Mistakes Help You Grow

Have you ever hit your thumb with a hammer? Learning to hit the metal nail instead of your ( human ) nail is important , right?

“What great thing would you attempt, if you knew you could not fail?”

— Robert H. Schuller


So READER, what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What would your life look like? Would it look the same as it does today? If not, how far off from that vision are you?

All too often, fear holds us back from pursuing the things we’d like to be doing. For those trying to build a freelance writing career, affiliate marketing, SEO, Blogging, fear can show up as insecurity, a feeling dread or imposter syndrome, procrastination, lack of confidence, and analysis paralysis, to name a few manifestations.

Fear also impacts goal setting, because when you operate from fear, you may make choices based on the wrong things. Or worse, be afraid to make choices at all. Be strong and courageous. I’ll stick by you and help you grow.]

You need to get past any obstacles and take action to move forward. Identifying your mistakes and knowing how to correct them is all of our goals, RIGHT?

Even though fear may never completely disappear, you’ll learn you CAN make it through. Take a deep breath, NOW. Every time you overcome fear, you’ll gain more confidence … and become even braver … ( SUPERMAN OR WOMEN) willing to tackle bigger and better things … ultimately getting you to a life much richer than you ever imagined. Life is to short to spend worrying about things that might not happen at all. Spend time making YOUR life better.

If you want to go where the BIG money is…

If you want to truly “future-proof” your career and have peace of mind that you’ll always command a high-income (goal) right?

There’s one skill you do need to learn ASAP.

So What Is This Lucrative Skill?

Simple:It’s knowing how to create a content marketing strategy. When it comes to digital marketing, literally ALL of it is driven by content. Got a TikTok, linkedin, or twitter video ad that goes to a sales page? That’s content.

So where do you start? AUDIENCE: No matter what you’re selling — whether it’s your own services, software, or a physical product — you’ve got to know WHO your ideal prospect is. Intimately know the person you want to move to action.

Offer: It becomes infinitely easier to know WHAT to offer them in terms of a solution, whether it’s in the form of a product or service. In my business, I have both. Products and services. Check This Out.

COPY: You might start with a free video the prospect finds on YouTube, which then links to downloading a free lead magnet, which then in turn leads to an email sequence that leads to the sales page. All of these are important, but you MUST know your audience. Get to know them. See what strengths and weaknesses they have and help them SOLVE them.

Because no matter what niche you go into… no matter what industry… this “Audience, Offer, Copy” trifecta remains the same. Remember, It’s about learning, TAKING ACTION and helping your people do the same.

KNOW, LIKE TRUST Is The Name Of The Game

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