Staying Focused

Greetings and saluatations from Michael The Traveling Trucker. Been out running the roads and getting some really good info to share with you.

How to stay focused and be productive ?


Eliminating distractions like your phone, TV, Friends and family while on tasks. Sometimes those around us can be our biggest distractions, so be kind and tell them to” go away “until you are done. Remember to say ” I love You”.

Setting timers for each task. Here are some really simple things for you to consider: moving to a quiet area, closing out of programs or apps that aren’t essential on your computer, declutter the space where you will be working, soft music in the background can have a calming effects.

I had not heard of the Pomodoro Technique. Sounds simple so I will try it out. How to make it work for you: Set your timer for 25 minutes and get to work. When the buzzer sounds, take a 5-minute break. Set the timer again and get back to work. Once you’ve done four rounds of this, you can take a longer break, approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

Best quote ever for the BRAIN: Focus is a lot like a mental muscle. The more you work on building it up, the stronger it gets. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. It will take some real effort on your part and you may have to make some changes to some of your daily habits.

While multitasking may seem like a great way to get a lot done quickly, it turns out that people are actually rather bad at it. Juggling multiple tasks at once can dramatically cut down on productivity and makes it much harder to hone in on the details that are truly important.

To me, this says it all : Part of knowing how to focus is making the most of the resources you have available. Stop multitasking and instead give your full attention to one thing at a time. I have been told to do one thing until I master it.Then you have the otion to add other things into your daily habits.

Be present in the moment. Stop worrying about the past, the future, or tuned out of the present moment for some other reason. This notion of being present is also essential for recapturing your mental focus. Staying engaged in the here and now keeps your attention sharp and your mental resources honed in on the details that really matter at a specific point in time.

Ok time to set your rules. Get your paper and pen, write things down and keep them where you can see them. REMEMBER: One thing at a time, when fininshed, go to the next one.

Our leaders have spent years honing their skills, just ask them: Rob Gehring, Janet Legere, Jared Myers.

By building your mental focus, you will find that you are able to accomplish more and concentrate on the things in life that truly bring you success, joy, and satisfaction.

Practice is the Key to Building the Life You Want

What Do ebooks Really Do ?

Greetings everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker is gearing up for a great teaching session. Are you ready?


The purpose of any eBook is to educate. eBooks offer information and are designed for educational purposes only. So DON’T skip getting profession advice on the subject you are wanting to explore.

Life is full of unforeseen changes, challenges, and chaotic times. Studies have shown that mindfulness is a key technique for improving your body, mind, and spirit no matter the situation, even times of chaos.

Mindfulness is the ability to be completely in the present, as opposed to thinking about the past, future, or any other event that takes us away from the present time. Being mindful includes being aware of where we are, what we are doing, and how we feel.

What Is an eBook?

eBook is short for electronic book. In its purest form, an ebook merely refers to any book that’s available in a digital format. eBooks are non-editable, and most importantly, are reflowable.

An ebook can contain the same elements as a regular book, including contents, chapters, images, graphs, references, bibliographies, and more. Because an ebook is digital, it can offer some features not available in paper books, such as hyperlinks, adjustable fonts and text sizes, and even video.

An ebook, essentially an electronic book, works on various devices such as computer screens, tablets, smartphones, or e-readers. 

To fully grasp what ebooks are and what do ebooks look like, you should know there are differences among popular formats like EPUB, Word documents, and PDF files.

The short and sweet of it is that an eBook is a physical book put into digital form in one of the two formats, either flowable or fixed. Each type is words put to a page—whether digital or physical—from an author meant for readers to devour. The key niche for eBooks is the ability of the author to skip past the agent and publisher stage and release their eBook whenever they want.

I have read many great eBooks and gleamed information to make my business grow. My mentor, Janet Legere, has the quick step guide for growing your CLB Business. Click Here.

Have you thought about writing an eBook yourself? There are many eBooks out there that you can get that will explain how to write your eBook and what format to put it on.

Remember, eBooks are our friends. Use them wisely and enjoy your reading.

Reading Is The Magic Key To Take You Where You Want To Be

Why Are You Looking?

Hello Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker Is back and what a show I have for you.


In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, continuous learning is crucial for staying relevant and competitive. One exceptional resource for achieving this is the CLB Learning weekly training webinars. These sessions are meticulously designed to enhance your knowledge, skills, and professional network. Here’s why you should prioritize attending CLB Learning’s weekly webinars.

Read each line carefully and you will recieve the best information on the internet.

Keeping Pace with Industry Trends

The business environment is dynamic, with new trends and technologies emerging regularly. CLB Learning webinars are tailored to keep you abreast of these changes. Each session is led by industry experts who share the latest insights, tools, and best practices. By participating, you ensure that you are always up-to-date with the most current information, giving you a competitive edge in your field.

Learning from the Best

One of the standout features of CLB Learning webinars is the access they provide to seasoned professionals and thought leaders.

Flexibility and Convenience

Life can be hectic, and finding time for professional development can be challenging. CLB Learning webinars are designed with this in mind.

Interactive and Engaging Learning

Live webinars are not just about passive listening. CLB Learning emphasizes interactive participation, allowing you to ask questions, engage in discussions, and connect with other attendees. 

Are you starting to see the value of attending these weekly webinars? Every Wednesday at noon EST. You MUST register each week, then mark your calendar to be there. Register at

Each week, Janet covers topics that help you business grow. Janet will challenge you and stretch you and help get you out of your comfort zone.

I look forward to seeing you there. Say hello to the group and that you came by invitation of Michael The Traveling Trucker

This Training Was Designed With YOU In Mind

The Pearl Of Wisdom

Having a great day with Michael The Traveling Trucker. Music, family and lots of food.

Today I give you a poem, Authur unknown.



There once was an oster, Whose story I tell, Who found that some sand, Had got into his shell. It was only a grain, But it gave him great pain.

For oysters have feelings, Although they’re so plain. Now, did he berate the harsh workings of fate that had brought him to such a deplorable state.

Did he curse at the government, cry for election, and claim that the sea should have given him protection?

No- he said to himself as he lay on a shell, Since I cannot remove it, I shall try to improve it. Now years have rolled around, As the years always do, And he came to his ultimate Destiny–stew.

And the small grain of sand that had bothered him so was a beautiful pearl all richly aglow. Now the tale has a moral; for isn’t it grand, what a oyster can do with a morsal of sand.

What couldn’t we do, if we’d only begin with some the things that get under our skin.


So what gets under your skin, Dear Reader? Being a full time driver- what gets under my skins is how people have no reguard for a 53 foot tractor/trailer weighing 79,000 LBS going 65 miles per hour and cut in front of me at the last second expecting me to stop within a short distance. Ain’t happening, sorry.

Learning to improve your health Click Here.

Finding balance between digital consumption, mindset, and quiet time is key. Having an inner peace plan—and working on it every day—is a good way to ensure you reach your goal. Most of the world would never think about giving itself a mental health day, being mindful of it’s quality of life, and being still.

Not everything that causes us stress can be eliminated—nor should it. Low-level stress stimulates the brain to boost productivity and concentrattion. It can also be a big motivator to make changes, solve problems, or accomplish goals.

Beware of peace pickpockets.

You encounter all kinds of people and situations that try to steal your serenity.

Rethink your “should do” and “ought to do” lists.

If the voice in your head is guilting you into doing things that don’t bring you joy, regard these as prime candidates to delete.

Give yourself a quality-of-life checkup.

It’s wise to periodically assess whether you’re satisfied with the quality of your life. If you don’t feel fulfilled, ponder what changes are in order. I hope you ponder on these for a while. Let them sink into your spirit, soul, and body.

Make changes That Bring You Joy, Peace, And Tranquility

One Step Two Step

Greetings and Salutation from Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today I am looking at an exercise program that has helped many men and women. Let’s do this together and get fit and trim.



Royal Canadian Air Force Exercise Plans Program. This is just plain fun. Two plans were created by Dr. Bill Orban in the late 1950’s for the Royal Canadian Air Force  . The 5BX plan (Five Basic Exercises) was developed for men; a corresponding program was developed for women under the name XBX (Ten Basic Exercises) and the two plans were subsequently published together as one book, which was republished in 2016.

5BX Plan: Stretching-sit-up- back extension-push-up- running in place. A walk or run may be substituted for the final exercise; the distances to be covered and the time to be taken are also specified in the plan.

For a boost on your health along with the exercise, Click Here.

The first four exercises are primarily for flexibility; exercises 5-9 are primarily to improve muscle strength; and exercise 10 is to develop aerobic capacity:

Toe touching, Knee raising, Lateral bending, Arm circling, Chest and leg raising, Side leg raising, Push-ups, Leg lifting, Running and jumping in place.

The idea is that you perform these exercises for only 11 minutes a day to achieve a reasonably high level of fitness. There are targets/chart levels to aim for, (based upon age) and once you have reached your personal target, you only have to perform the exercises 3 times a week to maintain your level of fitness.

Here is the complete list of age based targets. 

Age GroupChartLevel
Champion Athletes6Any Level
When first looking at these exercises, it seems quite fanciful to suggest that anyone can get fit by just doing what initially appears to be so little. Try them for a week and you will see that Dr. Orban knew what he was talking about.
How To Begin:

Check your daily schedule and determine the time most convenient for you to do the exercises. It should be the same time each day.
Here are some suggested times:
before breakfast;
late morning or afternoon, at your place of employment;
after your regular recreational period;
in the evening just before you retire.
Regardless of the time you choose START TODAY

Maximum Rate of Progression through the Charts According to Age

20 years or under, at least 1 day at each level
20-29 years, at least 2 days at each level
30-39 years, at least 4 days at each level
40-49 years, at least 7 days at each level
50-59 years, at least 8 days at each level
60 years and over, at least 10 days at each level

If you feel stiff or sore, or if you are unduly breathless at any time, ease up and slow down your rate or progression. This is particularly applicable to the older age groups.

Click here for more charts, Then Click here, Then Click here, Click here, Click here, Click here.

Take your time, you aren’t in a race with anyone but yourself.

What Causes Belly Fat

Hello Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker is searching for the answers to hard question.


There are many reasons why people gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress. Improving nutrition, increasing activity, and making other lifestyle changes can help people lose belly fat.

Overall Help: Click Here.

What is Leptin? Leptin is a hormone your body releases that helps it maintain your normal weight on a long-term basis. The level of leptin in your blood is directly related to how much body fat you have. Leptin resistance causes you to feel hungry and eat more even though your body has enough fat stores.

What is Ghrelin? Ghrelin is the hunger hormone. When empty, your stomach produces ghrelin, causing the hormone’s levels to rise in your bloodstream. This effect signals to your brain that you need to eat, triggering hunger. 

Ghrelin vs. Leptin

One way to remember the difference between these two hormones is to associate the “g” in the word “ghrelin” with the “g” in “greatens” and the “l” in “leptin” with the “l” in “lessens.” In short: Ghrelin greatens your appetite. Leptin lessens your appetite.

Belly fat refers to fat around the abdomen. There are two types of belly fat: Visceral and subcutaneous-Health complications from visceral fat are typically more harmful than having subcutaneous fat.

It’s important to point this out upfront: You can’t pick and choose where you lose weight on your body. When it comes to your midsection, it’s a good idea to think beyond crunches and planks and adopt a well-rounded approach. “It’s got to be more losing fat as a whole”.

Accept that your behaviors will adjust.

A big part of weight loss is simply being aware of the decisions you’re making.

Foods That Keep You Fuller Longer: Foods high in fiber, healthy fats, and protein help you feel fuller longer and stabilize your sugar and energy levels. For example, steel-cut oats are rich in insoluble fiber, meaning they absorb water and expand in your stomach, making you feel fuller. Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas) are another great example, as they are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index (foods that help stabilize blood sugar).

There must be a commitment on your part to BALANCE your total body transfirmation. Yes it will take work. 3 -15 minute workouts can make the difference. Start by walking, you can add light cardio, light weight traning. Have you tried rope training, platform jumping ( not to high).

Remember, Anything you do, any change you make is a great beginning. I believe in you, READER. Ask for help from some professional ( personal trainers). Set a specific amount of time to reach your goal. Some will lose faster than others because of our body types. Do what you can each day, then look at the transformed person in the mirror and say” WELL DONE”.

Start Now And The Results Will Come

    Health Can Be Complicated

    Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with great NEWS!

    Health is a concern for most people. Do I excerise, eat healthy foods, stop drinking sodas? What types of vitamins and minerals do I take?


    Here are my tips for improving your health while taking your vitamins and minerais. Enjoy the read and put those tips into practice.

    If you want to boost your health and wellbeing, We can help. Click Here.

    When it comes to knowing what’s healthy, even qualified experts
    often seem to hold opposing opinions.

    This one is most important-Limit sugary drinks.

    Eat nuts and seeds.Nuts and seeds are incredibly nutritious.
    They are packed with protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.
    Avoid ultra-processed foods.

    Don’t fear coffee.It’s rich in antioxidants, and some studies have
    linked coffee intake to longevity. We all want to live longer, right? So get out those steaming cups of JAVA.

    Eat fatty fish
    Fish is a great source of high-quality protein and healthy fat.

    Get enough sleep. Most of us don’t get the sleep and rest we need.
    Poor sleep can drive insulin resistance, can disrupt your appetite
    hormones, and reduce your physical and mental performance.

    Feed your gut bacteria. The bacteria in your gut, collectively called the
    gut microbiota are incredibly important for overall health.
    A disruption in gut bacteria is linked to some chronic diseases,
    including obesity and a myriad of digestive problems.

    Stay hydrated.

    Don’t eat heavily charred meats.

    Avoid bright lights before sleep.When you’re exposed to bright lights —
    which contain blue light wavelengths — in the evening, it may disrupt
    your production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

    Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

    Eat adequate protein.

    Get moving. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans,
    we should strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each week.

    Make Your Health The Best Part Of Your Day

    Tips To Managing Your Money

    Managing your money effectively is essential for financial stability and success.
    Here’s a step-by-step tips guide to help you in managing your money:


    Set Financial Goals: Determine your short-term and long-term financial objectives. Keep a record of all your goals where you can see them daily.
    Whether it’s saving for a vacation, buying a house, or retiring comfortably, having clear goals will guide your financial decisions.

    Create a Budget: Track your income and expenses to understand where your money is going. You will be surprised how much unrecorded money you spend.
    Allocate funds for necessities like housing, food, utilities, transportation, debt payments, and savings. Budgeting tools or apps will help you stay organized.

    Track Spending: Monitor your spending regularly to ensure you’re sticking to your budget. If you don’t do this step, you will never truly know where your money is going. Identify areas where you can cut back to free up more money for savings or debt repayment.

    Build an Emergency Fund: Set aside money in a separate account to cover unexpected expenses. $1000 is a good start, for medical bills, car repairs, or job loss. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth
    of living expenses.

    Pay Off Debt: Prioritize paying off high-interest debt like credit cards or personal loans.Once a credit card is paid off, get rid of it.
    Use strategies like the debt snowball (paying off the smallest debts first) or the debt avalanche (paying off the highest-interest debts first) to accelerate your debt repayment.

    Save for the Future: Contribute to retirement accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs to build wealth for your future. Take advantage of employer matching contributions if available.
    Additionally, save for other financial goals like buying a home, starting a business, or funding education.

    Invest Wisely: Educate yourself about different investment options such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate. CD’s are a great fit. Consider your risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial goals when selecting investments. Diversify your portfolio to reduce risk.

    Stay Financially Educated: Continuously educate yourself about personal finance topics like investing, budgeting, and retirement planning. Attend workshops, read books, listen to podcasts, or follow reputable financial experts to stay informed.

    Review and Adjust: Regularly review your financial situation and adjust your goals and strategies as needed.This will help you more than you know. Keep good records. Life circumstances and financial priorities may change over time, so it’s important to stay flexible and adapt your plan accordingly.

    Seek Professional Help When Needed: If you’re unsure about managing your finances or need assistance with complex financial matters like tax planning or estate planning, consider working with a financial advisor or planner who can provide personalized guidance. Do your home work and ONLY work with someone whom you trust.

    By following these steps and staying disciplined with your financial habits, you can effectively manage your money and work towards achieving your financial goals.

    For a great business plan click here.

    Keep Track And You Will Go Far

    Using All Features

    Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker is back . Today’s topic is using all the features of your business to your advantage.

    Here at CLB Learning the 3 step guide is the place to start. Please understand, building your list is YOUR MAIN GOAL. Making money comes from building those relationships with your team ( your list).

    The focus on the CLB Learning System is to help you setup your system to attract subscribers for your business and then follow up with them to secure the sale.

    The 3 Simple Steps:

    1st: You must a have an autoresponder. A program that automatically generates a set response to all messages sent to a particular email address. Setup your Auto-responder campaign, Lead Capture Page and Landing Page.

    2nd: Advertise your lead capture page (Get Traffic!).

    3rd: Follow up and follow through.

    We recommend and use Leads Leap as everything is included. You will join for
    free. You can consider the monthly upgrade which gives you access to free
    traffic to your sites.

    You need to join Leads Leap from inside The CLB Learning Downline Builder in the Affiliate Toolbox dropdown menu. This will ensure that you signup in Leads Leap with your CLB sponsor.

    You will need an advertising budget and access to advertising resources. We
    recommend resources that work for us along with instructions on how to use
    them. Click Here for LeadsLeap. This is for visual ONLY. Go to CLB Learning downline builder for signing up.

    Sounds simple enough, RIGHT? Your answer should be YES. When we run into problems, as we all do, ask for help. That’s why we are here.

    Here at CLB Learning we use 2 different media sites to connect with your upline and members.

    The WOW app is where you can contact upline and team members.

    Click Link:

    Next is Telegram. Download this app and look for CLB learning. Here you will meet the owner Janet Legere and team.

    Here are just the basics for building any business.

    It really is this simple! Remember, at the end of the day, your focus is to get new
    subscribers on your list. Once they are on your list, you can follow-up about your products and services and share your experience and passion.

    Working Your Business Daily

    It Begins With You

    Greetings and Salutations from Michael The Traveling Trucker. Let me remind you that in your world EVERYTHING begins and ends with you. I know this puts a lot of pressure on some, It’s OK. You were built to succeed.


    I hear you ask where do I start. My response is have you written your dreams down on paper? Have you decided what type of online business you want to pursue? Do you have money set aside to fund your business-monthly? Have you done your due diligence in researching companys you might want to work with?

    How much time can you afford toward your business? Will you make a commitment for at least 1 year? A good business idea may seem hard to come by, but with some planning and preparation, you can easily launch a small business to supplement your income — or become your own full-time boss.

    Your business should be cheap to start. Maybe you only need to purchase a website domain. The best small business ideas are based online and can be carried out from your personal computer.

    Nothing draws clients to you faster than the power of social proof — the phenomenon by which others look for external clues to your credibility. If you build a reputation as an expert in your field. This can be by writing articles, creating videos. doing workshops. You’re far more likely to make people excited to collaborate if you’re perceived as interesting.

    Winning business is hard, but it gets a lot easier if clients are seeking you out. By building a public reputation, power mapping your way to coveted clients, mitigating perceived risk and making yourself interesting to be around, you’re taking a major step toward attracting the business you want.

    Don’t Forget About Branding Your Business. The definition of a brand is a name or a term, a design or a symbol, or some other feature that distinguishes an organization or a product from its competitors. The keys to branding your business begin and end with who you serve!

    The right story for your business is never just about the product — the widget. It’s about the deeper story beneath the product, the company, and the team. Within each of us is an obstacle to overcome, and that is the raw material of your story. Once you connect to that story, you’ve set the stage for your team, your business, your revenues to go through the roof. 

    Great Leadership comes down to one thing… great casting! Don’t cast yourself in the wrong role! Don’t cast them in the wrong role! 

    Will you play the part the world needs you to play?

    What would the play of your life look like? 

    Your Stage, Your Life. Make it the best ever. You only have so many years in this life, make them count on your terms.

    For my recommendation, click Here.

    Let me help guide you. Working with those that know makes your life so much simpler.

    The Secret Ingredient – Human Magic.