Hello and Welcome. I’m excited you decided to join me, Michael The Traveling Trucker, and our brief journey together.

So READER, HOW WAS YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION? Was the experience joyful, exciting, full of mystery? Did your needs get met? Was the phone call professional? Was the text personal that made you want to know more?


People Working in front of the Computer

My job is to make you feel welcome. I’m what is known as the First Impression Maker. What I do at the beginning is vital for the growth of the prospect or lead. I can also push people away if done incorrectly.

Maker or Breaker. Yep, that’s the whole thing in a nutshell. We have a team set in place that SHOULD offer a welcome and glad your here pat on the back.

Before every football game, the Coach gathers everyone together to focus on the task at hand and pump everyone up.

Here To Help Lettering Text on Black Background

Huddling is a form of training, not just the Dos and Don’ts, but the kind that equips and empowers everyone to accomplish the will and work at hand. Building strong business teams.

The MAIN reason we huddle is we don’t know everything on our own. WEEKLY WEBINARS, ONE ON ONE CALLS with our sponsor, coaches, and mentors.

Bouncing ideas off each other. Offering solutions to problems. How do you greet your prospect on your first contact? What do you say or do?

Our FOCUS is PEOPLE. People need love, guidance, and a helping hand.

Strategy: Be genuine in your first connection. People know when others are fake, so be yourself, nerves and all. Be confident, stay focused. People need to know that you have their best interest in mind. You are really here for them.

Remember your smile and friendly greeting can make a difference in someone’s day.

MAIN GOAL: We want to be the most hospitable place on earth! We want people to know their questions will be answered. People offering a helping hand.

I personally have experienced this from our group from the leaders down to someone just getting started. This business has helped me to grow and have great success.

We can never forget we are human beings, we need a personal touch or greeting. We need people to look us in the eye and really see us. We want you to know deep in your spirit that this is a place of safety and a home for years to come.

Don’t overwhelm people with information overload at the beginning. Work your way into it slowly. Don’t be in a hurry, slow down. People are not sure who you are or why you are contacting them.

Introduce yourself so the lead knows you’re a friendly professional following up on their request for more information.

Identify your company to lend more legitimacy to the call, so the lead associates you with a credible professional brand.

Explain the reason for your call to remind leads what prompted them to fill out the form.

Set a timeline to reassure leads that you won’t take up more than a few minutes of their time, and then schedule a time as soon as they’re available to meet with you and discuss their options.

Let them understand you are busy with others and have a small window to help. Time is of the essence. The more time that goes by, people forget who you are and why you are contacting them again.

The better you understand and execute each of these four points, the more appointments you’ll set.

Let’s rock the business world. Here is my first impression for you. Click Here.


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