Nurse, Scapel

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker. I see you need surgery right away. Nurse prep the patient.


What is the difference between a procedure and a surgery? The key difference between a procedure and surgery is that surgery is more invasive and requires an incision (cutting into your finances), cutting into the skin, to access body tissue, organs, or other internal parts. Procedures are general medical interventions that generally do not require an incision and are less invasive.

When your finances are sick, do you need surgery or a proceedure?

Most of us have had sick finances. We have to look at making them well. Some die, never to recover. Some are restored back to health and are thriving.

Like physical health, there may be some things that are just simply outside of your control. This is why it’s important to do what you can to improve and maintain financial health.

Seeking advise from those that can help is scary. What will they tell us to do? How long will it take?

Financial health is a term used to describe the state of one’s personal monetary affairs. There are many dimensions to financial health, including the amount of savings you have, how much you’re putting away for retirement, and how much of your income you are spending on fixed or non-discretionary expenses.

Good financial health means having good financial habits. Every month you might track your spending in a budget spreadsheet. By knowing exactly how much money you spend, you can more accurately plan to increase your income or cut back on unnecessary expenses if needed. 

Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Make a plan to continue your healthy mindset. Set goals or milestones for yourself. Take the time to “check-in” with yourself. Last but not least, believe in yourself.

A healthy mindset involves finding ways to grow from your thoughts instead of letting them control your life. We should focus on cultivating a healthy mindset. I say that because you can have a healthy mindset even if you feel negative sometimes.

Your prescription is ready for pick up. Take one dose per day until completely well. After the prescription is gone, you will have to excerise your finances daily. Make them stronger, be able to flex those muscles.

As friend, please listen to the Doctor. Do whatever is recommended to do. You are here to become financially healthy, RIGHT? A month from now, 6 weeks, 24 weeks or 12 months from now, you will look in the mirror and see a totally different person. Truly healthy and wealthy. Able to run, climb and lift anything in your way.

Being Sick Is never Fun. Let’s Seek Health And Life

3 thoughts on “Nurse, Scapel”

  1. He Michael. i just recently was made to retire after 37 years of trucking. Yes my finances are very sick trying to live on disability. I am a full time student at American Intercontinental University working towards a degree, im planning on setting up a home based business to get off disability. When i got sick, i lost everything. my house, my cars, my Harley, and even my wife (i miss the Harley more) Things are tough now but they will get better in time. Im living in a 32 ft camper and still dont have a car yet. Disability dont pay enough for those luxury’s. Nice to meet you.
    Barry Boyd

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