Warrior’s Heart

A man’s usefulness depends upon his living up to his ideals insofar as he can. It is hard to fail but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Rise up warrior and take your stand. You have everything inside of you to succeed.

The warrior in a man is a great asset. Men throughout history have risen up to do impossible deeds because they didn’t think to long on them. They took action and did what needed to be done.

In business, we need to take advantage of all the training and mentorship training . Become an action taker. Make that call, send that email, brand yourself. Create a new product.

Are you willing to stand between defeat and your GOAL, shield raised high, spear in hand? Kill that defeat( what we call giants) while attaining your goals. It’s amazing how fast the mind works in circumstances like that.

What Is Character? Character is engraved within us. The engraving isn’t always planned and clean.

  • Engrave – An active art of determining what builds our character – honesty, courage, and the like.
  • Scrape – Learning from the challenges that come our way (or those we create) and then proving what we learned by doing much better than before.
  • Scratch – The act of working our way back when we fall down and gaining strength of integrity from what we experience. Character is a verb, demonstrated in what we do, how we do it, and why we do it. 
  • Character in many ways is a combination of our mind, soul, and backbone. We need to work through our thoughts and pick the ones that matter. We need to understand how the trials are impacting our souls and take the necessary steps to protect and grow. We need to know when to stand up, move on, or protect. The character is tested. How we respond and learn will determine the legacy of our character.
  • Click Here for more Learning
Be An Action Taker.
Be A Man Of Courage.
Be A Lover.

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