Close your eyes, take a slow deep breath. Hold for 5 seconds. Now release slowly. Take your time to focus.
Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Learning to relax is not as easy as it sounds. We as a culture have way to many distractions.
Finding your quiet place can be challenging. I’m glad I have my BIG RIG. I can close the curtains from the outside world, sit on my bunk and get quiet before the LORD.
There is real POWER in PEACE. Being at peace with yourself and those around you should be a top priority. When you are angry, mad, upset, your thinking takes you on the negative roadway of destruction.
Repeat after me: I have confidence, I have conviction, I have courage. Today I take my stand to walk in peace, speak words of peace, and think peaceful things
I will open my tool box of motivation videos, books and pod casts. I can’t afford the negative, the price is too high and all I get is an upset stomach.
Never let fear get a hold of you. You are strong, you are powerful, and you have the UNIVERSE at your command. SPEAK WORDS OF LIFE.
Janet Legere wrote a book” Get Stuck On Happy” Click here to order your book.
I recommend : How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
Any book by Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, Scott Reece. Chris Vaughn.
Let your spirit soar to the heavens. NOTHING is held back from you.
What you speak out loud will happen. Positive or negative.
Speak words of life … well said, Michael!
Thank You, Janet. Now if we could get more engagement on our posts. I don’t see
anyone leaving their blog post for me to comment on either.