Once again Michael The Traveling Trucker brings up the strong questions.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/affiliate/

Leaders present the information and lets the system work for them. They follow up and answer any questions by letting the system do the work. When you put people into the system and let the system train them, your job is to love and guide them to the next step.

Pleaders beg people to join their programs. They talk to much about themselves and never let the system work for them. They tell the people how much money they can make, while not making any themselves.
Leaders are trainers. The system has the best training. Point people to the right training and LET THE SYSTEM WORK.
Affiliate marketing is a win-win-win offer for all involved—but that doesn’t mean everyone will sign on.
Why should you use affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing has been proven to have a much higher return on investment than most other marketing strategies. One major reason for this is because your target audience will hear of your product or service from affiliates that are naturally positioned within their spheres of influence.
Affiliate marketers come in all shapes and stripes, but the ones that will work best for your course should demonstrate a knowledge of you and your industry, as well as an intuitive understanding of your target audience. These affiliates will be able to recommend your course with more authority, and bring in learners who are well-suited to your material.

Once you know your affiliate audience and have built a page tailored to their interests and needs, you shouldn’t hold back from making your program known. Publish it on your website, send emails to your professional contacts, and include the announcement in the footer of your emails. Convincing affiliates to market your course isn’t usually difficult, you just have to get the word out.
I hope this helps. You can be any one you want to be. Time and money, training and mentoring are at the heart of your business. Treat it with the utmost care.
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Lead By Example
Great post on Affiliate marketing and knowing your audience, something we tend to forget
Thanks Michael!
Yep, we tend to forget a lot about people and our business practices. Thanks for commenting, Janet