Good Saturday Morning, Michael The Traveling Trucker. It’s 4a m here at the truckers homestead.

I was thinking about why people trust me with 100,000 dollars or more with truck, trailer, and freight. I drive across multiple states. Driving thousands of miles.
I’m on time, in my case super early. I’m polite and help people by engaging them in conversation. I help rest their fears, I’m here for them. Anything to make things run smooth.
As a trucker, I have built great and lasting friendships. Now that I’m switching jobs to drive local, people have said with genuine affection that they will miss me.
Giving your best should be your daily task. Family, friends, even acquaintances. People should feel at ease, feel loved, and know you are there for them.
Jump forward to your business practices. What part of excellence in yourself are you giving away? Don’t be afraid to give away ” your good stuff”. Be the up and above the status quo person.
Here is a profound statement, ” IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU. IT’S ABOUT YOUR AUDIENCE. Prepare yourself relentlessly. Don’t be a slacker and wing it.
If you are talking to people about setting up a lead capture page, don’t you need to be able to show them how to do it? How about running solo ads? If you never run a solo ad, how can you give advice? Makes sense right?

We here at GLN, are leaders in the digital marketing arena. We are set up as leaders from the start. Our system has everything a marketer will ever need.
How do you put it into the hands of those looking? Be real, be professional, and make it about your audience.
Be more than talk, yes be an action taker yourself.
Be consistent– At the beginning of the week review the weekly tasks you want to accomplish.
PRIORITISE– Choose the things that will make the biggest impact.
GET IT DONE– Push away distractions. Don’t hesitate.
CELEBRATE– Whatever it is that makes you feel the proudest ( what you have gotten done), make sure you celebrate the fact that you focused and took ACTION.
CHECK IT TWICE– Check your list daily to make sure you are still on track.

My favourite statement, it’s not about YOU, it’s about your AUDIENCE! … Another timely post! Keep giving your best!
Now time to build my audience and give all I have learned from the best to the best. Thanks Janet
Trusted and true.
Thank you Darla