Hello and WELCOME, Michael The Traveling Trucker here. I believe that goal setting so is important.
Do you ever feel like you’re sleepwalking through life with no real idea of what you want? Perhaps you know exactly what you want to achieve, but have no idea how to get there.
I know for a lot of people, goal setting tends to get put on the back burner. People know what they want, but never write them out.
Goal setting involves planning for the future. Thinking positively about the future bolsters our ability to create goals and consider the actions required to achieve them.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/goals/
It helps you stay focused on what you want to accomplish, see how well you are doing moving toward your goals, then setting new ones once you finish your old ones.
One of my goals is to have a list of 2000 prospects by 5-1-2021. Making goals attainable is what will keep on putting in the daily work.
How big do you want your list? How long is it going to take you? Do you want to work with women or men or both? What age group? What geographical area?
Ready to get started, GREAT. You will need paper and pencil or pen. I’ll wait while you get them NOW. Glad you are back. Now time to write down specific items for your goals.
This is not a marathon, but slow simple steps.
Choose goals that are challenging. Choose and monitor both short-term and long-term goals. Keep goals consistent.
If the goal is too easy to complete, there’s little achievement in it. If you set exclusively easy goals for yourself, you will get bored and fall out of the habit of goal setting. The challenge is what makes results feel worthwhile and self-actualizing, and makes goal setting feel rewarding.
Through the experience of success and the positive emotions that accompany goal setting, confidence, and belief in our own abilities grow. If you can dream it, write it down, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT.
Five Principles of SUCCESSFUL Goal Setting
Commitment refers to the degree to which an individual is attached to the goal and their determination to reach it, even when faced with obstacles. DO you really want to be successful in business and personal life?
Clarity-When a goal is vague, it has limited motivational value. Set clear, precise, and unambiguous goals that are implicit and can be measured. Have you written down YOUR GOALS?
Challenging goals can improve performance through increased self-satisfaction, and the motivation to find suitable strategies to push our skills to the limit. Are you making your goals just out of reach so you have to stretch to ACHIEVE them?
Complexity-Even the most motivated of people can become disillusioned if the task’s complexity is too great for their skills. Allowing sufficient time to work toward a goal allows opportunities to reassess the goal complexity, whilst reviewing and improving performance. Are you making your goals so hard, that after a short time you give up?
Feedback– Feedback – including internal feedback – helps to determine the degree to which a goal is being met and how you are progressing. Feedback allows us to reflect upon our ability and set new, more attainable, goals.
When we perceive our progress towards a goal as adequate, we feel capable of learning new skills and setting more challenging future goals.
Goals … such an important step toward success, a veritable roadmap to get to your destination. Writing down your goals is vital to all of this, without a written plan, how do you know where you are going? Great post!
Thank you for being a leader, mentor and friend. Learning has become so much easier. It’s fun to reach out and touch the WORLD.
Thank you for sharing this article. You gave a clear roadmap on how to write down your goals and what it takes to work toward achieving them!
Thank you Betty. I hope you have written down your goals.
If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact me.