Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker, With MONEY TIPS.

Package NameBeginner $50 One TimePro$100 One TimeAdvanced$300 One TimeElite$600 One TimeVIP$1,200 One Time
Free Package10% commissionsYou Earn $5 per saleYou Earn $10 per saleYou Earn $30 per saleYou Earn $60 per saleYou Earn $120 per sale
Beginner30% commissionsYou Earn $15 per saleYou Earn $30 per saleYou Earn $90 per saleYou Earn $180 per saleYou Earn $360 per sale
Pro40% commissionsYou Earn $20 per saleYou Earn $40 per saleYou Earn $120 per saleYou Earn $240 per saleYou Earn $480 per sale
Advanced50% commissionsYou Earn $25 per saleYou Earn $50 per saleYou Earn $150 per saleYou Earn $300 per saleYou Earn $600 per sale
Elite60% commissionsYou Earn $30 per saleYou Earn $60 per saleYou Earn $180 per saleYou Earn $360 per saleYou Earn $720 per sale
VIP100% commissionsYou Earn $50 per saleYou Earn $100 per saleYou Earn $300 per saleYou Earn $600 per saleYou Earn $1200 per sale

Looking over this chart, a free member would need 65 people at beginner, 35 people at Pro level, 12 people at advanced level, 6 members at Elite level, and 3 members at VIP level to reach the 10K per month. This must be done each month to maintain 10K per month. Each Upgrade gives you higher commissions to help you reach your 10K per month faster.

When you want people to come in as a VIP level $1200, I believe you must be a VIP. How can you recommend VIP if you yourself are not VIP. I hope that is clear.

There is also the 20 different incomes in the Downline Builder. All these together gives you additional income to the overall 10K per month.

Take your time in writing down your goals. This is not a race. You are not in competition with anyone but yourself. Keep a steady pace, do your daily actions for income producing activities.

You Can And Will REACH Your Goals

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