Learning Is Power When Used

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Ttrucker. The statement above was taught to me when I was young.

Learning is power when used daily. Our mind is an incredible piece of our anatomy. A super computer. What the mind can conceive it can achieve.


I hope you take this teaching and use it to move you forward.

Anything you want. Your physical body, your intellectual pursuits, your financial situation, your career, your business, your mate, house you live in, all come into your live after your servo-mechanism gets the image and experiences the feeling you have about them.

What is Servo-Mechanism? A powerful mechanism producing motion or forces at a higher level of energy than the input level. Once your servo-mechanism has the input and is fueled by emotion, watch out. By Law Of Attraction it’s being brought into your life,

Take time each day to picture what you want in life. Are you still with me?

Life is pictures. Your eyes see things and you brain tells you a story. What story are you telling yourself? Do you see yourself making a $100, 500,1000, 10k per month or more? Do you see yourself on a vacation of the month club?

Write down what you want. Tell yourself you will have them. See yourself having them. It is a daily excercise.

Are you willing to commit to 90 days of truth telling excercises that will move you forward?

Live Life Now On your Terms

Health Is More Than The Body

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker.

In my life’s journey,( 63 years) I have found out that the body is only a part of the healing and health we crave.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/dreamer/

Your mind in the MOST POWERFUL tool you possess. Do people see you and say” Here Comes The Dreamer”. If you want to have a God size dream, you need to get around other dreamers.

DREAMERS inspire dreams in other people.

With anything from what you eat, what you read, what you listen to (other people) unfolding your dream starts with desire. You also need passion.

Your faith can move your mountain, fear can create one. Everyday you should speak out your dream and desire. Put it out into the atmosphere.

Desire plus passion equals POWER. You have the Power. Use it wisely everyday. Yes you may have set backs, reflect on them and keep moving forward.

You have to determine the resource of your dream. Take inventory to see the gifts and talents that you already possess. Do it honestly. Don’t say I have gifts and talents you wish you had.

For more info on what I’m doing CLICK HERE

Dreams Dream Big Dreams

Nothing Can Stop You

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today Is a glimpse into the unstoppable you.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/vision/

It’s Your Vision. No one can take it away from you. It is yours forever. Say that out load. IT’S MINE FOREVER.

Write Your Vision Down– Your dream is a very specific vision for a very specific outcome. Write it down as soon as possible. Keep track of it.

TAKE HOLD OF YOUR DREAM– I thought it. I caught it. I bought it. I sought it.I got it. I taught it. Hang on tightly to it now that you have it.

DON’T LET GO OF YOUR DREAM– Never waiver from your vision. It’s ok to expand and refine it.

KEEP MOVING UPWARD– You MUST break through your old thinking and acting. Be a go getter, mountain climber and conquer your dream.

NEVER EVER DOUBT YOUR VISION– Don’t be discouraged. You might have small beginnings, but start fresh.

NEVER TO OLD– You are never to old to dream. There are many examples for people who didn’t follow their dreams until they were old.

PUT AWAY THE TAPE MEASURE– Don’t ever put limits on your dream. Believe you can do it. I believe you can do it. Now is the TIME.

Dreaming Is Fun And Exciting.


Why Do You Consult A Doctor?

Greetings Everyone , Michael The Traveling Trucker is back with another great question.

What are some of the reasons you consult a Doctor? Things going on outside or inside your body that you can’t explain. You seek out a Professional to help explain what the heck is going on.

There will be recommendations given. You decide whether or not to use that information. Normally we follow the leader (Doctor) because we trust what is being said. They have spent years learning about the body.

Network Marketing is no different. You seek out a leader, who has done and succeeded at what you want to do. You do your research, learn what this person is doing.

Yes, there will be recommendations. There is a learning time frame for which you must learn the basics. Each day you execute a series of tasks until you master them.

Having someone to guide you is one of the most valuable assets. Taking your business serious is your primary goals.

What type of business are you looking for? Health and Wellness, Digital Education, New Mothers, Toddlers, Best Baby Gadgets, Gardening, and the list goes on.

Maybe you want to be a Writer? Whatever you are looking for I know it is out there for the asking.

The hours that you’ll be working at your new Business are important for a healthy work-life balance and to fit around the other important areas of your life.

Stay hungry

There’s no limit to how far you could take your Business.

Never settle

We’re always learning, and you will be too. Keep active in your learning.

Do the right thing

We’re always thinking ahead, but we work firmly in the present – we’re aware of the world around us and the challenges we face . Doing the right thing at the right time is a daily task.

I have a free gift for you. Click Here.

Eeryday Is An Adventure

Have You Heard Of Lkigai

This is a Japanese word.

Hello Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker with breath taking tips on LIFE.

Lkigai means- What we like. What we are good at. What the world needs. What can we get paid for. Now that’s exciting.

Are You Learning To Paint The Right Picture That People See And Understand What Message Your Conveying.

Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/art/

Free Shallow Focus Photography of Paintbrush Stock Photo

Everything we do in life SHOULD draw us closer to our GOALS and DREAMS.

Do you have a VISION worth pursuing? Without a clear vision your purpose may be obscured. Have you written down your goals, dreams and vision?

Let me tell you you a story.I like Being a full time driving trucker, driving across the country.My time is VERY limited. I have had to make time to pursue my goals, dreams and vision. I have met many interesting people. Many have taught awesome life lessons which I have applied to mine and my families life.

Sharing is a KEY role. How many people have helped you over the years? How many have you helped back?

Mug, Motivation, Dream, Dreams, Coffee

I have learned VISION keeps you passionate. Keeps you Motivated. Gives you Direction. Most people I know have a 9-5 job. They have a short drive to work, short drive home. They have 4-to 5 hours each day to perform tasks which could make them a good amount of money.

I drive 11 hours most days. I leave on Sunday, drive back on Thursday for a Friday delivery. Then I have 36- 40 hours at home before I drive back out.

Why am I telling you all this, We all have a certain amount of time. Let’s NOT make excuses as to Why we don’t have enough money.

All I can do is advise you to a few things I have learned. I have great mentors who have taught me what I now teach.

Build Your List. Build A tribe Of Followers. Be The Person Who Helps People Solve Their Problems. Have Value For Your People. High Ticket Items Sell The Best. Be Teachable. Find and Work With A Mentor.

Click My Latest Resource

Help People

How To Become A Story Teller?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker Storyteller Extraordinaire.

Why should you tell your story, and how do you get people to relate to your story?

Mention :https://pixabay.com/images/search/husband%20and%20wife/

Bride, Groom, Wedding

I’m a full time trucker. I drive more than 2000 miles per week. I leave on sunday and come back on friday. I get 36 hours at home. In that time, I have laundry, cooking, yard work and some wife time.

Come closer, my best memory is the silly emoji’s I send and receive from my wife. We tell stories and add to them them by all of our Emoji’s. She will send one and I respond with another. It always follows the 1st emoji to the last. It will last us most of the day.

Birds, Love, Couple, Owl, Romance

Somewhere in that time frame I put in some internet time. I promote several businesses. This has been a slow process but very gratifying.

So how do I get you to tell your story? What trips your trigger? Who are you and what is your hearts desire?

Couple, Love, Marriage, Elderly

I have to force myself most days. Time is short and seems to be getting shorter.

Do you have any social media accounts? Do you like to write, read, and talk to others? Do you like to share what you have with others?

What is your favorite memory? Is it family, friends, vacation? Is it your favorite trip somewhere?

You should ALWAYS invest in yourself. You are well worth the effort.

I want to help those that want it. I’m available to talk, mentor and guide anyone.

Michael Lipsey

For My Best Help Click Here.

Tell Your Story. We Need To Hear it.

How to Train Your Brain?

Sounds simple doesn’t it? Michael The Traveling Trucker has reason to think outside the box. Training is essential to any business, personal or faimly if we are to move forward and not remain in the rut of ho hum life.

So what are some of the benefits?

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/people%20reading/

Buddhist, Temple, Pagoda, Prayer, Monk

The Importance of Thinking Fast

Before we learn how it’s important, we need to learn why it’s important. Thinking fast provides a wide variety of benefits.

When people are asked to think fast, they are happier, more creative, energetic, and self-confident. Does that begin to sound like you? That’s right, it is becoming you as we speak.

Faster thinking will also keep your brain mentally sharp.

Do you know that it’s possible to become smarter—at any age? That’s right. Are You READY?

How Do You Think Faster?

The next question is how does one increase speed? That answer is:

Make faster minor decisions. Now eating is important, but deciding between beef, turkey or salad is inconsequential. Deciding quickly what to eat can help you with thinking faster.

Portrayal, Portrait, Baby, Face, Mood

Practice Speed

There are things that we do all the time and we’ve gotten really good at — playing music, learning songs, writing, or doing specific stretches. Whatever the case, I encourage you to add another layer of challenge to those skills by speeding up.

Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills is the comprehensive guide to training your brain to do more for you.

Thinking is the foundation of everything you do, but we rely largely on automatic thinking to process information, often resulting in misunderstandings and errors.


Learning, Development, Looking, People

If you are not using your whole brain, you will fall behind.

Trial and error is a fundamental method of problem-solving. It is characterized by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success, or until the agent stops trying.

The earlier in life a person learns to read and the more reading materials they are subjected to, the more cognitive skills they will develop.

For those who have limited reading comprehension skills, reading can help enhance their vocabulary and their development of intellectual functioning. 

Newspaper, Background, Paper, Design

When we were growing with our 2 girls, teaching, showing and sharing books, we would read out loud. Everyone would take a turn. We would do voices, singing the songs. We would go to the library and let them pick out books. Today our girls love to read as My wife and I do.

We still do the voices and sing the songs, then laugh about it. It is a magicial time. Reading stimulates your brain and keeps it healthy, which is critical for your memory.

When you need the best reading and studing material, CLICK HERE.

Reading More Hepls To Stimulate Your Brain

Want More Results Online?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with tips on getting more results online.

Marketing is a profession that if done correctly, can make you some serious
amounts of money.

Today I would like to focus on several areas I think are vital for better engagement.


Team, Teamwork, Together, Strategy

HEADLINES: You can have the best content, the best news for doing things, and the best news for making money, but if people don’t open your email or read your blog, you don’t have them. This should be a PRIORITY for your blogs and emails.

Keeping your emails short and sweet is very important when you are email

You want to make sure you get your point across as quickly as you can without leaving out any important details about the product you are promoting or the message you are trying to get across.

It is very important that you make sure that the marketing experience is as
convenient as possible for the customer because this will surely lead to
more sales.

Here are a few Headlines that caught my attention:

Learn how to make money online as an affiliate, Claim Your Free Traffic Package Worth 5 To 20 Every Day, Get Paid To Log In Every Day!, New System Pays you multiple times Per day on autopilot!, $1,000 IN MAILBOX CASH , 2k with New system.

Are you starting to let those juices flow?

Bulletin Board, Stickies, Post-It, Note


It’s so important to put content out DAILY on social media! You never know who is watching. As the saying goes” SOMEONE IS ALWAYS WATCHING”. If you are just showing up once a month on Twitter or other social media, people will not remember you or engage with you.

I believe that you need to be in front of people 24/7/365. Are you making videos on Youtube and sharing them? Post. Every. Single Day! No Exception!

Now for the BIG ONE: DRIVE THEM TO A CAPTURE FORM. Your goal is to make sure you are funneling potential customers and leads into your list. You should be adding to your list daily. Communicating with your people helps in the process all the way around.

Here is what I call the 10,000- hour rule. You must stay consistent. It takes 10,000 hours of consistent ‘practice’ to master your chosen niche. Most people won’t even invest 100 hours into their business. You have it beat already. Don’t ever give up.

I will grow my subscriber list by 50 new people. I will add 50% to my monthly income. I will learn 1 new thing per day. I will share my life with people daily.

My resources are here for you to use.

Engagement Is The KEY


Have you discovered the life you were meant to live? Greetings from Georgia, Home of Michael The Traveling Trucker.

Let us focus on YOU for a minute. I didn’t like looking inward. I never really liked what I saw. Then one day, God called me out of the darkness to walk in the light.

He has placed some KOOL peeps in my life, and I bet He has done the same for you, RIGHT?

Mention: https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/unusual.html

Janet, Jared, and Rob—LOL

How many outstanding generalities do you know? How many people do you know with unique and distinctive characteristics? I want you to know from the first-YOU ARE A MIRACLE. You’re an original.

Be enthusiastic, It really does make people stand up and take notice. Have you ever been in a room when someone makes their entrance and the room explodes with joy, happiness, and laughter?

People are drawn to these people. Here is a cool saying” You can’t walk backward into the future”. I try to do this one thing everywhere I go, Leave people better than I found them. Give a little every day, not until it hurts, but until it feels good.


Are you being flexible? There is great strength in tenderness. It’s amazing how a tender sapling survives a hard wind by being flexible and by moving with the wind instead of resisting it.

Say this out loud: I Am flexible, I Am Tender and Strong. Resilient and Grounded. Wow, I needed that myself. Thanks, Michael.

If you treat people as they are, they will remain as they are. If you treat people as though they were what they could be, You’ll help them become what they could be.

BIG TIP: DON’T SPEND YOUR LIFE STANDING AT THE COMPLAINT COUNTER. We all could have plenty to complain about, let’s find things to praise about, laugh about, love about, sing about. Be different, LOOK FOR THE BEST.

Which side are they on?

The sky’s not the limit. No one can put a limit on you without your permission. Don’t set limits on yourself either.

You need help and I offer my helping hand. You say you need more money, time, and freedom. LIFE is not FREE, but very attainable with a little work.

Ask me how by leaving me a comment and I will share my insider secret.

Life Is Short So Pull Out All The Stops.


Welcome and Happy Monday, from Michael The Traveling Trucker.

Being new to this and probably many others programs, I welcome you. I know you have lots of questions. We will teach you to build your list.

We are excited you chose GLN to start off your affiliate marketing business.

When you become a core member at GLN- Genesis Lifestyle Network , We will guide you through the 6 step process to setting up your system.

Let me say this-PLEASE WATCH EACH VIDEO before trying to complete the step. It will save you lots of time.

There are 3 sections to Step 1- Your profile, profile picture, and join our Facebook community and Telegraph room.

This will give you access to the owner and top affiliate leaders.

Step 2- Fill in your Affiliate details.

Step 3- Choose your autoresponder option. GLN has an in house autoresponder or choose The Conversion Pros.

Step 4- Choose your Capture page option- In house with GLN or choose The Conversion Pros.

Step 5-This step has 3 sections to complete. Take your time here. This will be your PAYMENT CENTER and you want to get paid, right? If you have any questions here, contact the owner Jared Meyers through the telegraph room.

Step 6- This is where you get a chance to advertise. You can do this in a number of ways. You can do the coop share through TL2IVM– Owner Rob Gehring.

When you become a core member, you will look in your back office where there are 10 traffic sources to choose from.

We will teach you to use viral mailers and traffic exchanges to advertise your business.

This is a fun and exciting business for beginner and seasoned marketer. When you engage in your business daily, you will see results. This is not a race, so be thorough, be smart, be active daily. All these make great habits that will blast your income into over drive.

We look forward to working with you, so let’s GO.