Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. My adventure today, was my eye-opener yesterday. I have been blogging for close to 6 months. I have been building my list and building my business online. I have had a variety of topics. I was in the mindset of putting out what I called valuable content to the readers.


Stop, Containing, Street Sign, Security

I was stopped in my tracks by Blain Jones/ co-owner of click track profit. It was one of the best series of questions anyone has asked me. I was writing a post about mastering the basics. Here was the conversation: Blain: Michael you make good posts, but I’d be interested to read how you apply and do what you blog about. How are you mastering the basics, how are you creating cash flow first? What speed bumps or hiccups have you run into?

When you talk about yourself in a post, it makes you more personable and people can picture actually talking to you and relating to you, Verse these things you need to do. Don’t always focus on your successes, people would be interesed to learn about your struggles as well. I think the overall goal is to be relateable to your readers.

It was at this point that the true reality set in. Where is my business now, Sep.21,2020, after 6 months? Was I doing the basics? I had to be honest and say, “I’m still trying to master the basics and I have zero cash flow”. He encouraged me to talk about my struggles. Being a Full-Time Trucker, I drive 2300 miles per week. I have to fit time in to make calls, advertise, create capture pages, and run a full-time business in 2 hours per day. Weekends are better, I’m at home. My family understands what I’m trying to create, so I can quit driving while earning a living online to cover all my expenses and have a lasting dynasty. My challenge is getting people to respond to phone calls, texts, and emails. At this point, It’s a numbers game, so keep adding people daily. I’m still learning about tracking my ads, seeing the email open rates. My list is still small but growing daily. I know it takes time, I’ll keep at it.

Bulldozer, Crawler, Earth-Moving

At this point READER, Building an online business is hard work at first. You have so much to learn, it can be overwhelming. You must be consistent daily. Making those lists to follow, I do and do-follow them and so should you. Start at YOUR starting point, where you are now. Then build on it each day.

Girl, Time, Time Pressure, Worried
Your Time Is Valuable, Use It WISELY.

He further encouraged me: You’re blogging more consistently than most people, which is a great thing. Keep up the writing, it gets easier every time. The more people who take action and actually do things, the better for the community as a whole. Success attracts success. Plain and simple. Honestly, I’m trying to help more people see success!

We all have days where, the effort we put into everything in life, seems to go without a hitch. Other days, Carrying the ball and chain. Struggling all the way. It’s times like this, I’m glad I have a small group of people, who are getting to know me, tell me the truth, give me more directions, a pat on the head, and say” Suck It Up Buttercup”. YOU GOT THIS.


Another Business I follow and build, click here.

Come visit Tammy House- Pamper Chef Consultant

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