May your day be filled with JOY and HAPPINESS. Greetings for Michael The Traveling Trucker.
So what is your skill level and are you willing to improve your skill level?
Think about this statement: Everyone starts at the beginner level. You move on from there. I hear people say they have no skills. I get that, I was there once. I have set myself up to learn one new skill per day.
So where do we begin? Do you use a laptop, phone, or tablet? This will determine what skill level you will start at.
Your phone only gets you so far. Not all businesses are designed for phone access. I’m part of the Wow app group. Most of this is phone use which works well to earn money and make contacts. I can help anyone who is interested in how Wowapp works.
Tablet gives you almost as much as a laptop. The difference is typing and using a mouse. A tablet is good for people on the go. Whip it out, use it and get on with life.
The Laptop is where I do the bulk of my business. From advertising to my viral mailers and traffic exchanges to writing this blog. I can buy solo ads, Facebook chat, create new landing pages.
I must let you know whatever your skill level, GLN-Genesis Lifestyle Network has the #1 training for any marketer from beginner to mastery level. Click the above link and get all the details.
Mastering the ability to learn will get you in the game and keep you there. Daily activities, yes doing the same thing over and over until you master it should be your goal.
Knowing how to actively grow and develop a skill is a skill in itself, and if you understand how the principles of learning work, it will be easier to learn any new skill in the future.
This is a must-Take action. Don’t let a day go by where you just sit by and do nothing. One small action can produce BIG results.
Breaking down a skill. Every skill has several sub-skills. To improve faster it is useful to find the sub-skills that are most important and focus on improving them.
Always look for ways to improve. Think about the next statement for a minute. If you don’t search for what will make you better, you will never find it. Just some good food for thought.
View a challenge as a great opportunity to learn. The real goal isn’t to practice, it’s progress. The progress you can measure. Keep track of your progress. Write it down and study it.
Find the optimal time of day to practice. Everyone has a time that works best for them. Use it to your advantage. Create a learning environment that facilitates practice.
A good learning environment requires that you have full focus on the learning, so remove all distractions.
My number one skill that I really had to spend time on was: Paying attention. You want to be focused on the small corrections you can make to perform better.
Try to focus on the details that can make you improve at the skill you are learning. Paying attention is more than just listening, but putting into action what was being taught.
How we learn skills can take a lifetime to fully master. Do it daily and see the biggest growth in your life and the life of your business.
Learn Something New Each Day