Hello Everyone, Michael “I’m Not Quitting” The Traveling Trucker. I was doing some classroom study through videos and came across this GEM.
ARE YOU A QUITTER? This was a slap in my face to wake me from my dream. Am I willing to put in the work, time, and money to build an empire? I ask you the same question, ARE YOU?
Why would you think about quitting your business after 30, 60,90 days with no success? Would you quit a JOB every 30, 60, 90 days? Of course NOT.
That would be STUPID, and you know it. You have to give it time, doing the right things every day.
If you ask the people why they quit, what answer would you get? ” I hope this works for me, but probably won’t”. I have tried so many and they are all scams.
What you should ask is what did they do in weeks one, two, three, four? Most of the time they did no advertising, no follow-up, no investment.
How could this work? It wouldn’t. Rise up and succeed in spite of your circumstances.
Do you not like freedom, money, respect? We offer all these to those who will embark on life’s journey.
What is the cost compared to return on investment? Depending on what niche you get into, your entry fee could be anywhere from 50.00 to 1000.00s of dollars.
I chose high ticket items. The investment was small and the return on investment was high.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/funnel/
Your funnel is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom for a reason. You want to weed out the quitters, whiners, and broke people. It gets smaller at the bottom where the people who want to invest are and go through each step of the funnel.
How many leads do you want to reach each day? What is your number? You must post ads every day to hit your numbers. Are you showing your business to enough people?
REMEMBER IT’S A NUMBERS GAME, RIGHT? Write you number down, then work like a crazy person until you reach them.

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Another great video and GREAT advice … the only way to fail in this business is to quit … quitters never win and winners never quit! You ARE a Winner! Thank you for your continued leadership, you are an asset to the Community!
I love being part of this community. Everyone here is supportive and willing to help.
Thank you Janet.
Thank You Michael. I totally enjoyed this article. “Every time you quit, you make it easier to tell yourself that quitting is acceptable.” ― Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Thank you Don, I’m so thankful for You and Janet always encouraging me to keep going.
I will look up the Soul food book.
You two ROCK