Good Day All, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Are YOU a problem Solver?
Do YOU see the answer in difficulties , a chance to learn or do you fret, worry and let doubt seep in?
“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” Albert Einstein.

What makes a GOOD PROBLEM SOLVER? Take time right NOW and think about what problems you have going on in your life. Do you ask for help when needed?
Are you able to write out your problems, then go over them point by point?
Who do you see as a great problem solver? What skills do they possess?
They use the power of words to connect with people: They are socially well developed and find ways to connect with people and try to find happy-middle solutions. Does this sound like YOU?
If you could identify creative solutions to those problems that you think are hopeless, how would your life be different?
If you could take your biggest struggles–whatever they may be–and find an option that gets you through them, what would that be worth to you?
One of the biggest problems people have when it comes to problem-solving is not getting detailed enough about the problem–not going deep enough into the whys and hows. The more you know, the more you grow.
People who succeed in business explore ways and options to being the best PROBLEM SOLVERS.

Being a great problem solver is connected to having a growth mindset.
Being a creative problem solver can help you get out of difficult situations. It can help you avoid negative consequences, make you better at your job, and create better opportunities for you.
They don’t create problems for others: Good problems solvers who create fair solutions make a conscious effort not to harm others for a self-interest intention.

They explore their options: They see more than one solution to a problem and find new and productive ways to deal with new problems as they arise. This always been my wife Regina’s attitude. Look at the problem from every side.
Point out every solution, point by point and see what fits best.
They do prevention more than intervention: They are more of a positive thinker ( Janet Legere) so naturally, they are surrounded with more positivity and have more energy to be productive.

I hope this was helpful to at least one reader. Growing to become the best you can be is the ultimate goal. Begin to see yourself as THE GO-TO PROBLEM SOLVER.

The Go-To Problem Solver … sounds like a great title for a book! When we all stop for a moment and assess exactly what problems that we can personally help solve, the world changes, business becomes simpler and more fun. Another great post … keep them coming!
So a book title, interesting. Thank you for always being an inspiration to me.
Great post, put thinking before action.
Thank you Darla, my dad used to always tell me make sure brain is engaged before mouth is in motion