Good morning from Toughkenamon, Pa., the mushroom capital. Michael The Traveling Trucker with my next adventure.
I’m looking for those who really want to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. The HUNGRY people.
The question is: WHY don’t people have abundance and overflow?
![Ask, Sign, Design, Creative, Information](
In my experience, “You have not because you ask not”. For some, after you ask you don’t listen and follow directions. I know because sometimes I’m one of these people, but I’m learning to change this habit.
I’m going to make a bible reference to Matthew 13:12-” To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have abundance and knowledge. But those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away”.
Let me make this point very clear- those who have abundance and overflow have been listening and taking action. Day in and day out. EVERYDAY.
I have noticed that people are looking for a way to increase their finances. Their 1st mistake ( me included) is they look at the price tag, get scared and never look at the system.
They don’t understand the principles of business. You must invest. Invest in yourself and your business.
Let’s start simple, OK? Look at the system while talking to me or your sponsor. Let us guide you by answering your question while looking at the system.
This will require talking to us on the phone while looking at the internet. It is not difficult, FOLKS. Texting is ok if you stay in contact. Don’t put people off.
Why do we trust people we have never spent time with when it comes to our FINANCES? Yes, the gurus. They have the hype. They have the flash. What is the system and does it really produce income?
I have fallen for the next shiny, next biggest thing multiple times. My loss.
It wasn’t until I decided to stay with one system and master it, that things began to happen. I began to listen to my sponsors, follow their examples, and my future and my finances began to increase.
I DON’T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. I do have a few of the answers and I’m willing to share. Let’s learn together. You Up For It?
Today choose to make the WISE decision. Look at the system 1st. Contact us. Keep all your options open. Take a day or two and study the system, then get back to us.
If what you see is not for you just say so. We work with so many people and understand it’s not for everyone. Be honest, OK?
It’s All About You. Let Us GUIDE YOU.