Wisdom comes from the Lord. I am not that smart, but I have a word or two about wisdom. Happy trails from Michael The Traveling Trucker.

I’m on a new route. This is giving me time. Time for rest, time for writing, time to share with others the good news.

What good news do you ask? First, the good news that Jesus saves through His sacrifice on the cross to all who believe in Him. Asking Him to Be Lord of your life.

Second good news-Showing you wisdom through running your own life. Setting things up on your terms. This journey process will be good for you.

Here is a question for you. READY? Very simple yet very profound.


Rectangular shaped black textbook with title on hardcover on smooth surface in building in daytime

What do I know that you don’t know? What do I understand that is not in you?

Have you heard of Genesis Lifestyle Network? It’s a Complete done for you system with simple and easy to follow steps.

When you get a chance read over my blog from yesterday. Click here. I go into detail on what to do.

When we share business concepts with people, we are building relationships. I’m here for you every step of the way. What’s going on in your life that I might offer help with? A solution to a problem you might have?

People say they want money. I believe they want what money can provide. Money is a medium of exchange. There is nothing wrong with money. It’s a tool, folks.

500 verses in the Bible on Wisdom. 500 verses on Love. 2000 verses on Money. Is someone listening? Wise people use money not people. Wise people plan out in detail how to use money. We have a collection of books for you to read on this subject.

So, you are looking through the window. Standing on the outside, what do you see inside? What wonders await if you knock on the door? Will it be opened to you?

My door is unlocked. I’m listening for your knock. Are you knocking YET?

This is so simple, folks. Grab your done for you system now. Don’t wait, DO IT NOW-CLICK HERE.

When you come through the door, I will be the first person to welcome you.

Listen Carefully, That’s Why We Are Here.

Are You Carrying The Sack?

Wonderful Sunday To all from Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s insight is into your personal world. I look at the mirror first and see my own reflection.

I see my own sack. I carried my sack for years so I know from personal experience.

Mention: When God whispers Your name, By Max Lucado.

You have one. A sack. A burlap sack. Probably aren’t even aware of it, may not have been told about it. Could be your don’t even remember it, but it was given to you.

A sack. An itchy, scratchy burlap sack. The sack carry’s the stones. All shapes and sizes, All unwanted. You didn’t request them. You didn’t seek them, but you were given them.

Don’t remember? Some were rocks of rejection. The try outs that you didn’t make the team or got the part in the play. They said you weren’t good enough. You thought you were but they said NO.

You don’t live long before you get a collection of stones. Make a poor grade, a bad choice, you make a mess. Get called a few names. Get mocked. Get abused.

And the stones don’t stop with adolescences. And so the sack gets heavy.

Look into the sack and you will see other stones of regret. Regret for the time you lost your temper, lost control, lost your pride, lost your priorities, and even regret the hour you lost your innocence.

Time goes on and the sack gets heavy. Way to heavy. That’s why people look so miserable. How do you have dreams for a future when all your energy is required to shoulder the past?

Today I take you by the hand and lead you to the KINDEST verse in the BIBLE. Matthew 11:28-29 ” Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives. The teaching I ask you to accept is easy; the load I give you to carry is light”.

You have tried so many things to release the heartache, the burden of guilt, the hate, the shame. Release them all to God. It won’t be easy, I know from my past.

I was so weighed down with my own sack. I walked with my head down. I didn’t look into peoples faces, for I knew they could see the real me. I thought I was a total failure and walked in that burden for more than 30 years.

God set me FREE. I am so thankful He choose me. Today I strongly believe and share God with anyone who will listen to the GOOD NEWS.

Each day choose to look in the mirror and say” I am BEAUTIFUL, well LOVED, and I have a great future ahead of me”.

Look at that radiant smile. Your heart beats with joy, love, and excitement once again. You begin the sing, laugh, and tell the world,” I’m here to stay and I refuse your junk”.

Today I offer you Friendship, Hope, Love, and Acceptance. Come walk this journey with me. As a team, we can carry each other’s burdens which makes carrying the sack liter.

I hope you see how valuable you really are. There is just one of you. There will never be another you. Walk with your head up, shoulders back, pep in your step.


Early Childhood Learning

Good Morning Everyone, Michael The Traveling Teacher Trucker with today’s mental brain message.

Everything we needed to be a success we learned as a child. Remember playing doctor, soldier, running a lemonade stand, cutting grass, collecting soda bottles for the 5 cent return.


Become a teacher, lawyer, race car driver. Remember those cool science projects?

Parents really wanted us to succeed. Some taught fixing cars, baking, building things.

It’s no different today. The internet has been making people money for years. Have you gotten your share?

I invite you to look at our powerful business plan. 90% of this business is set up for you. How Cool Is That? We have live webinar training every Wednesday at 12 noon EST. This is for core members only. Wednesday nights at 8 pm EST, we have our introductory to GLN hosted by Rob Gehring. That’s why you need this business.

From our video training included with your core package purchase, you get- 6 benefits to Social media marketing. Using social media marketing to build your brand. These are just 2 of the video training. We have hours of the best professional training.

Do you need help closing a sale? Great, we have a closing service with Rob Gehring as one of our closers.

One of my favorite videos is Click bank marketing secrets. Life is at your finger tips. Let’s begin by getting you signed up with 1 of 6 core packages to choose from.

Here is my link. Click Now. I joined because of people I know and trust had my best interest in mind. Today I have your best interest in mind. WILL YOU JOIN ME? Be a part of the multi-billion dollar e-learning industry!

If not now, when? If not you , then who? Your reward is right around the next corner, don’t stop now, keep going.

Once you join the Genesis Lifestyle Network, you will receive
access to our automated marketing system that will do all the
telling and selling for you!



Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today I talk about becoming an Online Coach.

I love this subject because we are all have a coaching back ground when it comes to family, church and our jobs.

Here are 3 types of COACHES to think about: Wealth, Health, and Relationships

Business is different. It requires a lot of detail and organization. It’s recommended you have a calendar for people to book a call time.


Photo Of People Using Laptop

Here are questions you should ask yourself.

Why become a Online coach? What valuable knowledge in a niche do you have? What is your mindset? What impression on clients do you have? What will you do to attract the right clients?

Does Online Coaching suit you? Do you enjoy teaching others? Are you organized and disciplined? Can you plan out your Coaching calls and be on time? Are you flexible?

When setting up your business, how do you communicate with clients? Messenger services -Skype, Zoom, Facebook, Telegraph. Have alternative ways in case one is not working.

All these question should be answered. Make sure you have what it takes or willing to learn to best serve your clients.

Set yourself up to be a Coach. Here are some attributes you should be using.

Be Confident. Do you present yourself to your clients as confident, able to think quickly? Do your clients have confidence in your abilities.

Clarity- What does Online Coaching mean to you emotionally and spiritually? A coach can help you remove the noise and find out what’s most important.

Think Solutions. Are you truly a problem solver? Thinking of different ways to solve their problems? Identify what is important to them, and help them aim high in life.

Walk your clients step by step until the desired result is achieved. Self-awareness is the absolute first stage of changing their life.

Woman Sharing Her Presentation with her Colleagues

What mindset meansThe established set of attitudes held by someone.

Adopt The Right Lifestyle Mindset. A coach helps a person unlock the internal barriers that are holding them back in any area of their lifeUnconscious thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and negative programming.

Goal Orientated. This is a BIG plus. Not only does this help you but the client as well. Having your plan set out, in order, and ready to proceed when you get with your clients. Set challenging goals for yourself and suggest goals for the client.

Collaborator. By collaborating with others you may reach a wider audience. They know people you may never know or reach.

Digital Marketing Coaches have a wide range to choose from. They offer solutions to SEO, Facebook marketing, Landing pages, Advertising etc.

Do you have enough info to offer an eBook course for money? Have a mini 3-day course, outlining your problem-solving skills.

Personally speaking, I found that getting out of my comfort zone and investing in myself was the best thing I could have ever done. That’s why I am so passionate about helping others to achieve the greatness that they deserve.

This is just one small section in the GLN marketing system. You will receive training in so many different subjects, so go through them and see what best suits you and build your business from that.

Great changes are coming to GLN. Come join us now. See why we are excited to share this business.



Good Thursday Morning Peeps, Michael The Traveling Trucker spreading the word of life, hope and joy to all. Drink deeply and Enjoy.

I make a pick up every Thursday in Toughkenamon, Pa for mushrooms to deliver back in Georgia. I have made a great friend, Anthony. I have built this relationship for the last year. I got to CF Logistics early yesterday so called Anthony. He came and picked me up. Last night I met his wife and shared a meal. Got to share life with this precious couple. What a blessing.


Today is your victory day, your breakthrough day, you rise up and PROCLAIM: Today I’m free and moving through my goals with passion and exuberance.

You speak out to the UNIVERSE, “I’m a success and will never look back in doubt or fear”.

Today you are becoming an affirmative leader: you put other people first.

Affiliative leaders lavish a lot of praise. Look at our leaders. People like Janet, Jared and Rob are lavish speaking leaders. They give of themselves to speak words of praise, letting people know how valuable they are and the work they are doing is on track for success.

At their core, affiliative leaders are nurturing. They believe and promote Tighter-Knit Teams. Working with those who are action takers, ask lots of questions, implement recommendations and drive their businesses forward each day.

This is YOU, reader. This is who you are becoming. I see the work you are putting in. I see the time and effort, and the results are starting to show. I applaud you, keep it up, YOU GOT THIS.

Keep an Eye on Performance. Track everything you do. KEEP A JOURNAL. You can look back and see what is working and correct what is not getting the best results .

Build trust and improve leadership communication. Talking , educating and generally getting to know your people is a valuable asset. People need to know you really care about them and their problems.

People need people. Yes we can do a lot on our own, at the end of the day it’s nice to share with another human what’s going on in our lives. Have you shared a cup of coffee or glass of wine with anyone lately? Shared a meal? Recommended a good book, then talked about what you read?

Taken a walk and shared life with someone? Watched a movie and shared popcorn?

My house is open and waiting for you. Come on by. I love to cook, so a good meal is waiting.


We have a man named Kevin, “The Smile Maker”. This is for you Buddy. We could all learn a lesson from the Smile Maker. I’m smiling at you right now. Hope you feel the love.

I will continue to ask you to join me, in life and business. I offer you hope, love, and I will stand beside you all the way. Let’s rely on each other, what do you say? Click Here, NOW.

Did you join me? I will contact you when I get your info, so be looking for my call or text.

I leave you with my favorite saying from old English, ” From Your Faithful Servant”.


What Is Your Impossibly Big DREAM?

It’s a fine day in the neighborhood, would you like to be my neighbor?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with another amazing adventure. It’s all about dreaming.

What is YOUR God given BIG DREAM? We all have a vision inside of us, that is crying to come out. Are you ready to let it out?


If you want to change your life, you need to envision what is next. The reason many people don’t follow their New Years’ resolutions or meet their isolated goals is because they don’t have the bigger, purposeful, inspiring picture in mind. Let the vision flow, resonate in your spirit, soul, and body.

Right here, STOP. Get a pen and some paper. Take 5 minutes and write down your dream. Got it? Ok, now lets break it down so you can see how to make it a reality.

What do you want to accomplish? Where do you see yourself in one, two, ten years? What makes you happy?

These questions will drive you forward to accomplish your dream.

Vision: The Core of Your Life Plan

To learn how to plan your life, be precise as much as possible when creating your vision.

Create a Step-by-Step Plan. Divide your life plan into parts. Plan for an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year.

1st step: Slowly get into a routine. Picture your perfect day. Now write down every step. When you wake up, make your bed, take a shower, fix your lunch. I know this sounds strange, but I will explain it all.

Once you complete your list, break it down to hourly events that you can manage. Look to weekly events, monthly events, and yearly events.

This is easy, buy a planner notebook. Keep your planner with you at all times. Look at it often and stay focused.

Take one step at a time. Yet, do not let routine absorb you. Every step you take has to bring you closer to your dream.

Work with Deadlines. Even if you think you’re organized enough, set them. They help you stay precise and focused. Reward yourself when you meet your deadlines. It doesn’t have to be big. Make it personal and fun for one.

HAVE RULES: Before you make a decision that could influence how you plan your life, take a break and think it through for at least 20 seconds.

What are the consequences of this decision? Will it help you to become closer to your dream? How will it affect your lifestyle? Each of these should be thought out carefully. You need the proper time to properly make the correct decision.

Get Out of The Rut. So how do you know when you’re in a rut?

Life has its ups and downs for all of us. We look around and realize that we’ve found ourselves stuck in the RUT. When you don’t know you are in a rut, it’s very difficult to get out. Once you see the rut, prepare the way to move out of the rut.

BIGGEST RED FLAG: You spend most of it daydreaming of being somewhere else. If the only thing you have any anticipation for is getting into bed at the end of every day, then you’re definitely in a rut and need to start finding enjoyment in the little things in life, appreciating all of the things that come in between waking up and going back to bed again.

Accessibility: Keep your written day or week plan at your fingertips (it could be the app on your smartphone).

When you have some free time, spend it on accomplishing some points from your list.

Boundaries: If you want your plan to be fulfilled, learn to say “no.” Stop. Take a deep breath, and make a decision that won’t ruin your plans. Learn to prioritize and stand your grounds.

Tracking: To get the motivation to move further, track your progress. Noting the results of your everyday work, you’ll realize that even 20 minutes a day make a difference, and it’s not that hard.

Now it’s your turn to PLAN out your life. Go ahead and do it with GUSTO. Remember to have fun all along the way. It’s your life, make it BOLD and BEAUTIFUL.

Here is your chance to see what I do. Click Here. I would love to work along side you. Helping you see your dreams come to LIFE. Look me up on Facebook. Michael Lipsey.



Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker.

I have spent some time really thinking about what I, and a host of others do.

I connect people with a dream. Their dream. Everything hinges on this.

Then the magic happens, connecting people to the right product or service.


Concentrated adult female thinking about business project in office

Selling a digital product is one of the most straight forward methods as well as one of the most rewarding , and the most profitable. This means selling a product with zero overhead.

We have talked about free membership and how far you can get with it. Free tools do the same thing. They can only take you so far. You must invest in the right tools( spend money) for the best results.

Do you have the necessary know-how and skills to stand out from the crowd and take your business to the next level? Most marketers can do a blog post and social media. Isn’t that enough?

NO: If you want a competitive edge, you must improve your skill mindset. Knowledge is POWER. Having the right tools in your arsenal, ready to use to accomplish the task at hand.

What are these tools? Copywriting: Knowing how to write properly to convey the right message.


Have you heard of Vector Art? Vector artwork is art that’s made up of vector graphics. These graphics are points, lines, curves and shapes that are based on mathematical formulas.

Vector art illustration of a cheetah under the moonlight.

When you scale a vector image file, it isn’t low resolution and there’s no loss of quality, so it can be sized to however large or small you need it to be.

It’s an excellent tool for putting company logos on business cards, creating poster designs, and when photo-shopping in Adobe Photoshop. Any art made with vector illustration software like Adobe Illustrator is considered vector art.

How do you pick the right product or service to market? What are your prospects or leads pain points? What do they need to solve a problem?


Apple, Imac, Ipad, Workplace, Freelancer

Your product or service offers the solution to fix the problem. It offers value, but it’s also one that has a great value proposition. It speaks to an emotional hook of some sort.

Will this product get people excited? Does it trigger an emotional response?

Building your audience over time will give you knowledge and understanding of what people need, decide what best course of action to offer and the right product or service.

I believe your success hinges on your ability to get people to listen to you. (BRANDING)

Putting in the time and effort to build your audience is a must so people will trust and engage with you.

I have 3 business models. Come check out one or all 3 and decide what best fits your style.

GLN- Click Here. Then there is CLB. Click Here. MSF500. Click Here.

Make it your point to bless people. People need our expertise, guidance, and leadership. People are the life blood of OUR business. Without people, you just have a business of one-YOU.



Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. I influence people through what type of semi I drive. I love the Freightliner Cascadia. It’s roomy, 2 bunks.


I can raise the bottom bunk up, lock it in place, and have a foldable table and chairs, where I can sit and eat, draw, get out my laptop and go to work.

It is my home away from home with a refrigerator, microwave, plug in strips. I have a TV mount and cable access.

I show people on the road some of the features, like setting up the truck to start by itself when I need to cool off or warm-up. It’s a weather thing, Don’t cha know.

The cab gets too hot or too cold and the truck sensors kick in starting the truck to cool it down or warm it up. Once the temp is reached the truck shuts off.

In the Affiliating Marketing niche, social media has a dominance that people use to get their brand out there. You may have a free Ebook, Set up a mini-course on solo ads, Course on How to be a Great Blogger.

” DON’T SELL THE STEAK, SELL THE SIZZLE”. Focus on the experience around a product rather than simply on the product itself.

Come experience our SIZZLE, click here.


Person Pointing at Black and Gray Film Camera Near Macbook Pro

You MUST provide REAL VALUE. Content writing is an important component of your overall content marketing strategy. Great content engages your audience and can address their pain points, adding value to their business or their lives.

After users find your content, do they consider it to be readable?

While this question applies to written content, text is the primary way people consume information, so it’s an important category. Today, the younger crowd loves videos. Make them and share share share

TIP#1: Communicate with your audience. Social media networks are primarily a communication tool.

When you engage in a conversation with your audience, then they will feel as though they know you.

TIP#2: Become a THOUGHT LEADER. As a Thought leader, you bring a unique insight to a topic. Based on your passion experience, and knowledge, your topic tells a story where people relate.

To make this happen: Please pick a topic you genuinely know and are interested in.

TIP#3: Become A World Changer. Integrating your social media with your site itself. YOUR BRAND and MESSAGE HAS TO BE different from the competition.

Don’t make it boring like so many other sites. People love the unique, bold, passionate, funny, heart warming, thought provoking content.

I love what I do. I sell the dream. People are smart and know when you are insincere. Let’s take a road trip. Let’s do something you have never done before.

Strap into the jump seat an roll on. What’s first on your LIST?


Are You Creating The Right Atmosphere?

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s lesson is, Creating the right atmosphere when talking to your PROSPECTS AND LEADS.


Most of us look like this in the beginning

I know from experience that getting on the phone can be scary, uncomfortable and make you draw a blank when talking to leads and prospects about your business.

Let me say from the get go, “PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT”. Start where you are and grow each day. Go over and over the scripts provided or make up your own following the guidelines from our leaders.

I recommend a one on one with ROB GEHRING. He is our closer at GLN. Book a meeting and discuss the topic. Rob is a valuable resource that most people don’t utilize or know is available for our use.

Other great resources are Janet Legere and Jared Meyers. Janet does our weekly webinar on Wednesday at 12:00 noon EST for members only.

Jared is the owner of GLN. Who better to ask about talking to people.

In the end, people can’t see you so RELAX. You should look like this,

Check out the script directly from my back office: This is just a SAMPLE.

-Hi is this (Your Prospects Name Here)?
-When they say yes it is, you respond with this –This is (Your Name Here) and you recently filled out a form about making money from home. Do you have a few moments to talk?
-Pause and continue based on their response
-I’m following up to see if you have any questions.
-Did you watch the on demand webinar after you filled out the form?
-If they say no, respond with this — Are you looking for a way to make money from home?
-If they say yes, ask them this — Do you have a few moments right now to watch the on demand webinar?
-If they say yes, respond with this — I will send you the link via email, what is a good email address?
-When they give you their email, respond with this – Ok, one moment here it comes.
-Pause to send the email which you have ready to send before you call!
-Once you send them the email, verify that they received it
-Once they say they have received it, tell them you can wait while they watch the video or you can call them back. Make sure you set a time to call them back and have them commit to that time.

In reality, a script is just a guide for useful things to ask and say. You will be lead by the person on the other end of the phone.

Have a smile on your face. Believe it or not people can hear your smile by your voice. SMILE SMILE SMILE.

Don’t let people control the conversation by getting off topic. STAY FOCUSED.

Keep your conversation on track, ask questions to determine if this is a “Hot or Not” prospect. keep everything simple, slow, and let it flow naturally. It’s ok to be nervous. The people on the other end are more nervous than you.

More questions you can ask your leads:
-Do you have any experience with online programs like this one?
-Do you have a budget for an online business? A monthly advertising budget?

The answer to these two questions will tell you volumes about your lead and whether or not you want to continue asking questions.

If you are NOT part of GLN, I invite you now. Click Here.

The Phone Is Your Best Friend


Hello Everyone, Michael “I’m Not Quitting” The Traveling Trucker. I was doing some classroom study through videos and came across this GEM.

ARE YOU A QUITTER? This was a slap in my face to wake me from my dream. Am I willing to put in the work, time, and money to build an empire? I ask you the same question, ARE YOU?

Why would you think about quitting your business after 30, 60,90 days with no success? Would you quit a JOB every 30, 60, 90 days? Of course NOT.

That would be STUPID, and you know it. You have to give it time, doing the right things every day.

If you ask the people why they quit, what answer would you get? ” I hope this works for me, but probably won’t”. I have tried so many and they are all scams.

What you should ask is what did they do in weeks one, two, three, four? Most of the time they did no advertising, no follow-up, no investment.

How could this work? It wouldn’t. Rise up and succeed in spite of your circumstances.

Do you not like freedom, money, respect? We offer all these to those who will embark on life’s journey.

What is the cost compared to return on investment? Depending on what niche you get into, your entry fee could be anywhere from 50.00 to 1000.00s of dollars.

I chose high ticket items. The investment was small and the return on investment was high.


Your funnel is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom for a reason. You want to weed out the quitters, whiners, and broke people. It gets smaller at the bottom where the people who want to invest are and go through each step of the funnel.

How many leads do you want to reach each day? What is your number? You must post ads every day to hit your numbers. Are you showing your business to enough people?

REMEMBER IT’S A NUMBERS GAME, RIGHT? Write you number down, then work like a crazy person until you reach them.

Here is your CALL to join us. Come enjoy life with a group of ENTREPRENEURS who make things happen. CLICK HERE.