Hello and WELCOME, Michael The Traveling Trucker with a news flash. You don’t have to follow the crowd.
WHAT? That’s right. You can make your own path. I’m here to guide you so get out your paper and pencil. Once we are done, map out YOUR path and walk the road of your life choosing.
Remember, Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/path/
I’m here to support you. All I can do is make recommendations, but it’s up to you to do the work.
Find a mentor who will push you out of your comfort zone. Someone who will show you the right way to accomplish your dream. Be willing to work with you on a weekly basis. Phone, video chat, telegram.

Follow Your Intuition. I heard this from the start. When starting out my head was not in a good place. My intuition was to run for my life. I’m glad I got a mentor or in my case, TWO. Their advice is worth millions.
Follow your instincts on what you feel is right or wrong for YOU in YOUR own life.
I know from my own experience, these can be scary words. Not really knowing what to expect. Who to talk to. What product or service to promote. Where to promote.
Life is Yours for the Making. Don’t let fears, insecurity or what others want hold you back from making life on your own terms.
I’m here to tell you with a little time under your belt, this feeling will go away and you will soar to great heights.
Don’t Follow Everyone Else. Give yourself permission to do something different. Can you draw, play a musical instrument, write well, create videos? The list is endless. Each of us has a unique talent just below the surface. Let’s find it and push it out into the UNIVERSE. See where it takes you.
Follow your own desires and create your own path. That’s the only way you will find out what you truly want out of life.
My path has created Michael The Traveling Trucker. I love being on the road, meeting knew people and sharing life’s joys.
It’s OK to Be Scared. It’s OK to be afraid of creating your own path. This path will bring you the most fulfillment of your life. As you grow and adapt to new situations, there will always be something new or different that scares you.
Overcoming is you, here now and in the future. YOU GOT THIS.
In the picture below, YOU must keep looking up.

Have a Safety Net. It’s going to be hard to create a life that is all your own. So you need a safety net in case things get really bad. Family, friends, place to live, financial support. All these will help to keep you FOCUSED.
Having a plan to fall back on can make creating your own path in life a little less stressful.
My wife-REGINA is my biggest supporter. I read my blogs to her 1st. She helps me with grammar. Her support is so valuable. That’s why I love it when she always tells me ” You do what you need to support this family”. She believes in me.
Don’t Give Up. Thomas Edison tried 10,000 different items to create the light bulb. 10,001 was the magic key. Now we benefit from his passion. What could YOURS be that has lasting benefits for the world?
There will be times where you fall and don’t want to keep going. I have failed numerous times. Want to quit. Said enough is enough. Then that spirit kicks in, try one more time and off the the races I go. I know you have done the same, so KEEP GOING, DON’T QUIT EVER.
Here is my recommendation for you. Affiliate Marketing. This is your starting point. Click here to the program I use. Fill out the form and I will contact you with more details, sound fair? Go ahead , now’s the time. SEE YOU SOON.

text/phone 678-697-9841
Growing is sowing and Michael is reaping
Thank you Darla, What was your best tip from today’s post?