Good Morning Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker looking at myself and sharing my traits with you. We all have some of these traits shining through, but sad to say we don’t act upon them. Now is the time for action.
Have you been sitting in your car during RUSH hour? Do you wonder what it would be like not to be sitting in RUSH hour? Your mind drifts away to woulda, coulda land.
Is it possible to have a different lifestyle? YES, IT IS. What do you want?
See if you have some of these traits.

Self-motivated describes someone who can motivate themselves rather than relying on another person. Do you do housework on autopilot because it needs to be done? Yep, self-motivated. Great, you have this trait.
Someone open-minded is willing to accept or learn about new ideas and opportunities. Someone invites you to a painting class. You go, but say, I don’t have any talent. You get to the class and the teacher looks at your work and asks how long have you been painting? See another trait. Great job.

Entrepreneurs tend to lead healthy, balanced lifestyles so they can have the energy to operate their business ventures. You walk daily already, watch what you eat. You love to ride your bike. You are active with your spouse and children. Bingo- mark down another trait.
For example, an entrepreneur comes up with a unique marketing idea. They record a video series about entrepreneurship to drive traffic to their website. You have been asked to make posters for the bake sale. You go all out with colorful posters that catch people’s attention. The bake sale goes great. Another great trait to add to your list.
Entrepreneurs typically have a humble attitude because they understand the work that goes into creating and maintaining a successful business and how success can drop.
For example, a successful entrepreneur makes a point to respect others and show gratitude for their business. Three great examples for me are Jared, Janet, and Rob. Working close to these business owners has been rewarding in ways of coaching me, teaching me, and pointing me in the right direction.
You know if you are humble, so check off another great trait. Your list of traits is getting bigger.

Product or service knowledge
Entrepreneurs know what they have to offer and to whom they can sell it. You should continually learn about your market, understand what people need, and know the features that differentiate you from competitors.
This is a trait that you must develop over time and continue to deveop over and over. See you got this.
Goal mindset
Entrepreneurs are goal oriented. They know what they want to achieve. Setting goals and working toward them is a daily habit. You have decide to makeover your den. You set goals for painting, carpet, pictures hanging, and furniture. You give yourself 4 days to complete the job. Well done. You did it. Trait check.
Entrepreneurs are ready to take risks. They plan for the unknown so they can make calculated decisions that are profitable for them and their business. You decide to set up your photography business. You don’t have all the answers but have the skills. You make a plan, take a deep breath and launch out into the unknown.
Your works begins to speak to the people and your phone begins to rings with offers or interest. See you are an ENTREPRENEUR. Well Done. I was a risk taker when I started my driving career. That was 27 years ago.
Thanks for letting me share these traits with you. I know you have been thinking about starting your own business. I believe in you and invite you to join me NOW at GLN. I look forward to working with you, so go ahead and click the GLN link.

Your Traits Are Shining Through
I love how available you are for your prospects and members! Great video!
Thank you for reading and commenting. Means so much