When I first started, I was thankful for the term No Experience Needed because I didn’t have any. Michael The Traveling Trucker was a ordinary person who had the desire to drive a BIG RIG.
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I drove from Georgia to California every week for a year to get some experience,4500 miles per week. Now It’s 28 years later with well over 3 million miles under my belt.
7 years ago I started my journey with affiliate marketing with- you guessed it “No Experience Needed”. I had a desire to learn and implement what was being taught. In the Coaching world, did you know that a coach does NOT need to know their clients industry? Coaching is simply a system of questions to ask your clients.
First hand I know 3 people who have mastered the task of asking the right questions to help people achieve the wildest dreams. Janet Legere and Rob Gehring and Jared Myers.
I have had the opportunity to work with all 3. Each one has helped me grow more than I thought possible. Dear Reader, do you want your business to grow by leaps and bounds? Finding the right Coach/ Mentor is vital.
Can I coach someone if I don’t have experience? You bet you can. The coaches job is to simply ask the right questions that will help the client create success. Coaching with the RIGHT SYSTEM is about helping your client get a clear picture at where they are today-and where they want to be down the road, then take MASSIVE ACTION and holding them accountable.
Realizing ” how” you make money is VERY IMPORTANT. If you make a lot of money and don’t help anyone and have no joy.. is it really worth it? Making money is awesome and all, but I personally want to have purpose and fulfillment of helping others all along the way.
This brings a joy deep within my spirit. It drives me each day to help serve others. If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want. There’s no ceiling to your earning potential. The more you invest in yourself to learn new skills and master them, the more money YOU will make.
I INVITE YOU to join a group of men and women, who are making a difference in the lives of people on a daily basis. Click Here. I want you to take away one thing—–HELP OTHER PEOPLE, BE A SERVANT TO THEM. Watch them grow. Help them to help others and watch them grow. Do you get it? I know you do. Now take MASSIVE ACTION NOW. Click the click here button right away.
I know you have questions. Reach out to me. Michael Lipsey-678-697-9841. If I don’t answer, PLEASE PLEASE leave me a message. I will get it and call you back. We can talk and make a plan, step by step. YOU have one life- MAKE IT BIG, for you and your family.
Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life.