THE END—- Wasn’t that a great story. Michael The Traveling Trucker strikes again.
We all like the ending of the story with everyone winning, riding off into the sunset happily ever after.

WAIT- WHAT? Where’s the beginning and middle of the story? Where would you start? How does your story differ from everyone else?
Does your story have LOVE? Love can be forestered, extended, used to subjugate hate and thus CURE DISEASES. Real friends are those who, when you’ve made a fool of yourself, don’t feel that you’ve done a permanent job.
Is there JOY? Joy in what you are doing, sharing with those you care about. It’s easy to be pleasent, when life flows by like a song. But the man worth while is one who will smile, when everything goes dead wrong. Let your JOY shine forth for all to see.
Where is your PEACE? Take with you words, strong words of courage: Words that have wings!

I have heard the next one but not sure what it is. LONG SUFFERING. Much wisdom remains to be learned, and if it is only to be learned and if it is only to be learned through adversity, we must endeaver to endure adversitty with what fortitude we can command.
I see GENTLENESS: If you have a weakness, make it work for you as a strength- and if you have a strength, don’t abuse it into a weakness. The kindly word today may bear its fruit tomorrow.
Into the mirror I see GOODNESS. We’ve got to build a better man before we build a better society. The only way to settle a disagreement is on the basis of what’s right- not who’s right. What I must do, and not what people think, is all that concerns me.
FAITH really is a gift of GOD. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.

MEEKNESS is essentially an attitude or quality of heart whereby a person is willing to accept and submit without resistance to the will and desire of someone else. Don’t let others take advantage of your meekness thinking it’s your weakness.
What is the true meaning of TEMPERANCE ? Moderation in action, thought, or feeling : restraint. : habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions.
See your story does have everything. I’m glad you got to share this with all of us. WAY TO GO. I told you it was easy, don’t you feel better for getting your thoughts down on paper and then say, COME READ.

Let’s sail away PETER PAN. Neverland is waiting for the adventure of a life time. Pixie dust fills the air and the lost boys really aren’t lost.
Captain Hook is a shadow not to be seen again for the crock swallowed him whole. By the way I found your marbles. Don’t ever close those windows, open them wide and embrace your furture.
Here is your chance to ride the wind. Click Here.

Capture Each Day, Enjoy It, Then Let It Go.
Telling your story is vital to your success. Thanks for sharing
Thanks Kurt. You and Janet are my biggest fans.