrayal, Portrait, Baby, Face, Mood

Practice Speed

There are things that we do all the time and we’ve gotten really good at — playing music, learning songs, writing, or doing specific stretches. Whatever the case, I encourage you to add another layer of challenge to those skills by speeding up.

Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills is the comprehensive guide to training your brain to do more for you.

Thinking is the foundation of everything you do, but we rely largely on automatic thinking to process information, often resulting in misunderstandings and errors.


Learning, Development, Looking, People

If you are not using your whole brain, you will fall behind.

Trial and error is a fundamental method of problem-solving. It is characterized by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success, or until the agent stops trying.

The earlier in life a person learns to read and the more reading materials they are subjected to, the more cognitive skills they will develop.

For those who have limited reading comprehension skills, reading can help enhance their vocabulary and their development of intellectual functioning. 

Newspaper, Background, Paper, Design

When we were growing with our 2 girls, teaching, showing and sharing books, we would read out loud. Everyone would take a turn. We would do voices, singing the songs. We would go to the library and let them pick out books. Today our girls love to read as My wife and I do.

We still do the voices and sing the songs, then laugh about it. It is a magicial time. Reading stimulates your brain and keeps it healthy, which is critical for your memory.

When you need the best reading and studing material, CLICK HERE.

Reading More Hepls To Stimulate Your Brain

Want More Results Online?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with tips on getting more results online.

Marketing is a profession that if done correctly, can make you some serious
amounts of money.

Today I would like to focus on several areas I think are vital for better engagement.


Team, Teamwork, Together, Strategy

HEADLINES: You can have the best content, the best news for doing things, and the best news for making money, but if people don’t open your email or read your blog, you don’t have them. This should be a PRIORITY for your blogs and emails.

Keeping your emails short and sweet is very important when you are email

You want to make sure you get your point across as quickly as you can without leaving out any important details about the product you are promoting or the message you are trying to get across.

It is very important that you make sure that the marketing experience is as
convenient as possible for the customer because this will surely lead to
more sales.

Here are a few Headlines that caught my attention:

Learn how to make money online as an affiliate, Claim Your Free Traffic Package Worth 5 To 20 Every Day, Get Paid To Log In Every Day!, New System Pays you multiple times Per day on autopilot!, $1,000 IN MAILBOX CASH , 2k with New system.

Are you starting to let those juices flow?

Bulletin Board, Stickies, Post-It, Note


It’s so important to put content out DAILY on social media! You never know who is watching. As the saying goes” SOMEONE IS ALWAYS WATCHING”. If you are just showing up once a month on Twitter or other social media, people will not remember you or engage with you.

I believe that you need to be in front of people 24/7/365. Are you making videos on Youtube and sharing them? Post. Every. Single Day! No Exception!

Now for the BIG ONE: DRIVE THEM TO A CAPTURE FORM. Your goal is to make sure you are funneling potential customers and leads into your list. You should be adding to your list daily. Communicating with your people helps in the process all the way around.

Here is what I call the 10,000- hour rule. You must stay consistent. It takes 10,000 hours of consistent ‘practice’ to master your chosen niche. Most people won’t even invest 100 hours into their business. You have it beat already. Don’t ever give up.

I will grow my subscriber list by 50 new people. I will add 50% to my monthly income. I will learn 1 new thing per day. I will share my life with people daily.

My resources are here for you to use.

Engagement Is The KEY


Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with following the process from lead to core member.

What does it actually take? Glad you asked.


I’m part of TL2Ivm –Traffic Leads 2 Income viral mailer coop with Rob Gehring- MY MENTOR. I buy leads through a package he has which sends me around 30- 40 leads per month for my 1 share in the coop. This cost is $50.00 per month. For me, my budget is 100 dollars a month for now. My increase is coming.

All of my coop leads promote Genesis Lifestyle Network. This is my high ticket sale item. Owner Jared Meyers does a fantastic job keeping everything up to date for us.

I’m part of THE CONVERSION PROS Which is a monthly cost of 50.00. It gives you a complete system to create lead capture pages, keeps track of your leads, and a host of other tools.

I have TCP on my phone. When a new lead form coop or my advertising from viral mailers, solo ads, and other Facebook groups, it gives me an alert. I can then call, text, or email my lead.

This is the lifeline to my Affiliate Marketing business.

Now my journey begins. I first leave a quick text saying,” Hi (their name), This is Michael Lipsey from the Genesis Lifestyle Network and I received your request for more information on our work from home program. When can we schedule a 5- minute talk”? Yes Folks it’s that easy. Welcome them to GLN. Tell them they are in the right place at the right time on your 1st call. Plant the seed, makes sense, right?

They text me back with a set time or when they are available and I call right then. If I don’t get a response that day, I contact them every day for 5-7 days. Be polite each time. You don’t want to scare them away. If no response MOVE ON. WORK WITH SOMEONE WHO WANTS WHAT YOU OFFER.


You should have a quick list of questions. Have you gotten your welcome email? Did you watch the video that explains who and what Genesis Lifestyle Network is? Did you sign up for the 7-day free trial?

Be calm and relaxed. Build a friendship. Set their minds at ease. Remember what it was like when you were deciding to get started.

I talked with one of my leads for several weeks, answering questions and guiding him with things to do. ( watch presentation video, read entire business plan). He became a core member at the beginner level.

I always encourage him/ them to start after the 7- day free trial period. Get the most out of the 7 days. You could earn your 1st commission. You would have zero out-of-pocket expenses.

At the end of your trial period, your system will be turned off until you become a core member. Let them know they can get started for as little as 50 dollars. I tell them the prices for all 6 of the packages. Some come in at beginner level some at Mastery level. Either way, folks you earn a commission. That’s exciting.

Build your list daily. The more the merrier. It’s all a numbers game. Go through as many as necessary to get your core member signed up.

If you are NOT part of this system, WHY NOT? It has everything you need. JUST FOLLOW THE SYSTEM STEP BY STEP.

JOIN ME NOW. I will introduce you to all our leaders. Sound good?

Build a friendship 1st