Why Do PEOPLE Respond?

I have asked myself this question for years. Michael The Traveling Trucker, here with a really good question.

People respond for different reasons. I’ll share a few.

People are just curious and want to see what others have. Looking for a way to increase their weekly pay with a side hustle. Some are addicted to filling out forms( I use to do this ). Some have an entrepreneurial spirit and are looking to build a full-time income.

Some love to just kick the tires without ever really wanting to buy the car, LOL.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/branding/

Whatever people are looking for, you MUST have their best interest in mind. You must have a plan to contact them back. I recommend calling on the phone 1st. You will have a better sense of who they are and how to best help them.

Texting is next. I personally have had good success in this area, which leads to the phone call.

Email is 3rd. I have mixed feelings about this one. Some success but not great, just saying from my personal efforts.

Have you heard of BRANDING YOURSELF? Personal branding is the practice of creating a brand around a person rather than a business entity. It’s positioning themselves as an expert within an industry. 

Personal branding is important because it helps give a person more credibility.

By putting yourself out in front of people, they will get to know you. My mentors Janet and Rob are masters at getting themselves in front of the people.

They are action takers and I follow them by doing the same. I pray your name becomes ( as they say) a household name. People know, like, and trust you.

Branding is a combination of videos, blogging, content marketing, email marketing, solo ads, viral mailers, and traffic exchanges.

When you have a daily list to accomplish and faithfully do these tasks to the best of your ability, I believe in my heart you will see results. It’s called mastering the basics. Doing the same thing over and over until it becomes natural.

Trust is very important when it comes to love, money, and other parts of our daily lives that may be put at risk. Trusting means accepting and taking on risks.

As we experience relationships, we come to realize that in a relationship, two people never fully know one another or can expect that the other person will do exactly what we want to have done. This is particularly true if we ourselves are not certain what we want and need or how to ask for it.

This takes considerable practice. Don’t clam up and stop sharing. Take your time and communicate to the best of your ability what you think and need.

I love my wife. I have had to work long and hard to communicate with her what’s on my mind. If you know me, I get really excited, loud, and have a jumble of words come spilling out, sometimes making it difficult to follow.

Slow down, ask the other person to be patient and I believe you will have a great conversation. Slow and steady.

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