Well looks who’s back, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is Passion. What do you think about and act on the MOST?
PASSIONATE: Generally it refers to someone who has intense feelings on some topic, whether it is devotion to an ideology or to some cultural passion, like Impressionist painting or hip-hop. The passionate person is often one who tries to convince others that their preferred topic is worthy of everyone else’s attention.
If you have an interest, others might as well. Being passionate about something that others gravitate to can help create a new value. You will be able to see things from an insider’s perspective.
Don’t box in your passion. Letting yourself use your passion to find a way to create value from that passion is helpful. You can find ways to be around your passion, letting the motivation and interest fuel a new endeavor.
When you are passionate about something, you will be able to sustain it through difficult times. Passion helps with a realistic timeline. Being passionate translates to being able to stick with it longer than others.
Passion gets you to do the things necessary to grow and improve.
Instead of going through the motions in life, you will push on and work harder to solve problems.
Mention: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/passion

What consumes your thinking ? If you are like most of us, it ranges from family, friends, work, play, business and MONEY.
In my experience in life, 63 years- money is a tool. Neither good or bad, do you agree?
We should love people and use money, not love money and use people.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/passion/

I love helping people from different walks of life to make money online. I’m still learning each day. Are You?
Things You Should Do: Build Your List. Talk with people daily. Share experience, strength and hope. Teach people by example. Teach them what you know, little or alot.

We all have opportunities to share. Here is mine. Click Here.
I hope you gain great insight from reading. Remember to apply what you learn each day.

Dream It- See It-Experience It- Share It
One thing we all need in our business is passion. Thanks for sharing.
You are so right Kurt without passion we would continue to work a 9 to 5 job not have any ambition.
Passion is everything … it’s important to put as much passion as possible into our lives and into our business. Passion brings happiness too
and vice versa! Love this post, Michael … Welcome back!
Thank you Janet. Getting my passion back. Having a little more time to spend on the internet.