Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with GREAT NEWS. It’s OK to feel like you don’t have it all together when 1st starting out.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/scam/

Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they’re deserving of accolades.
Knowing that you might be experiencing imposter syndrome is half the battle. Once you determine that you are suffering from feelings of self-doubt, being a fraud, fear of failure or “being found out,” you can begin to explore the reasons why. Consider the situations or behaviors that bring up these feelings and observe what they physically feel like in your body.

Why do people experience impostor syndrome?
There’s no single answer. Some experts believe it has to do with personality traits—like anxiety or neuroticism—while others focus on family or behavioral causes.
One of the first steps to overcoming impostor feelings is to acknowledge the thoughts and put them in perspective.
Perfectionists set excessively high goals for themselves, and when they fail to reach a goal, they experience major self-doubt and worry about measuring up. Whether they realize it or not, this group can also be control freaks, feeling like if they want something done right, they have to do it themselves.
Learn to take your mistakes in stride, viewing them as a natural part of the process.

The Superwoman/man
Since people who experience this phenomenon are convinced they’re phonies amongst real-deal colleagues, they often push themselves to work harder and harder to measure up. But this is just a false cover-up for their insecurities, and the work overload may harm not only their own mental health, but also their relationships with others.
Start training yourself to veer away from external validation. No one should have more power to make you feel good about yourself than you.
The Natural Genius
People with this competence type believe they need to be a natural “genius.” As such, they judge their competence based ease and speed as opposed to their efforts. In other words, if they take a long time to master something, they feel shame.
These types of imposters set their internal bar impossibly high, just like perfectionists. But natural genius types don’t just judge themselves based on ridiculous expectations, they also judge themselves based on getting things right on the first try. When they’re not able to do something quickly or fluently, their alarm sounds.
The Expert
Experts measure their competence based on “what” and “how much” they know or can do. Believing they will never know enough, they fear being exposed as inexperienced or unknowledgeable.
Start practicing just-in-time learning. This means acquiring a skill when you need it.
We all have some of these. We need to take our time, think about how to handle each sitution. Being able to identify and using the right training will help you become more relaxed in your skin.
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Be Your Own Judge
Another great post Michael! Thanks for sharing this
We can all relate to everything in the blog. We all have self-doubt we all question whether or not we’re good enough.
I think everyone suffers from imposter syndrome from time to time, this is a great reminder for us all to check in regularly! Thanks for this great post, Michael … your leadership is greatly appreciated!
Thank you janet, it’s good to know that regular checkups are still in existence for all our leaders.
Wow comes at a time when I feel success looming
Thanks for commenting, Claire. I’m looking to see your success.