Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker.
I’m doing this blog to say to myself” I told You So”. LOL
I gave it a week driving local which is not as local as I thought. I had no home time but to sleep. I have been driving tired. My nights start at 11:30 pm ending the next day around 2pm.
I saw my wife for 30 minutes to 1 hour before I would go to bed, so I could get some sleep. Even my wife said she liked my home time on weekends because I was home all day Saturday and Sunday and some Monday mornings.
She was trying to be quite. She goes to bed around 9:30, so she would wake me up because I’m a light sleeper.
The relief I feel is over whelming. The weight of this job is gone and I can get to doing my internet and blogging, building this wonderful business.
I will be content for the next 5 years before calling it quits. Then my sweet bride and I will travel and see the sights together that I see on the road.
Folks, I say this with love, be content at what ever you do. Find something good in everything you do. Say to yourself,” I’M PROUD OF YOU “. You are doing a great job, keep it up.

I love this post. just goes to prove that not everything is as we hoped. Glad you were able to go back to your original job so quickly. Awesome stuff.
Thank you. That’s why you never burn Bridges when leaving somewhere, you might have to go back which I did