The Pearl Of Wisdom

Having a great day with Michael The Traveling Trucker. Music, family and lots of food.

Today I give you a poem, Authur unknown.



There once was an oster, Whose story I tell, Who found that some sand, Had got into his shell. It was only a grain, But it gave him great pain.

For oysters have feelings, Although they’re so plain. Now, did he berate the harsh workings of fate that had brought him to such a deplorable state.

Did he curse at the government, cry for election, and claim that the sea should have given him protection?

No- he said to himself as he lay on a shell, Since I cannot remove it, I shall try to improve it. Now years have rolled around, As the years always do, And he came to his ultimate Destiny–stew.

And the small grain of sand that had bothered him so was a beautiful pearl all richly aglow. Now the tale has a moral; for isn’t it grand, what a oyster can do with a morsal of sand.

What couldn’t we do, if we’d only begin with some the things that get under our skin.


So what gets under your skin, Dear Reader? Being a full time driver- what gets under my skins is how people have no reguard for a 53 foot tractor/trailer weighing 79,000 LBS going 65 miles per hour and cut in front of me at the last second expecting me to stop within a short distance. Ain’t happening, sorry.

Learning to improve your health Click Here.

Finding balance between digital consumption, mindset, and quiet time is key. Having an inner peace plan—and working on it every day—is a good way to ensure you reach your goal. Most of the world would never think about giving itself a mental health day, being mindful of it’s quality of life, and being still.

Not everything that causes us stress can be eliminated—nor should it. Low-level stress stimulates the brain to boost productivity and concentrattion. It can also be a big motivator to make changes, solve problems, or accomplish goals.

Beware of peace pickpockets.

You encounter all kinds of people and situations that try to steal your serenity.

Rethink your “should do” and “ought to do” lists.

If the voice in your head is guilting you into doing things that don’t bring you joy, regard these as prime candidates to delete.

Give yourself a quality-of-life checkup.

It’s wise to periodically assess whether you’re satisfied with the quality of your life. If you don’t feel fulfilled, ponder what changes are in order. I hope you ponder on these for a while. Let them sink into your spirit, soul, and body.

Make changes That Bring You Joy, Peace, And Tranquility

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